Paying homage to the exquisite peach blossom eyes

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The man with wolf eyes wiped his mouth, then pinched Zhou Tang's ankle, "You are really a precious young master, and you still want me to serve you. "

Before he could reply, a burst of sweetness suddenly broke into the man's mouth, with a hint of fragrance, permeating his heart and stimulating every inch of Gu Zhilan's nerves.

For the first time, Gu Zhilan knew that this kind of thing could actually make him happy.

"You are really willing to take risks." Touching the man's buried head with one hand, Zhou Tang blushed and let out a breath.

The wound on the shoulder slowly scarred as the healing body continued to heal, leaving two pink lines in the end.

The originally gentle water flow turned into cold silver thorns like meeting an iceberg, but it was fleeting like meeting lava, scratching the bone marrow.

If Zhou Tang, who was wrapped in warmth, was like a floating boat, then at this moment, the floating boat seemed to be floating on the lake, and for an instant it was placed in a high-temperature fire to bake, stimulating the neurons of the superpower.

Ups and downs, misty and void.

Fireworks in my mind exploded from a distance, blooming in the dark night sky. The gorgeous, shiny smear embellishes the area.

Suddenly eroded by an unfamiliar power, Zhou Tang felt his heart gradually become sluggish, as if it would stop beating in the next second, and danced with Gu Zhilan.

It was clear that Zhou Tang, who looked relaxed and proud, was the one looking down at him, but the cold and flames swept through his body, and every hair and even his fingers were no longer under his control.

Zhou Tang deeply realized that this might be Gu Zhilan's second power causing trouble. One of his powers was thunder, so what could the other one be?

Could it be that he is also a spiritual type?

Zhou Tang frowned and was about to investigate, but his chaotic thoughts threw his body up and down.

Zhou Tang suddenly grabbed the hair on the man's forehead, looked at the other man's red lips, and asked: "What did you do to me?"

The man who was forced to look up had deep eye sockets, and his originally dull eyes were actually shining now. Extraordinarily bright.

He is obviously an unruly wild wolf, but he seems to be extremely obedient to his master's arrogant treatment.

"What's wrong, don't continue?" Gu Zhilan asked calmly, but the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

His shaved lips at this moment looked as if they had been stained with blood-red rose juice.

Zhou Tang tried his best to pull Gu Zhilan's hair, trying to inflict pain, but his weak body could only allow him to gently lift the hair like a caress.

After taking a few long breaths, the man opened his eyes, rubbed his tall nose, and his mouth was ready to touch something.

There were no lights on in the room, making it extremely dark.

The eyes were shining with dark light, the man's sharp chin was hidden in the gray shadow, and the long and thick eyelashes were wrapped in the depth.

With a slight snort in his nose, he stared at Zhou Tang's extraordinarily delicate young master's posture.

He sneered for a moment: "I have done a lot. I don't know what you are talking about. Is it swallowing your things?"

When he said the last sentence, his tone was very provocative and had a bad connotation.

"Huh? Is it comfortable?" he asked again.

The clear wolf eyes were wrapped with a hint of smile. Gu Zhilan's smile was like a melting glacier or a fleeting scene in the hazy night.

He looked at the unconscious young man, and before he could react, he spoke in a serious tone, and said slightly formally:

"I am quite interested in you, and sometimes I want to lock you up so that you are only mine. A doll is my only possession."

His tone was full of sincerity, a kind of ultimate desire, admiration, and possession.

The raised eyes quickly closed again, and Zhou Tang just immersed himself in the man's service and remained silent.

Gu Zhilan's smile gradually faded.

It was obviously his first time meeting this young man, so why was Zhou Tang's charming and confident demeanor firmly engraved in his mind.

Whenever Zhou Tang turned his attention to others, Gu Zhilan especially wanted to deal with those people and snatch him away.

Then break the boy's legs and stay by his side forever.

But when he really came into contact with the boy, his heart softened again, and the familiar aura in his heart warned him not to hurt him in the slightest.

For the first time, Gu Zhilan discovered that he would be soft-hearted to a man.

