The crime of possessing a treasure

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A fiery smile appeared at the corner of the man's mouth, and the mellow subwoofer sounded in the young man's ears, "Where have you been?"

He said that he wanted to wipe it off with his fingertips. The thick green liquid remaining on Zhou Tang's cheeks.

Because his new clothes were stained again, Zhou Tang's face looked a little ugly. He avoided the man's hand and shook his head. He didn't have time to talk to You Yiyan, so he casually lifted the fabric in front and wiped his cheek.

The fabric that was lifted up revealed a section of his white waist.

In this embarrassing situation, Zhou Tang, who was splashed with rotten blood, calmly picked up the dirty blood. The mess on his body and the expression of the young man seemed to be a twisted and morbid beauty.

The beautiful yet embarrassed young man being alone here is like a gift from God to You Yiyan.

"Asa, are you not injured? By the way, where is the girl with you?" You Yiyan glanced at the plump white body, and his throat rolled up and down twice.

The man's voice was surprisingly pleasant, and his lazy voice was extremely sexy, as if he was whispering to his lover.

Squinting his eyes, the young man looked narrowly at the man's face, his eyes filled with a sense of inquiry.

Asa? It sounds like the relationship with the original owner is pretty good.

You Yiyan wiped his hands slightly, stepped forward to hold the supply bag in Zhou Tang's right hand, and helped lift it. When he felt the weight, his eyes showed a little wave.

So heavy?

Is this how his squeamish and naughty little fiancé not only escaped safely from the center of a city full of zombies, but also brought so many supplies and successfully made it here?

Natural selection, survival of the fittest. There is no such thing as kindness in this world, and those who are incompetent can only abandon it.

You Yiyan gave Mo Sa a chance. If Mo Sa died accidentally, he wouldn't feel too sorry. If he was lucky enough to come back alive...

You Yiyan smiled secretly at the thought. He thought Mo Sa would die in the city. In order to practice his survival skills, he specially sent a girl from the team to join him. Why didn't he see her now?

1805 didn't look at it: "Host, don't be disgusted, hurry up and hug You Yiyan's thigh."

Zhou Tang calmly said: "I am the thigh myself, why should I hug others?"

After speaking, Zhou Tang looked at You Yiyan expressionlessly and hesitated for a few seconds. He lowered his eyes and hooked the man's clothes with his right hand: "She was scratched by a zombie, and now she has turned into a zombie."

Seeing the young man showing weakness, the man turned his head, and his cold and serious face was stained with a hint of a smile.

Zhou Tang couldn't understand what was contained in that smile, he only felt a faint malice coming towards him.

He intuitively saw through the man in front of him. His eyes were said to be full of smiles, but in fact they were full of indifference and ruthlessness. However, he still didn't know who among the four was his lover, and he couldn't let go of a chance now.

"I hope you're okay." You Yiyan glanced at him sideways, held Zhou Tang's hand with his left hand, and led him out.

Looking at You Yiyan in surprise, the young man raised his eyes slightly and looked at the holding hands.

There is weirdness.

The fingers that were suddenly touched felt like they were being baked under the blazing sun. Zhou Tang felt a burning sensation spread to the palm of his hand and then to the bottom of his heart.

He tried with all his strength to withdraw his fingertips, but was unable to break free due to the strength of the man's tightening of the shackles.

The pain was like being stung by a poisonous scorpion, or like jellyfish tentacles full of venom being wrapped around his fingertips.

Plot against him? With a condensed face, Zhou Tang twitched the corners of his lips and chuckled. The next second, he kicked You Yiyan fiercely and withdrew his palm when he was not prepared.

A warm white breath surged out from his fingertips, and the healing power appeared, finally covering the skin lightly.

That was Zhou Tang's healing system. You Yiyan covered his stomach where he was kicked, but he didn't have any anger. When he saw the white light on his fingertips, he raised his eyes and smiled suddenly.

Mo Sa didn't know how to use the healing system like this. The scene in his mind of the shrewd young man dancing with his powers in a tricky manner, but in the end could only release a little energy.

