His Beloved Rose

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His restless atmosphere of Oriental Rose and sensational music constitute the underground city's consistent decadent style. The absence of a young man who enhances the atmosphere does not seem to cause any loss to the underground city.

This is still a holy place belonging to the vampires. It is not only the place where passionate pheromones are produced, but also the reason why they spread the smell of blood in the air through their passionate and drunken words.

"Let me tell you, that scene was really spectacular." A cold vampire took a sip of the liquid in his hand, and then grinned, "The prince's precious blood slave was snatched away by a human hunter. He was so angry that two of them were taken away."

The men and women watching the theater were stunned for a while, and then heard him continue: "I was present at the song and dance party. The scene was so intense that even Zhou Tang was taken away. Let's go. You have all heard that the hunter treated the vampire captives very cruelly. I'm afraid he has become a fan by now." 

After saying that, he shook his head and glanced at the surrounding audience who were listening attentively. "It's a pity for you. I didn't see that scene. I've never seen the prince so angry. He's just a blood slave..."

They couldn't understand why Hebbs' emotional mutation was so strong. As a creature of the vampire race, he was inherently selfish and vicious. There is no emotion at all, they are more flattering and hedonistic.

It's so funny to pin your emotions on a blood slave. Could it be that the prince is just playing the game of falling in love?

"The prince's blood slave is also a vampire?" The man sitting in front of them said something, tilted his head and asked.

The man had a pair of deep blue eyes and a face like a god from Greek mythology. He held a glass of blood in his hand and listened intently.

"You don't know Zhou Tang? He is simply a crazed demon. He deserves to be caught by them, but it's a pity that they didn't have the chance to hold him down..."

The vampire was already drunk and was a little unconscious, but he still She was confused about his question and looked a little nervous.

Is there anyone in this circle who doesn't know Zhou Tang?

Just when he thought there was something weird about the man in front of him, the man who asked the question flashed his blue eyes, and his eyes revealed the redness belonging to the vampires, but only for a moment.

"Thank you for your answer." He smiled slightly, then stood up and arranged his suit to leave.

Looking at his back, the man who spoke gave up the idea and shook his head to wake up. He muttered: "Who did you think it was...it turned out to be a half-vampire." Half-vampire, as the name suggests, is a cross between humans and vampires/ The product of being born unconsciously, humans are afraid of him, and vampires disdain and look down on him.

This is an identity that will only be disliked and disgusted no matter which side you walk on.

Holding a black umbrella, the man walked under the scorching sun. As if he had thought of something, he casually threw away the drink cup he had paid for in his hand. At the end, he wiped his hands, and a murmur spread in the wind.

"This blood is so dirty."


The young man on the wooden bed was wearing a black lace Gothic dress, which Maidman had stolen from a rich man's house when he went to the Imperial District. Because of excessive hunger, Zhou Tang had to start Sleep to regulate your body.

The man looked at the rare well-behaved and quiet appearance of the young man who exuded a ghostly aura, and couldn't help but approach him blankly, looking at his cheek carefully.

"Do you have a peeping habit?"

The young man on the bed suddenly opened his lips and said, without even looking at Maidman, as if he was extremely disgusted.

"To prevent you from escaping, you must bring this with you." Maidman endured it and said coldly to the sleepy young man on the bed.

He walked towards Zhou Tang calmly, and then placed a pair of obsidian handcuffs on Zhou Tang's hands.

"I won't let you die, but I won't let you have such a comfortable life. These are my special silver cuffs. If you struggle too hard, it will burn your wrists."

Shrugging, Zhou Tang said His face was indifferent, and he pursed his green and white lips, "Isn't this what you want? Lock me up and suffer your punishment. Do I have a chance to refuse?" The

young man's face showed that he didn't take him seriously. Maidman was so angry that he couldn't help but tugged on the silver handcuffs. With a "sizzle" sound, a circle of burning red marks suddenly appeared on Zhou Tang's wrist.

"Zhou Tang, won't you give in to me? As long as you lower your posture a little, what do you want?" "

Don't make me laugh. What is your status that deserves me to do that?"

The man gritted his teeth and looked at Zhou Tang's pale lips bit her finger and stuffed it into his mouth.