So he simply avoided Zhou Tang so that he would not be in pain and excitement.

The sudden surge of supernatural power was like a dripping light spot. Zhou Tang instantly opened his eyes and looked at the man who caused the trouble.

"You dare to play with me?" Zhou Tang said angrily, looking at the man's throat where he was swallowing wantonly.

Gu Zhilan felt that his endurance was still too low. As long as the young man could keep his eyes on him, he would be satisfied, no matter how excessive his demands were on him.

At this moment, when Zhou Tang laid his eyes on him, all he could think about was how to treat him.

You Yiyan was right, he was indeed just a coward, but a coward also wanted to touch the sun. Whether it was the black sun or the blazing flames, he would hold it down and keep it with him.

The wild moonlight filtered into the bed through the window sill, and Gu Zhilan could only see the charming Zhou Tang, with his dark eyes half-opened and a look of displeasure about to burst into anger.

1805: "Wait host, although I can't see the screen, it sounds like you are very happy...why are you so angry?"

Listening to the sudden system sound in surprise, Zhou Tang rubbed Gu Zhilan's head and spoke calmly. : "This is what you have to do to treat him, what do you know?"

His eyebrows were filled with spring water, and he turned to look at Gu Zhilan, his pink lips slightly opened, and his voice was soft and soft: "Who do you belong to? ? Will it belong to me?"

Zhou Tang's tone was like tempting a simple and unworldly young man, showing his gentlest side in front of Gu Zhilan.

But whether he is kind and simple or evil and cruel, Gu Zhilan will not change as long as the soul in the body in front of him is there.

He only devoted his precious time to him.

After being stunned for a second, Gu Zhilan reached out and touched his forehead. His noses touched Zhou Tang's, seeming a little happy.

Standing up and holding him in her arms, Gu Zhilan controlled his emotions, "Yes, I belong to you, Mo Sa."

"I only belong to you." Gu Zhilan repeated.

"Then do you like me?"


1805: "Congratulations to the host, the mission progress is 30%! Five percent of this comes from Gu Zhilan's emotions at the moment."

With a cold snort, Zhou Tang pushed him away gently and spoke to his brain. The internal system ridiculed: "They say that a man's promises cannot be trusted when his semen is on his head. It's true."

Gu Zhilan paused and looked at Zhou Tang who pushed him away in surprise.

With his breath suffocated, Gu Zhilan couldn't help but hold him back. A faint blue power condensed on his fingertips, turning the power into a slightly sensitive electricity that flowed through Zhou Tang's limbs.

"Don't push me away, Mo Sa, is there anything I can't do enough?" Gu Zhilan looked at him with deep eyes and pursed lips.

It seemed that he was very afraid that he would grease his soles and run away in the next second.

Glancing meaningfully at him with a cautious look on his face, but trying not to tear him apart, Zhou Tang replied with a smile.

"You did a good job, I'm very satisfied." It's a pity that I can't feel the progress of the task, Gu Zhilan.

A glimmer of light overflowed from his obscure eyes. Gu Zhilan grabbed the person with his backhand and dragged the person back into his arms. He gently touched the person's forehead with the bridge of his nose and touched the water like a dragonfly.

"It doesn't matter if you're not satisfied - I won't let you go."

The next morning, the sun gradually rose into the sky. The rooms were tightly closed, covered with curtains, and there were only a few rays of sunlight floating in the room.

Gu Zhilan, who had slept soundly with Zhou Tang in his arms, reflexively pushed away the nephrite in his arms as soon as he woke up. After seeing his face clearly, he pulled her back affectionately.

Zhou Tang walked downstairs with a relaxed pace to check out the situation. The man behind him, Gu Zhilan, had a protective look on his face.

It's hard not to imagine what Zhou Tang and Gu Zhilan did last night.

But the fact is that they were just chatting under the quilt. Without Zhou Tang's permission, Gu Zhilan couldn't touch him.

Seeing that You Yiyan, several team members and Su Ruxue had blue-gray dark circles in their eyes, Zhou Tang paused and asked, "Did something happen last night?"

