He will be remembered by generations of people

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The man's words seemed so unreasonable to those in front of him.

"Be good, be obedient and wait here for me to come back. Stop joking, okay?"

In fact, Jiang Fengli was a little frightened. Even if Zhou Tang's skills were very good, he couldn't risk letting him follow him.

Because the enemy is no longer a few zombies, but a city and a zombie king with super powers.

Last time Gu Zhilan blew himself up to give them time to breathe and leave. Now he could not let Zhou Tang's life be in danger again.

"I'm not kidding, Jiang Fengli, you can't abandon me."

Zhou Tang's voice was clear, with a tenacious and paranoid persistence.

Looking up at the frowning man, he stretched out his hand to soothe the man's brow, and said loudly: "Everyone knows that I am yours, have you ever thought about my position when you left me behind? I must follow you, and you are mad at me for following me. You come back together, and I will accompany you as a zombie if you die, and I will accompany you to death!"

The young man raised his red lips slightly and raised his delicate chin towards the man, with an air of arrogance and arrogance, like a proud cat asking for credit. To touch.

After he finished speaking, he looked at the blank-faced man in front of him, and suddenly burst into a dazzling smile, and the small face that used to be evil and abnormal turned into a gentle mess.

Jiang Fengli didn't speak, he just stood there blankly, forgetting to spit out the cigarette butt hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Narrowing his eyes, Zhou Tang stepped forward and tiptoed against the man's ear. His voice was as beautiful and delicate as jade dew, "Jiang Fengli, I love you very much."

Zhou Tang wanted to follow Jiang Fengli, and he would live as long as Jiang Fengli lived. He couldn't It is absolutely impossible to let Jiang Fengli die.

1805: "Jiang Fengli's progress is 25%, and the world's progress is 95%."

The dark side of other emotions quietly grows, and the man's brain suddenly feels like being stabbed by a needle, causing bone-gnawing pain.

It was as if the only thing he had been waiting for in his whole life was this sentence, the young man's words full of love.

Zhou Tang raised his eyes and stared at him, and suddenly realized that the soul formed by the fusion of these fragments seemed to be waiting for him to move towards him.

If it was said that the man had been chasing behind him in the previous several planes, he would be left behind after completing the mission. So in this plane, what the man is waiting for is only the sentence "I love you" that he has not waited for in the previous planes.

It seems that with this sentence, he will stabilize the uneasiness in his heart and have what he has in front of him. Love all the evil and beautiful young people.

"Mo Sa...child, this is what you said. You can't go back on it."

Jiang Fengli's voice was extremely hoarse, full of worry and nervousness. He stepped forward and hugged the boy, his movements trembled unconsciously, and he vomited With the cigarette butt in his mouth, his big palms were trembling slightly as he stroked the flesh from head to neck.

It seemed that he was confirming the authenticity of Zhou Tang's words.

With his eyes quietly glancing at the foreign object in his pocket, Zhou Tang trembled his fingertips, silently put the hand that had been used for experiments behind his back, and was hugged by the man.

"Don't lie to me, don't lie to me." Jiang Fengli's voice was extremely hoarse. Looking at the warm face in front of him, the boy with his eyes in his eyes, he finally closed his eyes and nodded.

"I love you too. Even if the apocalypse collapses, the road ahead is confused, and the world is dark. Even if I am swallowed by zombies, as long as my will is not lost, I will never forget what I said."

Zhou Tang was strangled in Jiang Fengli's arms. It was a little tight, but she hugged her back.

Then Jiang Fengli let go of his hand and held his cheeks with both hands. His handsome and deep face no longer had the usual cold and calm look, but his eyes were red with excitement, "Mo Sa, I will never abandon you, never." "

Zhou Tang is right, he will take him with him when he dies, and he will not allow anyone to possess Zhou Tang after he dies.

He doesn't allow it.

"Okay, now that we've talked enough, we can go on the road, leader and leader's wife?" Lin Muyan, who watched the whole scene next to her, twirled her hair on her temples and interrupted lightly.

Although she strongly disapproved of the young man's behavior of seeking death, she had no right to stop it.

After all, he went to Jiang Fengli with all his heart. In the last days, there were very few people who treated their loved ones so sincerely. She was really envious of him.

There were already several zombies climbing up the stairs in front of the city gate of the base. The mercenaries standing on the terrace not only fired cannonballs down, but also shot down, killing one that was only trying to climb up under the control of the Zombie King. Zombies.

At this time, the man wearing a white protective suit looked at the pair of figures below, his delicate and coquettish eyes showing strong unwillingness.

The most important boy stood intimately next to the other man, his emotions filled with complete jealousy, and the painful feeling made him almost crazy.

Perhaps when Chu Qinxiu goes back in time, he will resolutely treat Zhou Tang with a correct attitude, just like Jiang Fengli who was very doting on him from beginning to end.

Standing in front of the gate of the base, Zhou Tang and Jiang Fengli only had to wait for the door to open, and they would rush out to fight with the zombies. At worst, they would be bitten and turned into zombies, or at worst, they would be torn into pieces.

Zhou Tang knew that the situation in front of him was very difficult, and no strong person could be sure that his legs would not weaken when faced with this group of zombies.

But he was not afraid at all, he just slowly held the big palm of the man beside him, with a sassy face on his gorgeous appearance.

