Let's Join Together

22 1 0

Hearing the joking yet angry voice, Zhou Tang's face that was originally looking at Chu Qinxiu slowly turned away.

Then his pupils suddenly tightened as the system prompts broke into his mind.

"Ding, host, Jiang Fengli's blackening value has increased."

"Ding, host, Chu Qinxiu's blackening value has increased."

Can the fragments be blackened? Zhou Tang felt absurd and at a loss. When facing his man, he always felt a strange sense of betrayal.

It was clear that both of them were him, but he felt that he had cheated on the other person in front of his lover.

1805: "Please bear with the host and successfully collect Chu Qinxiu's progress!"

Don't guess what the little sick girl is thinking. Zhou Tang raised his hand and pinched his face, and quickly whispered in his ear, "You Why are you angry?"

He almost wanted to pull Chu Qinxiu off and ask him.

Chu Qinxiu: "Am I angry?"

With a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, Zhou Tang glanced at him lightly, looking very charming. This look was both bad and dazzling in Chu Qinxiu's eyes.

1805: "Mission progress 60%"

Regarding Chu Qinxiu's progress, the progress instantly increased by 10% because of this sentence.

As expected, he was so uncertain that Zhou Tang couldn't figure out his preferences at all, so he could only treat him with a completely shameful and arrogant attitude.

This attitude seems to be quite good for Chu Qinxiu?

Jiang Fengli's hair was slightly damp, and he was wearing an extremely clean white shirt. His rolled-up sleeves revealed his sexy lines with bulging veins.

The camouflage pants on his straight legs were slightly exposed, and he was holding a jacket in his hand.

It looked like he had just come from somewhere after taking a hurried shower. He wanted to give the boy a clean image, but when he opened the door, he saw his little friend being pressed on the bed.

The cheating scene.

These four words also appeared in Zhou Tang's mind. At this moment, the postures between him, Chu Qinxiu, and Jiang Fengli standing at the door formed a bloody love triangle.

Feeling physically dizzy for an instant, Zhou Tang's eyes flashed and he stepped back slightly, trying to withdraw from the man's embrace.

But Chu Qinxiu, who was noticed the next second, grabbed him back and locked him tightly in his arms.

"It looks like the battle is very fierce?"

He stared at the two people in front of him with an expressionless expression. He calmly took out a cigarette from his pocket, then lit it in front of them and took a quick puff.

The restraint and maturity were reflected in Jiang Fengli's movements at this moment. Zhou Tang raised his eyes and saw that there was no smile on his face.

Feeling a hint of danger reflexively, Zhou Tang tried his best to open his innocent eyes, his delicate face flushed.

Pursing his lips, Zhou Tang said, "Why are you here so late?"

When he suddenly spoke, he realized that his voice was soft and delicate, and it tickled people's hearts like a hook.

There was no movement on the man's face. Seeing the young man looking at him, Jiang Fengli just frowned and took another puff of cigarette.

"Explain, give me an explanation for why you are here. Chu Qinxiu, do you want to die?"

Jiang Fengli's eyes were deep, and his tall aura was as terrifying as the abyss. His Adam's apple rolled violently, and his eyes condensed into a storm.

Even if a man catches his lover in bed, he still leans elegantly and handsomely at the door. Anyone else would feel ashamed and think that he does not cherish such a perfect and handsome man.

"Hey, have you just dealt with those rioting zombies in the laboratory now? Leader Jiang's strength is gradually declining."

Chu Qinxiu had a smile on his face, but what he said was very strange.

Laboratory, zombies? So is this the difficulty Chu Qinxiu left for Jiang Fengli?

Zhou Tang, who was lying on the bed, raised one hand to cover one eye, stared at the man in the backlight, and raised the corner of his eye.

When he turned his head, he inadvertently exposed the marks on his neck.

That was extremely dazzling to Jiang Fengli.

"That's really thanks to you, Chu Qinxiu, you just gave me a difficult problem, and now you come here to touch my son?"

He smiled like a bandit, and a savage aura came to his face. Any normal person would be sober and scared in an instant.

But Chu Qinxiu is not a normal person.

Very sensitive to Jiang Fengli's hostility, Chu Qinxiu put on a weird smile and laughed loudly.

"Mo Sa is also my treasure, but since you are so angry... Why don't you, Mr. Jiang, come first?"

Chu Qinxiu said to the man at the door as he hugged Zhou Tang's waist as if he was declaring sovereignty.

I don't know why, but when he saw Zhou Tang's calm face, as if everything was under his control, Chu Qinxiu suddenly had this idea in his mind, and it became more and more intense.

He knew that Jiang Fengli didn't seem to care at all, but as long as he continued to do it, he would definitely fight with him the next day and both sides would lose. Maybe the little treasure he finally caught would be picked up by others.

This is a very bad deal. People outside are always looking at the baby with healing powers.