Madman, Zhou Tang warned the man in front of him with a cold face.

1805 coughed lightly: "I forgot to remind you, the temperature on the body of a fire superpower is too high, and the heat can burn someone to death. It's best not to touch it."

Forget it if he doesn't understand, doesn't You Yiyan know? Looking past the secretly scrutinizing expression on the man's face, Zhou Tang turned his head, raised his chin, and sneered, "Why are you grabbing me on purpose? You want to burn me?"

The young man's slightly long forehead hair was slightly scattered, his dark eyes were dark, and his handsome face The expression on his face was one of arrogance that You Yiyan was familiar with.

He raised his bright red lips and provoked in a lazy tone, "You Yiyan, are you disappointed that I'm not dead? Do you want me to be burned to death by you?"

At this time, he was like a soul-infused animal. Linghu, his thin eyebrows slightly raised, his expression cunning and full of his usual sarcasm.

Blinking his eyes, You Yiyan lifted the baggage in his right hand, looked at his body from beginning to end, and said calmly: "I'm sorry, I was so excited to see you that I forgot about my physical condition for a moment."

There was a hint of puckering at the corner of his mouth . Smiling lightly, he put his hand neatly into his pocket, and his obsidian eyes flashed with a trace of emotion that was hard to see clearly.

Interesting, really interesting, You Yiyan thought to herself. Is this the same Mo Sa who made him disgusted and indifferent before? She was so cute even when she was angry.

I have to say that the moment of contact with Mo Sa was a wonderful feeling. A gentle mist-like energy flowed in his hands like water, as if dissipating his temperature.

You Yiyan seemed to be in a very good mood, "Let's go, my dear little fiancé?"

Get lost, cheap fiancé.

Zhou Tang neatly followed You Yiyan towards the gas station. Zhou Tang had an intuition that You Yiyan didn't match his personality very well, but he couldn't explain why it was strange.

Thinking of this, he raised his lips and said to the system: "1805, according to the plot, after Mo Sa's death, did You Yiyan's team go directly to the Z area base?"

In the original plot, after Mo Sa, the cannon fodder, died, Not long after, Su Ruxue gained the ability to predict. She used her own strength to join a team and successfully attracted the attention of other male protagonists by giving full play to her powerful abilities.

1805: "Host, the first man Su Ruxue attracted was You Yiyan, and the team you are in is the team she and her younger brother are about to join."

Pulling his clothes, Zhou Tang looked calm: "I don't pick up trash. I don't want the attraction."

1805 was shocked: "Host, don't be ridiculous!"

The sky had turned dark, and the young man rubbed his eyes. Following the system's words, his eyes fell on the man's solid back, and Zhou Tang fell into thinking.

Now that Mo Sa is not dead, the shackles of their relationship still exist. Can You Yiyan still flirt with the heroine? I'm afraid not.

Zhou Tang felt a chill as he thought that he would be the substitute heroine among four men, as if his hairs were standing on end.

1805 detected Zhou Tang's thoughts and took out a bag of melon seeds and said: "You have to accept it, this is a mission! But as long as the four male protagonists are not paying attention to the female protagonist, you have completed the mission. You don't have to Try it yourself."

Nodding thoughtfully, the young man's eyelashes drooped slightly to hide the interest in his pupils, and his pale and fragile face seemed to be covered with a layer of attractive charm.

He lowered his head and smiled, scorning this stupid plot. The heroine's aura was really great.

Walking towards the gas station, Zhou Tang looked up at the deserted place and quickly glanced at You Yiyan.

Didn't you say the car was near a gas station?

"It's too late. It's dangerous to stay outside. I asked them to drive back first." As if to answer the confusion in Zhou Tang's eyes, he pointed to the small woods behind the gas station.

It seems that they never thought that Mo Sa could come back alive. Zhou Tang followed You Yiyan to the hidden woods, walking around one tree after another with an uncertain expression.

Like a maze.

The off-road vehicle was located among the hidden trees. As You Yiyan pushed aside the leaves, he saw a dilapidated villa.

