Zhou Zhichu's blackening value increased

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The threats and insults from pirates and politicians in the interstellar prison were still ringing in his ears. Zhou Tang suddenly remembered how he climbed to the top of them step by step and became the only SSS-level dangerous person in the interstellar prison. of.

Although he was very confused when he was first arrested, he did not relax his vigilance. Those criminals, relying on their seniority, liked to bully the newcomers, humiliate their pride, and make them become people who only eat excrement and drink. Puppy pooping water.

And Zhou Tang happened to be the target of their interest at that time.

His status in the Imperial Academy made them stunned. He was wise, arrogant, and aloof. They were excited to be able to cripple such outstanding talents in the interstellar empire.

But this is not the end. For Zhou Tang, the torture from time to time by politicians and the contempt in the eyes of prison guards irritated him.

Everyone in the prison is Zhou Tang's enemy.

He would be dragged away and tortured by prison guards and politicians anytime and anywhere, whether during training or in group cells.

Even though those questions were confidential and very nonsensical, they did not stop abusing Zhou Tang.

This abuse was unilaterally stopped by Zhou Tang. One day, he took advantage of everyone's relaxation, picked the lock with a knife, and slaughtered all the people who had bullied him overnight.

He dismembered the internal organs and limbs of those people and hung them in every corner.

As long as they were within their field of vision, they could see bloody things and the young man's unruly appearance.

Zhou Tang stood casually in the corridor on the top floor and looked down at everyone. Although he was injured, he still smiled, arrogantly and unrestrainedly.

There was a winning smile on his lips. Facing the cold gazes of the prison guards, he remained unchanged. He curled his lips and said with a sarcastic smile:

"You are just a group of ants, but the most disgusting bastards. It is considered a pile of flesh." You have completed your mission in life."

Qingpiao said, and after throwing away the crime tools, he was willingly taken away by the prison guards and taken to a dangerous prison cell deep inside him.

SSS electrotherapy solitary prison.

That place was used to imprison the most dangerous and terrifying people, and the torture was even more cruel. No one had ever been there before, and now it belongs to Zhou Tang.

The bloody violence from this newcomer suddenly swept the hearts of all criminals, making them fearful, frightened, and even more crazy.

Zhou Tang's cruelty was horrifying, and now everyone in the prison knew that Zhou Tang was a lonely and vicious wolf.

The prettier the skin, the crueler the heart, and the more unique the techniques.

But before Zhou Tang was sent in, he vaguely remembered someone who often lowered his head to talk to him, and his voice was also very magnetic and deep.

A figure flashed in his mind, and Zhou Tang just felt that he had caught something, but as the system's warm beep sounded the next second, the messy thoughts dispersed like mist and disappeared.

1805 looked at the host's expression and suddenly said: "Master, have you thought of something?"

Its voice was no longer deliberately trying to please, but with a hint of vague temptation.

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