Then he poked at the system and said meaningfully: "1805, what do you think the ending of this world will be?"

1805, who was eating melon seeds when he was suddenly named, choked, "The mission is about to be completed anyway. I guess you are going to die again, and then go to the next dimension quickly?"

"No." Zhou Tang shook his head and smiled, and said confidently and firmly: "I will rewrite this ugly apocalypse, and the virus that will come in 3600 will definitely be in full force. Disintegrate, my name will be engraved on history books and monuments for generations to come."

When Zhou Tang's superpower cures every zombie-turned-human being, Su Ruxue's ambition will be realized by him.

He will be placed on the most dazzling altar, remembered and praised by generations of mankind.

With a sudden numbness on his scalp, 1805 suddenly thought of the impossible thing that the host could do in his mind, and still asked in horror: "You want to self-destruct the crystal core!?"

The blood in its host is invincible, and it is the natural nemesis of zombies, and it is the ultimate enemy of all zombies. Human Eve, if she wants to get rid of the zombies in this dark city in a short time, she can only self-destruct and let her blood scatter into the sky to heal them.

Zhou Tang nodded silently and did not deny it.

The corner of his lips curled up, and his narrow eyes showed the inevitable ambition, "I will not die. As long as I still have breath, my superpower can make me live flesh and blood and grow limbs." This belongs to him. BUG.

The healing power was given to him by the system and engraved in his blood. It was not in his crystal core, and self-destruction would not affect his resurrection.

Even though the process of restoring flesh and blood was very painful, Zhou Tang was fearless. He was once afraid of the pain, but now he is used to it.

The fragments of this world want to protect this world and restore it to normal, then he will fulfill it.

Eyes noticing the man's palm, Zhou Tang silently lowered his eyes to look at the white power on his fingertips, and then looked at Jiang Fengli, who had no fluctuations in power.

To this day, I still don't know what Jiang Fengli's superpower is.

"Jiang Fengli, what is your special power?" Zhou Tang followed the man and looked at the zombies in front of him and suddenly spoke.

A chaotic black light group gathered in his hand. Jiang Fengli slowly raised it in front of him and said in a deep voice: "The power of destruction."

It was the opposite power to the healing white light in Zhou Tang's hand. It was like a black hole that could destroy everything in the world. .

Looking at the black mass, Zhou Tang lowered his long eyelashes and didn't know what he was thinking. His delicate side face was illuminated by the light and looked particularly cold.


Just as Zhou Tang was lost in thought, a roar suddenly came from a distance.

That was the voice of the zombie king. A high-level zombie that was obviously different from other zombies slowly walked out of the zombie group.

People in the base seemed to realize that the zombie hugging the woman in front of them was the legendary Zombie King with superpowers.

Squinting his eyes, Zhou Tang looked at the red figure sitting on the zombie's shoulder, neither human nor ghost.

As he got closer, Zhou Tang recognized the half-zombie Su Ruxue. She was dirty and stained with unknown mucus, and her fiery red dress was in tatters. She was held by the zombie king on his shoulder with one hand.

Su Ruxue's body was covered with black and purple bruises. Zhou Tang raised his eyebrows and looked at the crazy-looking woman, asking the system: "Why didn't she become a zombie?"

1805: "She controlled it with her mental powers. She killed the Zombie King, or tamed it with her body, so she can still control herself from being infected. "

As expected of a heroine, she can be charming everywhere, and she can even bewitch things that are not of the same species.

When the Zombie King walked to the gate of the city, Zhou Tang instantly gathered the superpower in his hand and threw it at the Zombie King, while all kinds of cannonballs and even bullets on the city wall flew towards the Zombie King.

Even though the Zombie King was powerful, he still couldn't withstand this airtight attack, and in the end one of his arms was cut off by Zhou Tang.

"Mo Sa... Haha Mo Sa, I want you to pay for your life, I want you to pay for your life!" Seeing the Zombie King stumble, Su Ruxue made a face, madness gradually appearing on her face, and a hysterical and ugly attitude on her face.

Zhou Tang originally thought that Su Ruxue was back for revenge, so he glanced at her, but unexpectedly he saw that abnormal look in her eyes, always crazy and crazy, like a madman.

It turned out that Su Ruxue had lost her mind. At this moment, she was completely crazy and she was still chattering.

The zombies were controlled by Xie and ran in piles in the direction of Jiang Fengli, but the latter just quickly gathered the superpowers in his palms and quickly moved towards the zombies.

Even if his powers were exhausted, he still wanted to kill this annoying monster.

Jiang Fengli had a cold face, condensing huge superpowers in his hands and throwing them at the Zombie King who was running towards Zhou Tang.

The opponent's dodge ability and defense were almost incomparable. Jiang Fengli shook his hand with a slight drop of sweat on his forehead.

He was distracted and glanced at Zhou Tang, who looked relaxed. The man increased the power output in his hand and smashed through one of the zombie king's arms.

Just when the Zombie King turned around and was about to chase Jiang Fengli, a ball of fiery red flames struck towards it with a roar.

Zhou Tang's fingertips burst out with extremely powerful supernatural powers. The power was so terrifying that it seemed to have no end. In an instant, all the hair of the woman who was held by the Zombie King on his shoulders was burned away.

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