Obviously Zhou Tang's words once again aroused his desire to conquer. He looked at the young man whose hands were locked with him, and his eyes gradually became cloudy.

As long as he drinks it, he won't be able to control his instinct. Yes, vampires are like this, they can't help but be tempted.

Maidman was almost insane, all he wanted to do was force Zhou Tang to drink his own blood.

"Go away!" Zhou Tang pushed Maidman away fiercely, ignoring the pain of his wrist being burned by the silver cuffs. He spat on one side, wiped his lips, raised his eyes and smiled sarcastically.

"Your blood tastes really bad. It tastes as disgusting as sewer bugs in underground sewers that don't see the sun."

1805: "I have to remind you that Maidman's blackening value is increasing, host."

Whatever, just destroy it. , I also want to go dark.

Maidman avoided the young man's insult and stared into his black eyes, "This oriental leather bag is really cute, but it's a pity that the words coming out of his mouth ruined my mood."

He threw an umbrella towards Zhou Tang, Then he rolled up his sleeves and said, "Lilsi is going to church to pray in the afternoon. You can hold an umbrella later and I will take you with me."

Crazy vampire, which vampire would be willing to go to church, Zhou Tang was speechless in his heart.

As if knowing that Zhou Tang was very reluctant, he rolled his eyes and said, "I'm the biggest here. If you don't please me now, don't regret it in the future."

The sky in Lotei City was always gray, like a sign of the arrival of evil spirits. The flowers growing in the slums have also become obscene and foul-smelling because they have been soaked in blood all year round.

They were not as delicate and beautiful as the flowers grown in Herbers' backyard.

Zhou Tang, who was holding a black umbrella on a cloudy day, looked out of place with the humans working in front of him.

Subduing the murderous intention in his body, Zhou Tang looked at the eyesore in his hand with a calm expression.

1805: "What are you thinking about, host?"

"I miss my man." Holding the umbrella Maidman gave, Zhou Tang stood in the aisle and stared at the two interacting in the distance: "I want him to pick me up quickly. , I miss him so much."

The young man in white clothes in the distance held a towel in his hand. Every time Maidman knocked on the iron stone, he stood on tiptoe to wipe the man's sweat, looking very affectionate.

Zhou Tang saw the happy smile on Lilsi's face and Maidman's doting eyes.

This was nothing to him, it would only make him miss Herbers who was far away in the Imperial District even more.

But is Liers really willing to stay here, not only having to live without enough food and clothing, but also having to prevent vampires from coming here to catch people?

Zhou Tang didn't believe it, but he didn't know what Lilsi had in mind. He was clearly supposed to be close to Herbers, but now he suddenly changed his goal and was courting the spare tire?

Looking at this scene, both 1805 and Zhou Tang were silent for a few seconds.

Zhou Tang: "Look how well they match each other. As long as they are together, my mission will be completed."

1805 was silent for two seconds: "...Don't you think this is an opportunity? Maidman is in such a good mood. If you give in to him, maybe he will lower the blackening value and let you go. You came to this world to do a mission. I'm not here to fall in love."

Shui's eyes narrowed slightly, and a smile appeared on Zhou Tang's eyebrows, "Who made the task target happen to be Herbers, otherwise I wouldn't be so greedy, but Maidman still forgets it. , you want me to give this opportunity to you."

Since Maidman was humiliated by him, he no longer came near him. Zhou Tang said that he was happy and relaxed, but not drinking blood for several days made him feel dizzy.

But he could endure it until Herbers came.

Hearing the host's thoughts, 1805 rolled his eyes and complained: "It's not that you don't want to drink it, you can just bear it and drink animal blood. Maidman even put his hand in your mouth and doesn't want to drink it. Host Do you know what your place was called in ancient times?"

"What's it called?" He raised his eyes and stared at a towering pure white building in front of him, not paying much attention.

1805 word for word: "A chaste and fierce man."

Zhou Tang sneered.

Next to the slums is a cathedral that vampires are very afraid of. In this continent controlled by the vampires, this Rox church is the only place that is not disturbed.