The surrounding area seemed to have been cleaned very clean, and mouse traps were placed around it, as if to prevent zombie attacks.

"Why are you standing there so stupidly? Do you want me to treat you?" You Yiyan held the bag and glanced back at Zhou Tang who was standing there in a daze, "Follow me, they are all waiting for us inside."

The man revolving door The lock was opened, and the air in the dimly lit villa was filled with a nauseating musty smell, and there was a lingering trace of blood.

People had died in this house, maybe zombies, maybe humans, but the smell of decay made him unhappy.

There were only a few bright yellow lights in the lobby downstairs, and it looked dim from the outside.

In order not to let this dilapidated villa attract the attention of zombies, they did not have the habit of turning on all the lights at night.

Otherwise they will just become food trapped in the villa.

"Who is it... Hey, the captain is back." When the door was opened, a woman with a clear voice stood in the corridor on the second floor and looked down.

"What?! Captain You is back!"

A strong male voice penetrated the ears of the two of them. He ran to the gate with a spatula in hand. Seeing someone following You Yiyan, he couldn't help but be curious, "Captain, who did you bring back?" ?"

Hearing this, Zhou Tang pursed his lips and smiled meaningfully, tilting his head from behind the man to reveal a pale, bloodless and delicate face.

They don't seem to think it's Mo Sa?

"'s Mo Sa. It's boring. Did you run away again and was caught by the captain? I'm not talking about you. If you don't search for supplies in the last days, why should our captain support you in vain..."

The man took it for granted that Mo Sa had another relationship with the previous one. Similarly, when he was sent to find supplies, he made trouble and ran around, making the captain worried that it would be difficult to find them. In the end, he took advantage of the captain's prospective fiancé and refused to accept any lessons from anyone.

He deserves a beating and is annoying.

They were all fed up with Mo Sa's selfish behavior and asked You Yiyan to wipe his butt several times. As bystanders, they all wished he could die outside without hindering them.

After listening quietly for a while, Zhou Tang raised his eyes and said, "This Mo Sa, it seems that her reputation is not very good?"

1805 said coyly: "I told you she was a seductress. She has a cannon fodder personality that needs to be beaten. Please be considerate.

" Anyone who cursed would have become furious, but Zhou Tang remained calm, with an innocent expression on his face, and said seriously: "Isn't he my fiancé? Why can't he support me?"

His voice was very soft and calm, at the end But it was gently raised, and there was an inexplicable sense of emptiness in the empty and cold villa.

And a touch of spookiness.

At this time, not only the two people present were stunned, but also a few people upstairs who had just gone out to watch the show were stunned.

Are these ambiguous and weak words what the arrogant and annoying Mo Sa would say?

In the past, he would either point at You Yiyan's nose and yell and show his temper, or he would make the good atmosphere in their team go crazy.

They all gathered around him, who could expect him to be gentle and reasonable.

Feeling the attention, the young man lifted a handful of hair from his earlobe, his butterfly-wing eyelashes trembled slightly, and he stared at the person in front of him with a faint, yet seductive enough look.

His aura was very strong, and he said calmly: "I didn't run away, I went to collect supplies."

Zhou Tang's delicate eyebrows were suddenly stained with a smile, like a bright light blooming, making people unable to take their eyes away.

The man was obviously stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, Mo Sa didn't get angry when he pointed at his nose and scolded him like this today. He was already prepared to quarrel with the other person.

Collect supplies? He cast his eyes on Zhou Tang's hands, and saw that Mo Sa's hands were empty and didn't bring anything back at all. The man smiled disdainfully, turned around and planned to leave.

He knew that Mo Sa would say this and lie to make excuses. He didn't want to communicate with someone who was not enterprising.

Turning around, he shook his head and muttered, "How could the captain be burdened with such a small burden..."

Is this man blind or deaf?

His temples twitched impatiently, Zhou Tang stared at the man holding the spatula with his dark eyes open, and then turned his attention to the large black material bag at You Yiyan's feet, with a touch of rich crow ink in his eyes.

