He Is The 'White Moonlight' Attacked By The Protagonist

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Arc 5 starts here~

Zhou Tang pulled his soul out of his body while lying in the arms of a man. As superpowers, Zhou Tang and Jiang Fengli were seriously injured, but they spent the rest of their lives peacefully for ten years. The year has already been an affair.

Dying together can be regarded as Jiang Fengli's most anticipated luxury.

When he woke up again, he had already returned to the system space. A white ball of light still emitted a warm light, slowly flowing into his body, and the other part slowly swam away into the distance.

Seeing that the light group was missing, Zhou Tang wanted to try his best to stop and catch it, but he still couldn't explore the whereabouts of the light.

1805 rubbed his fat body and said happily: "The energy harvest in this doomsday plane is full! The mission target is already waiting for us in the next plane. Does the host need to rest?"

"Let's go to the next world. No rest." Zhou Tang rubbed the feeling on his fingertips and couldn't wait to see his lover again.


When Zhou Tang first put it on, he felt pain all over his body.

Before he even opened his eyes, he felt dizziness and pain in his head. His eyes were particularly dry and swollen, as if he had slept for a long time.

The body's first instinct told Zhou Tang that this body was very weak, extremely weak, and even lifting his fingertips made his muscles ache.

Lifting his fingers to rub his temples, Zhou Tang moved his limbs, and the next second his head went crazy into the memories given by the system.

1805: "Host, because the mission in the previous plane was too complicated, this plane can be regarded as compensation for you. I took on the role of Bai Yueguang! As long as you don't destroy this plane, you only need to protect the safety of the mission target. , the degree of freedom is very high. "

Bai Yueguang? Zhou Tang opened his eyes and raised his eyebrows in interest.

The pictures in his mind were playing rapidly. After all the memories were gathered together, Zhou Tang breathed a sigh of relief and sat up, his amber blue eyes filled with mist.

He stroked his chest and adjusted to the plot in a daze, his pupils trembling slightly: "Don't worry, I will protect him."

According to the transmitted information, Zhou Tang knew that the world he was in now was the content of a novel called "Mr. Du" "He rises as a cute substitute."

The protagonist in the story is inadvertently transformed into a tragic substitute who was captured and taken care of by the protagonist, who specifically remembers and misses his Bai Yueguang.

It was supposed to be a scene where the protagonist was physically and emotionally abused, and finally chased his wife in the crematorium, but the protagonist Lu Yi just didn't follow the routine.

As a cute stand-in, he is not as timid and timid as the stand-in. Instead, he is very bold and wise, and his character is so strong that it shines.

Under the premise of knowing the plot, Lu Yi not only ignored the tragic crematorium plot of the stand-in, but also the plot of him being constantly humiliated by the protagonist Du Zhou Pei, and successfully captured Du Zhou Pei with his innocent, independent and tenacious character. sincerely.

Lu Yi not only succeeded in taking away the cannon fodder of Bai Yueguang that Du Zhou Pei was obsessed with in the original plot, he even turned him into a boring existence in the eyes of the other party. In the later period, he didn't have any scenes at all.

The later part of the plot of the novel is the sweet story of Du Zhoupei and his stand-in Lu Yi getting together.

And Zhou Tang's body is that of Bai Yueguang, whom the protagonist is obsessed with, and Zhou Zhichu, who was deprived of his luck by the book-walker.

Zhou Zhichu and Du Zhoupei are also close friends. He is Bai Yueguang, whom Du Zhoupei falls in love with in the novel. She is a frail and sickly beauty who does not go out all year round.

Even though the person was right in front of him, he could not feel any blasphemy. Regardless of Zhou Zhichu's rejection, he ran to him several times every day, taking care of him like crazy and looking at him with those longing eyes.

Logically speaking, Zhou Zhichu, a frail and sickly beauty, should be grateful for the care of his best friend, but he did not, because Zhou Zhichu was a veritable white lotus.

It's really hypocritical and evil.

He resented the same-sex love, but he also enjoyed the feeling of Du Zhoupei being humble and petty to him, and enjoying the feeling of being taken care of and loved by him.

Zhou Zhichu was very happy to be cared for by a wealthy young master, but he still ignored Du Jupei's face and ridiculed his affection in front of outsiders.

If we continue to follow the plot, Zhou Zhichu will become the eternal white moonlight in Du Zhoupei's heart and his heartache.

But under the influence of Lu Yi, the plot was completely messed up.

Not only did he quickly find out all the reasons and tricks of Zhou Zhichu, and dumped them mercilessly in front of Du Zhoupei, he also wanted to spread them to the circle and make everyone laugh at the true face of this sickly young master.

If you want to reverse the situation of the substitute, you have to start with Bai Yueguang. Lu Yi's goal is very clear. Destroying Zhou Zhichu will make him no longer a substitute, but a complete lover who exists in Du Zhoupei's life.

All these truths made Du Zhoupei very heartbroken, and he quietly thought of cherishing Lu Yi and torturing Zhou Zhichu.

Zhou Tang, who had watched the entire plot carefully, rubbed his chin silently: "..."

It can be said that the timing of his arrival was very unlucky, because Du Zhoupei already knew Zhou Zhichu's true face.

But he did not rush to make it clear, but slowly touched Zhou Zhichu's heart, took him from the private ward to his home, and planned to torture him at home.

Now the original owner was careless and was imprisoned by Du Zhoupei for several days.

Because the elders on both sides were familiar with each other, and Du Zhoupei brought Zhou Zhichu to the Du family under everyone's eyes, they were very relieved about the physical condition of Young Master Zhou, who had been out of contact for several days.

