The Immortal Lord who fell from the altar

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Stepping into this pool is the wonderland of Penglai Island, and the monks' faces are inexplicably excited. As long as they enter this fairyland, there are countless precious spiritual beasts inside, which will definitely improve their cultivation.

They ran down the pool with their zhenqi as fast as possible and ran in jealously one after another.

As long as they enter the fairyland, they will be enemies of each other.

"Zhou Tang, let's go down too? I'll be watching behind you later." Yan Shurong smiled softly, confidently made a water-avoiding trick with his hands, and planned to jump down with the young man.

Zhou Tang followed Yan Shurong. Just when he was about to gather his true energy and go down into the pool like the monks around him, his arm was suddenly grabbed hard by someone.

Shen Xuanzhen walked towards the young man quickly, his handsome face glanced coldly at the young man beside Zhou Tang, and his voice was a little low, "Are you going to follow him? The strong wind in Penglai Island is messy, and you will not appear in the same place at the same time. "

When he finished saying this, he pulled the young man to his side without the young man paying attention. Taking a deep look at Yan Shurong, the handsome Immortal Master closed his eyes slightly and gently rubbed Zhou Tang's wrist. Some sore emotions exploded in his heart.

He noticed the look of reluctance in his apprentice's eyes.

"Follow me as a teacher." There was a trace of unnoticeable prayer in his tone.

Zhou Tang's smile faded slightly, with a hint of coldness in his eyes. His wrist was so painful from the man's grip that since he couldn't refuse Shen Xuanzhen, he could only refuse Yan Shurong.

Pursing his lips, Zhou Tang smiled at the disappointed young man in front of him, "I'm sorry Shu Rong, I have to follow my master. Let's meet up after we go in." Hearing that his

apprentice flatly rejected the young man, he finally let go of Gao Xuan heart of.

He didn't want Zhou Tang's eyes to fall on anyone else, he just wanted them to be around him.

He shouldn't have such selfish emotions, but he couldn't control the possessiveness that sprouted in his heart.

The man thrust his spiritual sword into the young man's hand. The man pinched a spiritual secret with his fingertips and stopped caring about the young man who disgusted him. He ignored Yan Shurong and led the young man into the pool.

Looking at the two people holding hands naturally, it seems like they have done it many times as a habit. Yan Shurong's eyes flashed, and he gradually tightened his grip on the sword.

"Do you like him?" After entering the water, the man glanced at the young man who was quietly beside him and asked this question.

"Shurong is a good man." He touched his nose and could only say this.

Seeing Zhou Tang's black hair flying in the water, her red lips opening and closing slightly spitting out bubbles, as if she was as beautiful as the beautiful water essence in the water, Shen Xuanzhen couldn't help but push the young man into his arms, and let out a satisfied sigh from his nose. .

There is nothing he still doesn't understand until now. The man smiled bitterly, he had long been attracted to his apprentice.

His shameful and despicable desire was about to turn into a sea of ​​desire, as if it was pulling Zhou Tang up and down.

Zhou Tang was wondering that Shen Xuanzhen didn't respond, and the next second a fierce force restrained him.

In the water, he was suddenly hugged hard by Shen Xuanzhen, who was so strong that he could be crushed inside his body.

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