No one believed that Zhou Tang would come back with so much supplies. If You Yiyan wanted to take credit for himself, then he was no match for the man.

But Zhou Tang doesn't care if anyone else knows that he brought these resources back. In his opinion, as long as the protagonist You Yiyan knows.

What he wants to gain is only You Yiyan's favor and attention, and has nothing to do with anyone else.

Thinking of this, he raised his eyebrows and smiled frivolously at the man watching the show.

Standing at the door of the hall, You Yiyan looked at the good show in front of him, and suddenly approached and raised his palm to touch the side of the young man's face.

Dodging the man's touch, Zhou Tang glanced at him with an unclear meaning and said, "Do you want to burn me again?"

He didn't want to be burned again by the scorching heat that numbed his nerves and palpitated his heart. I cherish my life.

There was a trace of surprise on the handsome face, and then a sinister smile appeared as if it was hidden. There was an unpredictable smile on the corner of You Yiyan's mouth, and finally he just pointed towards a room on the second floor.

You Yiyan looked at him fondly: "I won't iron you, go back to your room and tidy up before you come down."

Looking at his clothes along the man's line of sight, Zhou Tang recalled that his clothes were all smelly, and even The hair became stiff and solidified because it was wet and stained with blood.

Walking towards the bedroom on the second floor that he remembered, Zhou Tang ran into the bathroom and closed the door. Without even taking off his clothes, he quickly turned on the shower and let the water wash over his body.

He couldn't stand the rancid and disgusting smell on his body anymore. Fortunately, the water in this room was not cut off.

After smoothing out his stiff and smelly hair, the water from the shower head gradually hit the boy's head along with the switch.

The sewage flowed to the ground along the arc of his body, and the young man's originally extremely pale face was finally reddened by the hot water steam.

Walking aside, Zhou Tang wiped off the water mist on the mirror with his hand, and his extremely exquisite appearance caught Zhou Tang's sight.

Zhou Tang has a pair of delicate butterfly bones. The young man in the mirror has an extremely red mole at the end of his eyes, and his crescent eyebrows are slightly depressed.

The numb and empty pupils revealed a glint of water as soon as they blinked, and the expression at this moment looked more like an innocent and weak beauty.

The pure lust makes people sin, and makes people feel unable to stop after watching it.

Caressing such a delicate face slightly, Zhou Tang tugged on the wet and hot lips and rubbed them gently until the lips turned crimson.

For anyone, such a gorgeous appearance should not belong to the skin that men should have.

If it is too eye-catching, it is a crime to possess a jade.

If a boy with such a face has no ability to protect himself, he will be the source of greed for everyone in the last days.

In the apocalyptic world, the strong are respected. If Mo Sa managed to survive to the Z area base, with such an appearance, the people there would eat him without leaving any bones.

Turning off the shower head, Zhou Tang put on the bathrobe on the shelf. When he opened the door handle and was about to go out, his forehead hit a hard chest.

Zhou Tang covered his nose in pain and raised his head to glare at him.

A pair of strong arms pushed his hands back to the bathroom, shackling him to the wall of the sink.

The young man's lower back hit the faucet in pain, and he may have turned blue.

Zhou Tang covered up the anger in his eyes and raised his eyes to look at the nervous You Yiyan.

What are you doing? Are you trying to kill him?

Because he was forced to step back, the boy's already loose bathrobe opened more than half of the way.

You Yiyan's eyes darkened. He didn't think his fiancé was so dazzling before, he just thought it was a little burden. Why can't he put it down now?

What has changed? He tried to gently rub the boy's wrist with his hand, and then sniffed his neck with his nose.

The hair that was pushed back fell down in front of Zhou Tang's eyes. In order to prevent his vision from being restricted by others, he raised his head sharply and opened his lips to breathe.

A look of interest suddenly locked in You Yiyan's eyes.

You Yiyan noticed Zhou Tang's prey-like gaze and smiled strangely.

Are you his prey?

The look in Mo Sa's eyes made him excited. He hadn't met such a strong opponent for a long time, and he couldn't help but bully him.

