Abandoning The Throne

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Pomeranian's life is at stake at this moment, and the boy holding the back of his neck is like a fragile little fox.

Why is it a fox? Because as long as the man relaxes even a little bit, the prey will bite him back.

There was a strong sense of pressure on his neck, but Zhou Tang didn't feel any fear, but still smiled thrillingly, "They all deserve to die, you know, rotten and stinky people don't deserve to live, they have to be buried with You Yiyan."

These cruel and morbid words continued. It was carried out by Zhou Tang. Seeing the man's sluggishness, he said the big words that 1805 had advised him at the beginning.

"Since this world is not what I want, then I will change this apocalypse and create an apocalypse that belongs only to me!"

He stood in front of the man, and the backlight shone obliquely on his profile, lighting up his long eyelashes like butterfly wings. The shadow reveals the tall and delicate bridge of his nose.

It was actually ridiculous to say such a fantasy from the mouth of such a delicate young man, but Jiang Fengli was not in the mood to laugh.

Because through the mottled sunlight, he saw the fire in Zhou Tang's eyes that was about to devour him.

Ambitious, fierce and dazzling, it is a ray of light that illuminates this end of the world.

The young man's words were unexpected and exploded into fireworks in Jiang Fengli's mind, which were as dazzling as bright pearls.

As the leader of the human base, there is a arrogant man in front of him, who claims that he will be king in the end of the world. If it were anyone else, he would not hesitate to solve the hidden dangers.

But Jiang Fengli felt that he seemed to be convinced by him, and he did not want to see Zhou Tang's face showing frustration and unwillingness, nor did he want to see him struggling in despair.

As if he had seen it before, shadows suddenly appeared in his mind and disappeared instantly before he could catch them.

He wanted to escape any outcome that would make the boy in front of him unhappy.

Seeing the young man's determined face, Jiang Fengli controlled him within the distance between himself and the car, stared into his eyes and asked:

"Do you really want to rush into that place full of high-level and mid-level zombies alone? If you are caught You will be infected. I don't want you to die there, do you understand?"

Zhou Tang closed his eyes slightly and still smiled: "Don't you know that my blood can suppress the zombie virus? It's a pity that I can't save You Yiyan..."

"Where's Gu Zhilan? You just lured him back to Area Z and rushed to danger yourself. Does he know?"

The young man paused and said nothing.

Taking the initiative to wrap his hands around the man's muscular waist, Zhou Tang pressed his cheek against the man's chest, listening to his heartbeat: "As long as I have breath, I can still be reborn even if I am torn apart by zombies."

"And Gu Zhilan... I As long as he lives well, I will not die."

Zhou Tang cruelly said this horrifying imagination, which made Jiang Fengli, who had experienced many battles, couldn't help but take a breath after hearing it, with a look of fanaticism in his eyes.

Is this what the person in front of me would say? He is so crazy. Just because You Yiyan was bitten, he will kill all the zombies.

Zhou Tang said this, could it be that he was ready? Does his child understand the pain of having flesh and blood devoured infinitely and then growing again!

Jiang Fengli, who wished he could tie up Zhou Tang and take him back to the base now, became more solemn, and something quietly condensed on his fingertips.

"Do you really want to go by yourself without me accompanying you?" Jiang Fengli lowered his eyes and asked the young man in front of him again.

Zhou Tang's calm eyes seemed to hide a machete, "Yes, I don't need anyone to accompany me. Because you will implicate me."

He not only wanted to destroy the group of zombies, but also turned Su Ruxue into a zombie.

Transform into her favorite appearance of neither human nor ghost, and then wander around the world. Without death, there will be no failure of the heroine's death mission.

Seeing that he did not receive the 1805 notification sound after reviewing it in his mind, Zhou Tang smiled coldly.

The heavy feeling of restraint suddenly disappeared, and Jiang Fengli immediately let go of his hot hand, then covered his face and laughed.

"You want to kill me. If I had known you were this kind of person... My child, you are too strong. If I could go back to the beginning, I would rather not collect your blood and keep you firmly in Z area. "

The man's calm eyes showed a hint of madness because of Zhou Tang's words, and a few physiological tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

He didn't know what was suddenly filling his heart. He only knew that with this invisible and intangible thing, Jiang Fengli could remember the dazzling young man in front of him more clearly and deeply.

His face is still calm and mature, his features are extremely clear-cut, and his stubborn voice is like a mad dog chasing behind the sun, stepping step by step towards the scorching sun that can burn him.

In order to keep himself cruel and in order not to hurt them again, Zhou Tang maintained the calmness and sanity he had when he first arrived.

It seemed that nothing Jiang Fengli said could change his mind or change Zhou Tang's indifferent eyes.

The tall bridge of his nose rubbed against Zhou Tang's ear, feeling his real body temperature. Jiang Fengli showed a caring and nostalgic smile, which was different from the savage and ferocious plunder in his usual days.