His face was haggard, as if he had been up all night.

Zhou Tang didn't know that You Yiyan and others stayed up all night and were actually prepared for the zombies' attack downstairs.

Their instincts were not wrong.

You Yiyan rubbed his temples, his face full of exhaustion, "Asa, low-level zombies came in like crazy last night, as if they were risking their lives. We have to be careful next time."

A small wave of zombies came at night. The number of these zombies There were probably about fifty of them, all of them at the low level. They would just stupidly climb up the railing, and in the end they were shot in the head by You Yiyan's gun.

They didn't plan to go to sleep until dawn.

You Yiyan's face was full of exhaustion. Seeing that the boy with rosy cheeks was sleeping very full, he opened his mouth and said with a strange smile: "Why is he following you so closely?"

He glared at Gu Zhilan, who had a calm face. , You Yiyan's brain was alert, and he had a dark feeling that something was not good.

With a smile on his lips, Zhou Tang glanced at Gu Zhilan, who had a particularly high-spirited temperament, and walked to the sofa in front of everyone and sat down casually.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Zhilan also landed next to him, sticking close to him.

"I don't know, maybe you like me." Zhou Tang blinked his watery eyes and ignored Gu Zhilan's fiery gaze, saying innocently.

Hearing this, You Yiyan patted the seat next to him, and the whole person fell into an anxious atmosphere. He said in a heavy tone, "Then sit here with me."

Everyone listened to the captain's words, and their eyes glanced at Mo Sa's neck in a vague way. There was a trace of it, and he glanced at Gu Zhilan, who had soothing eyebrows, and he suddenly understood.

"No, he wants to sit here with me." Holding the long-awaited waist, Gu Zhilan raised his head and stared at You Yiyan with a defiant expression.


This was the first word that came to You Yiyan's mind.

Unexpectedly, he would be provoked by a man who only knew how to watch movies. You Yiyan's eyes were hot, and some crazy flames suddenly appeared as he stared at Zhou Tang.

"Asa, you won't let me down, right?" You Yiyan's low and hoarse voice was filled with endless tenderness.

Taking a deep breath, You Yiyan controlled the anger in his heart, his scarlet eyes filled with a creepy tenderness.

At the moment when Zhou Tang and Gu Zhilan were intimate, he almost wanted to find a place to lock Zhou Tang there forever.

Nodding, Zhou Tang held Gu Zhilan's big palm, then gently pulled it away. After giving him a comforting smile, he stood up and sat next to You Yiyan.

You Yiyan's breathing suddenly became heavy. Zhou Tang found a comfortable position for himself, sat in the man's arms, listened to his erratic breathing, and chuckled in his heart.

"You Yiyan is still the most innocent." He is also the cutest.

There was a vibration in the man's chest. You Yiyan smiled and put her hands on his shoulders, whispering in his ear: "I'm not enough, how many more people do you want to provoke, huh?"

1805 answered for the host: "Provoke four Personally."

Zhou Tang narrowed his eyes, looked at him dangerously, breathed in his nose, and said slowly: "You are enough, but you are not enough."

Greedy, You Yiyan scratched his nose. .

The young man's breath seemed to be mixed with sweet scent and nectar, sweet and lustful, messing up every cell in You Yiyan's body.

You Yiyan lowered her head and kissed the corners of his eyes tenderly. Her deep voice with a hint of clarity was very charming at this moment.

"Okay, it's up to you. I'm enough. Does Ah Sa like me the most, and everyone else comes second?"

"That's what you think, fiancé~" In his heart, four people who had fragments of his lover People are all equally important, we just treat them differently.

The young man clinging to the man had a proud face, his delicate face was slightly red, and his eyes were filled with pride, which made him even more breathtaking and alluring.

Rubbing his lips, You Yiyan kissed his forehead, "I'm here, Ah Sa. I can't live without you for a long time."

Gu Zhilan's eyes across from him were calm, but his heart was slightly tingling.