"I seem to have discovered your secret." You Yiyan said.

The man's face was stern, but his eyes were a little frivolous. Those deep and cold eyes showed a hint of enthusiasm and surprise that Zhou Tang was familiar with.

Zhou Tang licked his lips, his eyes lit up and said, "I seem to have discovered your secret, tsk, it's incredible."

Apparently such a strong and cunning Mo Sa challenged You Yiyan's desire to conquer. This arrogant expression made The precarious sanity in You Yiyan's mind gradually collapsed.

"Asa...are you trying to seduce me?"

He breathed into the boy's ear, and the touch felt like being lightly scratched by a feather, with a hint of tingling.

Turning his head as much as possible to avoid the man's breathing, he tried to find his voice, "You Yiyan, let go."

It was best not to let his palms burn him again, otherwise he would kick You Yiyan away.

He pinned Zhou Tang to the wall with his knees, and the man's other hand helped him tighten his loose bathrobe.

He lifted him off the faucet and placed him on the counter, eye level with himself.

"Don't be afraid, I have restrained my powers." As if he knew what the young man was worried about, You Yiyan said, "Will it still burn you?"

With a sneer, Zhou Tang's charming smile gained a hint of sinisterness.

Does that mean you burned him on purpose during the day? Pulling his body, Zhou Tang tried to avoid the man's movements.

With the beauty in his arms, sitting calmly in his arms, You Yiyan seems to be in the mood to laugh.

That smiling tone frequently came to Zhou Tang's ear, and her hot breath hit his sexy earlobes.

"Why are you hiding from me? I guessed it, and then you were shy?"

1805 said: "Hey~"

Zhou Tang didn't have the urge to flirt with the man in front of him. He was not surprised at all. If he let down his guard, he might Being attacked by a man.

In this dimension, men have unpredictable personalities, so he must be vigilant.

Resisting the urge to beat 1805 into scrap metal, Zhou Tang bent his knees and gave You Yiyan a hard kick, kicking him away from him.

The man suddenly relaxed his strength and took his hand away from the boy. Finally, he regretfully grabbed the air, as if he was still grabbing the boy's hand.

After gouging out You Yiyan, Zhou Tang looked at the man with raised eyebrows, his eyes darkened slightly, and he raised his lips to mock: "Why are you so crazy about me?"

His tone was meaningful.

You Yiyan didn't seem to be ashamed of this. He put his fingertips to his mouth and kissed him gently, smiling evilly: "It's only human to have desire for you."

Zhou Tang raised his foot and kicked the man again. Abdomen, scolded: "It's so ugly."

He glanced at the young man with a calm face. The man narrowed his peach blossom eyes and looked at the red skin of the young man's hands, and his tone was filled with pride that he was born with.

"Your skin is really... easy to leave marks. It's even red."

Zhou Tang rubbed his wrist and replied unceremoniously: "Thank you for the compliment?" It's a pity that you may not be given the opportunity to leave marks.

You Yiyan licked his fingertips and said relaxedly: "I was worried that you would jump out of the second floor window in anger after hearing what I said. Now that you didn't run away, just come down and eat later."

After saying this, he turned to the young man . He raised his head and turned around to go downstairs, seemingly not afraid that Zhou Tang would actually run away as he said.

1805: "Host, what a perfunctory excuse. I think he just wants to take advantage of you."

Staring at the man's back as he walked out, Zhou Tang walked to the bedroom, then came to the window and looked down.

What comes into view are several crooked-necked trees and a row of dark gray mousetraps, neatly splayed on the green lawn downstairs. If you jump down, your whole body will be caught.

Zhou Tang: "..."

Reopening a new pack of melon seeds, 1805 continued: "Oh! There are so many mousetraps. Fortunately, you didn't jump."

The system's tone sounded very regretful.

Wrinkling his eyebrows and sneering, he paused and sarcastically said: "Does You Yiyan regard the original owner as a fool or me as a fool, will I jump?"

1805 knocked one: "Hey... maybe both, this is what Mo Sa Chang did..."

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