If he and Jiang Fengli fight to the death tonight, others will definitely take advantage of him.

He couldn't beat Jiang Fengli, so he had no choice but to give in.

The poisonous snake has to bow its head to the lion, take a step back, and give him the prey it has obtained.

Chu Qinxiu, who quickly accepted this method, was very unhappy, but it was better than fighting for one person with the original three people.

As long as he has the chance to kill Jiang Fengli later, it doesn't matter if he endures it now.

"I'll do it?" Jiang Fengli murmured and repeated, then narrowed his animal eyes and stared at Zhou Tang's expression for a moment.

After hearing Chu Qinxiu's words, Zhou Tang's face remained unchanged, with a faint smile on his lips, and the end of his eyes were red. When he stared at others, he was like a hook, and anyone who could hook him would feel itchy.

Jiang Fengli originally expected to see a scared look on his face, or an expression of boredom, so that he could convince himself that Zhou Tang was not willing, but was taken advantage of by Chu Qinxiu.

But no, the expression in his eyes and the rippling water told Jiang Fengli that his child was very happy.

He instantly laughed out loud, took off his neatly buttoned shirt, and quickly unbuttoned his trousers.

The buttons fell to the ground, and the force was so strong that it seemed that Zhou Tang was his own clothes, and the belt was almost torn off.

Jiang Fengli Chi walked towards them calmly with his upper body naked, full of aggressiveness, and the smooth and beautiful lines on his tall and strong figure trembled slightly, very sexy.

"Okay, then Professor Chu, please step aside and make room for me." Jiang Fengli's magnetic voice was very hoarse.

The corners of his mouth were raised, his eyes were dark and cold, and his explosive arms grabbed Zhou Tang's ankles.

"Be careful, I'm not in the mood to pity you right now, so don't act coquettish or cry to me."

Jiang Fengli leaned down again, and slowly leaned into Zhou Tang's ear and said: "This time - no matter you cry No matter how cruel you are, I won't be soft-hearted, you sentimental brat."

At this moment, Chu Qinxiu and Jiang Fengli looked at each other and reached their agreement.

Zhou Tang: "..."

He hasn't said anything yet.

1805 was forced to hide in a corner by his arrogance, and said in a trembling voice: "You... I wish you good luck!"

Lowering his eyes, Jiang Fengli stared at the body that started to struggle after being suddenly caught, and his lower body stretched out due to the constant turning movements. The lines and arcs are eliminated, making it look extra soft.

But there were already traces of a person on it, and he wanted to cover the traces of Chu Qinxiu on it.

In the following time, Zhou Tang's brain felt as if it had been filled with paste, and he was so confused that he could not even utter a word. His hands and feet seemed to be tightly held, and they were no longer his own.

For the first time, Zhou Tang felt the malice of this plane towards him. At this moment, except for the enthusiastic and unfamiliar response, his body could no longer make any judgment.

Jiang Fengli's cold and hot lips were very soft, as if they were covered in honey and stuck to his skin.


When I woke up the next day, the man beside me disappeared, and the bed lost any warmth.

They might have gone to work early in the morning. Zhou Tang rubbed his eyes and took off the clothes that were on his body.

Swinging his body with difficulty, he felt like his whole body was falling apart and he couldn't lift a finger.

There was a glass of milk and pastries on the bedside table. He slowly stood up and stood at the window to look, and found Lin Muyan standing below watering the flowers.

"How did you sleep last night?" The woman did not raise her head, and still lowered her head to do things, but she asked the young man who had just woken up.

Zhou Tang stretched out and said lazily, "It's not very good."

"I have sorted out the ashes of You Yiyan and Gu Zhilan and handed them over to the leader." She suddenly changed the topic, a touch of green condensed on her fingertips, Lin Muyan He said solemnly: "You also know our clearing plan, right."

Are you trying to confess to yourself? Zhou Tang knocked on the railing and remained silent.

Chu Qinxiu and Jiang Fengli probably woke up early in the morning to do this.

"We are committed to studying the relationship between the zombie virus and supernatural powers. There are many zombies imprisoned in Professor Chu's laboratory, and we test their components every day."

She paused and continued: "The result is that zombies Continuous improvement is different from the progress of zombies digging for crystal cores, but they will gradually become stronger even if they do nothing."

His brows gradually furrowed, which was somewhat different from what happened in the original plot. He remembered that in the original plot, they slaughtered zombies, and after finally clearing out the zombies, they returned to the base to sort out supplies, and then gradually expanded the Z area.

Not only has there never been a zombie king, but there has never been a zombie with special powers. Now, zombies can upgrade independently. They ordinary people still have to kill zombies and absorb crystal cores.

It really belongs to the weird and dark apocalyptic style.

However, Su Ruxue was picked up by the Zombie King, and two of the four male protagonists died. It was strange that the plot of this world was not chaotic. Zhou Tang rubbed his brows and felt relieved instantly.

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