The softness in his hands was suddenly emptied out, as if even his soul and chest began to surge with grief and pain.

Inexplicable pain swept through his body, and Gu Zhilan felt that sadness overflowed his heart.

1805: "Hey... why do you want to make Gu Zhilan sad? He looks so frustrated and sad."

Rubbing his face against You Yiyan's chin, Zhou Tang glanced at the man who exuded the aura of resentment, his eyes flashing slightly.

Pulling the corner of his lips slightly, Zhou Tang said to the system: "Why? He has dual-type superpowers that he hid from me. He still used them on me last night, and the mission progress only increased by 5%?"

Zhou Tang squinted his eyes. Gu Zhilan, who always stayed away from the crowd with a look of fun and enigma, rubbed his chin.

If they guessed correctly, they must have reached some kind of consensus before, otherwise it would be impossible for the former combat partners to avoid each other's eyes.

This is human psychology and subconscious dodge.

After resting in this villa for a day, a group of people marched towards the next clearing point in the sunlight.

Successfully contacted the Zone Z base using the wireless radio. You Yiyan and Su Ruxue had already contacted Jiang Fengli. They all looked a little solemn about the zombie's automatic digestion and upgrade.

Jiang Fengli thought it was time to put the boy's eradication plan on the agenda using a method that would prevent the boy from getting hurt.

Zhou Tang was really worried about facing the sneak attack of high-level zombies alone. Carrying a gun, Jiang Fengli and Lin Muyan drove towards their urban area.

Many freshly skinned zombie corpses were already lying on the luxurious streets. They arrived at the scene a step too late, allowing the mysterious high-level zombie to escape.

Everyone gnashed their teeth in anger, fearful that the zombies suddenly came to kill them with a bunch of monsters, and disgusted with the way they were being fooled around.

With powers always wrapped around her hands, Su Ruxue stood in the crowd and glanced at the young man surrounded by You Yiyan and Gu Zhilan, with a cold light flashing in her eyes.

"Everyone, stop for a moment. Since that zombie has sanity, it proves that it may also be guarding against us. Don't throw yourself into a trap."

Su Ruxue stood still and spoke to the people in the distance.

The man didn't answer the woman's words, he just thought to himself.

After thinking about it, You Yiyan felt that it made sense. He glanced at Su Ruxue, then turned to look at the tired-looking young man.

They have searched many places, but have not found any zombies. It seems that they have all been killed and practiced Gu, becoming nutrients for the high-level zombies that are constantly absorbing crystal nuclei.

The surrounding area was very empty, and he could react immediately if he encountered a sneak attack. You Yiyan thought about the time and realized that it would be some time before Jiang Fengli could come, so he took Zhou Tang in his arms and decided to rest where he was.

A gust of dark wind came, and the unusual aura caused Zhou Tang to instantly narrow his eyes and look around.

1805: "Host, something is not right, it seems to be in danger."

After the system prompts, many zombies suddenly sprang out around them, as if outflanking them, their intelligence is frightening.

"Swish, swish, swish -"

The zombie bites the human closest to it, tearing off a large piece of flesh. The dirty teeth pierce the skin, and the thick green liquid is so disgusting that it makes people want to vomit.

This sneak attack was caught off guard. These zombies really have sanity. They can not only suppress them, but also ambush them.

Screams of fear and pain were heard from the superpowers, and Zhou Tang behind him picked up his saber, killed a disgusting monster with one blow, and stabbed and exploded their brains.

There was a stench of fishy wind coming from behind. Zhou Tang glanced sideways at the bloody mouth and frowned.

You Yiyan raised his eyes, and his pupils stood upright for a moment. He looked at the zombie biting the young man. Before his mind could react, he rushed out and pushed the young man away.

Zhou Tang's dark eyes seemed to be covered with a thin mist, and there were ice slag in them.

The next second, a tyrannical force pushed him away, and a red gushing blood streaked across his eyes, making Zhou Tang feel a rare fear.

That's...You Yiyan!

His pupils shrank suddenly, and Zhou Tang stared closely at You Yiyan's disappeared sleeve. The palm and half of his arm were bitten off by the high-level zombie in front of him.