They all knew that Du Zhoupei liked their young master and would never treat Zhou Zhichu harshly.

The deeper the love, the greater the hatred. Du Zhoupei must have only all the malice towards Zhou Zhichu in his heart at this moment.

Seeing the host's expression change from sunny to gloomy, 1805 hugged her little body tightly and anxiously asked: "Bai Yueguang... Is there anything wrong with this perfect setting?"

Bai Yueguang is a character that the protagonist of the world holds in his heart. Why does its host look so bad!

His face was livid with anger, Zhou Tang's eyes flashed, and a sneer hung on the corner of his mouth: "White moonlight?... This is clearly black moonlight."

Lying on the bed, Zhou Tang rubbed his eyes and saw his lean body. His wrist was lightly bandaged. He touched it as if feeling something, and sure enough he felt the pitted scars, and then asked the question in his heart.

"Did Du Zhoupei inflict the injury that Zhou Zhichu just suffered?"

1805: "No, it was because after he learned that Du Zhoupei would not let him out, he got too excited and fell his wrist on the broken glass."

Tsk, but that's it. It was so miserable. Zhou Tang lifted the quilt, walked slowly to the tall floor-to-ceiling windows, and then opened the tight curtains.

The bright sunlight instantly shone on the young man's body, making his slightly longer chestnut-brown hair shine through, and also illuminated his extraordinarily pale and bleeding face with a tinge of red.

Downstairs is a beautifully decorated flower room, and the layout of the house is very dark. The gray curtains, marble tiles, and even the quilt are all gray and black.

Living in such a bedroom for a long time, if you do not have a good psychological quality, will only make people's nerves start to become anxious and slowly lead to depression.

It seemed that Du Zhoupei wanted to completely crush Zhou Zhichu psychologically first.

Just as he was thinking about it, the door was slowly opened from the outside, and Zhou Tang turned to look.

The footsteps were not soft. The man who entered didn't even care whether the young man in the room was resting, and he didn't consider showing respect to him. He just pushed the door in without knocking.

"Achu, it's time to eat." A refreshing and hoarse voice came into his ears, and the man's young and handsome face came into Zhou Tang's eyes.

Looking at the other party's slightly serious expression, the gloom in Du Zhoupei's eyes deepened. He raised the corners of his mouth with a strange arc and put the Chunmi rice porridge in his hand on the desk.

"You still don't want to eat today, do you want me to feed you?"

He said without giving Zhou Tang time to reply. He took the initiative to pick up the bowl of porridge, walked to the young man, and then scooped up a mouthful and put it to his lips.

Raising his eyes to look at the man with a malicious look on his face, the young man inadvertently pushed his hair behind his ears, exposing his white neck, and said in a hoarse voice, "Zi Pei, I'm not very hungry."

Who knows how much rice porridge was put in it ? God, or maybe something was put in it. Since Du Zhoupei's malice is so strong, Zhou Tang will definitely not be able to eat this porridge.

"You're disobedient again, Achu." There was a hint of self-mockery in his eyes, and Du Zhoupei touched his face with his hand, his eyes showing obsession.

Although the smooth touch was addictive, he still pinched his jaw mercilessly, his tone full of hatred: "It's okay if you don't eat, but then you will be hungry and don't even think about eating today."

Zhou Zhichu's body It's not good at all. He can tolerate not eating for one meal. If he doesn't eat for one day, it's no surprise that he will moan from hunger the next day.

Opening his lips, Zhou Tang closed his eyes sadly, his long crow-colored eyelashes cast a shadow before opening them again.

He expected to get the young man's begging for mercy as usual, but after waiting for a few seconds, he still didn't see the embarrassment on Zhou Tang's face.

The sunlight outside the window filled the entire room. The young man with fair-skinned jade eyes had a faint smile on his face, and his delicate facial features were so beautiful that they were inhuman. He narrowed his cat eyes slightly, and his pale lips gradually took on the color of crimson cherry.

Zhou Tang shook his body slightly and looked at the man for a moment. Only then did Du Zhoupei realize that the young man was extremely thin and frail.

With a flash of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of the young man's extraordinarily weak appearance. For some reason, his heart softened for a moment, and he asked without thinking about his concern.

"If you don't eat this rice porridge, then what are you going to eat?"

Seeing that Du Zhoupei really softened his heart, Zhou Tang licked his lips, soaked the dry lips red, and said quietly: "Water, I want to drink water "

Nodding, Du Zhoupei turned around and left the room, deliberately locking it before leaving.

Seeing the man's determined back, Zhou Tang narrowed his eyes and frowned in thought: "Du Zhoupei is definitely not the target of my mission. His personality is not reserved enough, so who is it?"

1805 hesitated for a few seconds, then pointed at him. Pointing to the magazines that were shining brightly on the bookshelf in the corner: "The mission target is there, and that's the magazine at the front."

Zhou Tang slowly walked over in the direction, picked up the first magazine and read it.

On the cover of the magazine, the man is wearing a well-tailored black suit, with deep eyebrows, a cold and sharp face, and a mysterious expression.

The man's appearance is full of aggressive handsomeness, his strong body and muscles are sharp and clear, and the hard lines are outlined by the suit. He looks strong and mature.

His legs were slightly apart, he leaned over and crossed his hands, but his eyes were looking straight at the camera. He was cold and calm, looking like a business giant who had been in a position of power for a long time.

This is the father of the protagonist Du Zhoupei in this world, the head of the Du family - Du Yanqi.

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