At the end, he murmured: "My heart ran away with you, so I came out to look for you, you know?"

Jiang Fengli has been smoking for a long time. At this moment, the words he murmured passed through the vocal cords, settling like mellow spirits. , one sip will make you drunk.

The smooth muscle lines traced slight curves along the tight camouflage uniform. He smoothed Zhou Tang's forehead hair and kissed his forehead, "I can't let go of you for a long time. Love and desire are always difficult to distinguish. If you didn't like me before, why not consider me in the future?"

"Jiang Fengli, you old man, do you really not know or do you pretend not to know?" Zhou Tang immediately held the man's handsome face and gently rubbed it with his canine teeth. Rubbing the bridge of his tall nose, he finally sighed.

Zhou Tang's forehead was slightly messy, and his full lips slowly pressed on Jiang Fengli's lips, "I love you very much, but it's too dangerous to follow me. I just don't want you to die again."

1805: "Congratulations to the host, the mission "Progress 60%"

has increased by 10, which means that Jiang Feng is only 15% away from being full.

Jiang Fengli hugged the young man in his arms tightly, a trace of bloodlust igniting in his eyes.

His voice was low and full of desire, his breath was hot, and he breathed in Zhou Tang's ear: "Whatever you want to do, I will help you, let me follow you."

Let him follow, he is willing to do anything.

The man's voice was extremely seductive, attacking every fold in Zhou Tang's heart that was about to collapse. The charm in it made him involuntarily feel possessed.

Zhou Tang was startled and narrowed his eyes, a hint of emotion flashed in his eyes.

If nothing else, the man in front of him was so affectionate that he regarded him as his lover. This look made him very surprised.

He was a god-like king who single-handedly founded the huge Zone Z base and became a hero to everyone.

But this hero now has to surrender to another young man and lower his head.

With a flash of expression, Zhou Tang probed: "Follow me, will you not regret it even if you become a zombie?"

Jiang Fengli is undoubtedly mankind's purest hope. If he follows him, he is likely to be attacked by zombies controlled by Su Ruxue.

Until he became like You Yiyan, who was pulled off the altar and became a walking dead monster.

Such an ending should be a scene that Jiang Fengli, as the leader, had never thought of, and it was also within the scope of his consideration.

Seeing Zhou Tang's unabashed intimidation, the man curled his lips, stretched his eyebrows, and his wild and doting smile was particularly attractive at this moment, as if he was dragging Zhou Tang into a carnival in hell.

"Of course I don't regret it. I'm not as stupid as You Yiyan. Nothing will happen. Don't worry." The handsome face was like a warm sun, and the love in his eyes could no longer be hidden at this moment.

Hearing this, Zhou Tang was stunned and his heart beat like thunder.

The fingertips suddenly dug into the palm of his hand, Zhou Tang gripped the man's collar, and the blood instantly soaked the piece of cloth.

He suddenly closed his eyes and compromised.

"This is what you said. If you dare to die, I will let this world bury you with you! You will never find me again in the next world!"

Jiang Fengli couldn't understand the meaning of Zhou Tang's last words, but he As soon as I heard this sentence, my whole body was trembling, as if something dear to my heart was leaving me, as if I was in pain.

"I won't die, and if you don't let me die, I won't die." He raised his fingertips and stroked Zhou Tang's little face, his tone was like an addicted outlaw, just looking for the greatest stimulation in his heart.

"I used to only like the strong, but now I only love you. You are the strong and the only person I recognize. In this end of the world, only we are suitable."

The big hand with clear joints gently opened Zhou Tang's blood-stained palm, and he He stretched his palm out in front of him and licked the blood away bit by bit with his tongue.

As if expressing their love for each other, Zhou Tang stood on tiptoes, bit the man's lower lip slowly, and sucked the blood from the breach.

In this end of the world, after all, it needs to be stained with blood to be perfect.

A numbing itching replaced the burst of pain, and this almost cruel fact was easily dismissed by the man, becoming a memory soaked in warm honey.

He is Jiang Fengli at this moment, no longer the leader Jiang who protects the base, but the accomplice Jiang Fengli who is willing to smear the apocalypse with his lover's existence and turn the world into muddy water for Zhou Tang.

Zhou Tang still remembered that when he first met the man in front of him, he carried a submachine gun crazily and wore a military assault jacket, like an upright soldier. He is so handsome and powerful that he is like a born king. Even the world plot agrees that he is the king of this human world.

But under the interference of his morbid and crazy determination, Jiang Fengli will become a monster despised by everyone, and for Zhou Tang, he wants to give up becoming a leader respected by thousands of people.

He didn't hesitate.

Thinking of this, Zhou Tang raised his eyebrows and asked the last sentence.

He heard Jiang Fengli reply: "Thousands of people admire you? Who cares? In the end, I can't compare to you."

"I will give you the entire apocalypse."

After greeting Lin Muyan, Zhou Tang finally confirmed that he would bring him Jiang Fengli went together.

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