You Yiyan's gone?

just this?

Zhou Tang was stunned for two seconds, and tears quickly began to gather in his eyes unconsciously.

"You Yiyan?" Zhou Tang asked.

"Hey, I'm here, A-Sa." The man's eyebrows were raised slightly, and the man smiled weakly. His bright peach blossom eyes had lost all their brilliance at this moment.

In order not to distract the young man, You Yiyan endured the pain and sweat on his forehead, showed him a charming and affectionate smile, and said intermittently, "I'm fine...don't be distracted, I..."

You Yiyan has two sexy lips Zhou Tang has always known about lips. His peach blossom eyes are more beautiful than ordinary people, and all kinds of emotions are hidden in them.

Those peach blossom eyes suddenly lost their vitality due to loss of brightness, as if they were about to rot and die.

That's right, not everyone has the chance to be reborn again after losing his arm. His healing system was originally a golden finger given by the system.

The young man raised his head and stared at him, then wiped away his tears with a sudden expression on his face.

Zhou Tang's delicate and thick facial features began to be filled with rich black. His expression was arrogant and strange, almost going crazy, as if he was about to wield his supernatural power to kill people in the next second.

Zhou Tang's eyes were more sinister than ever before, and the power that had been imprisoned hundreds of times in his body came out at this moment.

He spread his arms, and his hands gradually gathered huge powers, and countless powerful light balls were shot at the monster in front of him that was swallowing its limbs.

He kicked the zombie gasping in thick green blood and said in a cold voice, "It's not good for you to touch anyone. How about you touch him?"

Substantial murderous intent spread towards the people around him. This was showing off in front of outsiders. This was the first time Mo Sa had erupted with such solid violence.

The killing intent that tortured the superpower user was even more intense than the last time.

Zhou Tang stared at the zombie who could speak. He thrust the saber into his neck, slicing his jugular veins and cutting off all the nerves connected to his head.

Everyone had been stunned by the situation in front of them. Even Gu Zhilan, who came from the fight halfway, looked stunned.

Seeing the zombie bite off You Yiyan's hand, Su Ruxue's face was stunned. A trace of ferocity flashed under her gentle appearance, and then her face became full of pride.

Not only the little lunatic Chu Qin Cult can control mental powers, but also the stunningly beautiful Su Ruxue.

And by absorbing the crystal cores of mid-level zombies, her abilities are almost equal to those of the powerful people present.

This is the halo and golden finger of the heroine, and it is also her goal of always changing her life.

The surrounding zombies are constantly coming here, not only because of Su Ruxue's handiwork, but also because of her careful consideration.

She was not jealous of Mo Sa. Even though the men around her liked Mo Sa, she had no other thoughts.

She just wanted to win Jiang Fengli's attention and make Jiang Fengli's face look amazed by her power.

In the last days, as a woman, she was looked down upon by others, but she had such a special golden finger, which encouraged her determination to become a strong person.

She knew that Jiang Fengli would only love the strong.

And she will only be the strong one.

If he is not liked even though he is so strong, what qualifications does that young man have?

Looking at the dying man in Zhou Tang's arms for a moment, Su Ruxue smiled silently.

Since he can't hurt you, a man who can seriously hurt you is also very good.

After decisively trampling the zombie into ashes, Zhou Tang immediately turned around and hugged You Yiyan who was blocking the knife for him, with a gloomy look on his face.

"Does it hurt?" He released a steady stream of energy from his wrist, trying to repair the damage to the man and regrow his limbs.

"It doesn't hurt -"

As soon as You Yiyan finished speaking, his brows furrowed, as if he could squeeze a fly to death.

Apparently he knew his future, assimilated into a zombie, or died of excessive bleeding.

He hurriedly advised the young man not to waste his powers anymore. You Yiyan's handsome face was full of regret: "Asa, don't waste your powers."

The corners of You Yiyan's lips curled up slightly, and the warm smile at this moment was particularly special on his handsome and pale face. nice.

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