The red cross at the top has become extremely clean after being washed away by the rain in the past few days. When the humans at the bottom see the church standing brightly, they will only feel that God is protecting them.

Humans like to come here to pray and devoutly appeal to God, hoping that one day their human hunters can eliminate all vampires.

Because Liers used to come to the church to pray every day, when Liers mentioned that she wanted to come with him, Maidman had to follow him.

But he wouldn't be so big-hearted as to put the vampires on human territory to prevent Zhou Tang from escaping. He could only bring them along with him.

It sounded ridiculous to bring a vampire to the church. Because he was living under someone else's roof, Zhou Tang could only accompany the two of them there with a gloomy face.

After leading Lilsi and Zhou Tang outside the church, he turned to look at Zhou Tang. Because Zhou Tang was a vampire, he specially put his riding robe on him.

"Stay here, don't run around." Maidman said seriously, then walked into the church with Lils.

Standing far outside the lobby, Zhou Tang looked at the two Maidmanns who were standing inside praying to the statue on the cross.

How stupid, Zhou Tang thought to himself.

"Father, is there really a god in the world?"

Liers opened her eyes as clear as an elk, holding the cross in her hand, and looked at the man expectantly.

"Child." The priest touched Liers' head, quietly avoided the cross, and said in a heavy voice: "God loves the world. As long as you pray sincerely, everything you want will come true."

Zhou Tangwen stood in the distance He sneered, if there really is a god, then why doesn't he see a god to punish him? It's just a scrap of useless data.

The praying women and children slowly left, and the priest followed Maidman out. Just when Zhou Tang was about to turn around and leave, he called out to the strange young man holding an umbrella in front of him.

"Are you Zhou Tang?"

The unfamiliar voice of the man made Zhou Tang frown. He turned around and looked at the man walking towards him, and the chaotic breath seemed to come out of his bones.

Zhou Tang stared into his eyes and said nothing.

The blue-eyed priest raised his eyebrows and looked at the reluctant young man with interest.

The priest's nose twitched slightly and he looked at Zhou Tang's injured wrist. The smell floating in the air made his eyes darken.

"You look bad. Is your wrist okay?"

A hint of joking flashed across the young man's evil brows. He gently stroked the burnt part of his wrist and half-closed his eyes to cover the crow eyes. of vigilance.

"Of course I'm fine."


Only lamp oil was burning in the elegant and luxurious room. The handsome man licked the blood on the corner of his mouth, and then spat with disgust.

He skillfully sucked the dying man with his hands, and stared at him numbly with his red eyes, "You hit my gun, and you asked for it." In the

desperate eyes of the man, he twisted hard Breaking the vampire's neck, he threw it to the side like trash. The butler standing in the distance looked at all this in a panic.

The shriveled corpse and vicious eyes, accompanied by scarlet blood, spattered in the man's study.

Herbers shook his hand, lay down on the armchair, picked up the pipe on the table, took a slow drag, and said in a heavy tone, "Clean them up, faster."

Zhou Tang was recently arrested, and he not only wanted to To deal with the vicious dogs that would attack him at any time, he also had to devote his energy to thinking about how to bring Zhou Tang back safely.

Even if the human said that he would not hurt Zhou Tang, Herbers would not believe it. Humans are cunning and treacherous guys.

The butler walked in silently and dragged away the corpses. After finally cleaning up and dispersing the smell of blood in the air, he brought a glass of blood from the maid waiting at the door.

"Master, this is his blood. Although he was captured, we still have stock."

Breathing out a breath of smoke, Herbers's unruly expression paused and he looked at the glass of blood in front of him with an unpredictable expression.

He hadn't drank blood for several days, and when he suddenly saw this blood again, he could only feel disgust on his face.

"I don't need it." Herbers took a deep breath, then kicked the blood in front of him, "I don't drink other people's blood."

He just wanted to drink Zhou Tang's blood now, and he wanted it very much.

He was addicted to the flaming and charming sweetness of the young man. Except for his lover, he would not take another sip of the blood of any other low-quality blood slave.

In this endless time, only Zhou Tang is his eternity, and he must take it back.

That is his person, the oriental rose that belongs only to him. His beloved rose.

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