First Embrace [Arc 3 End]

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In a room full of fragrant aura, the emperor-like man was taking a rest, seemingly not expecting any danger. Herbers, who used to have a frown and a violent aura, was particularly calm at the moment.

The young man held the wooden stake high and was sweating a lot unknowingly. When he was about to stab it down, there was a hint of hesitation in his expression.

It has nothing to do with anything else. Herbers was too kind to him before, and he felt reluctant to kill him for Maidman.

"Hurry up, why are you hesitating! It's really not enough to succeed, but more than enough to fail." Shen Shu cursed.

Um. Encouraging herself in her heart, Liers took a deep breath and calmed down the rapid beating of her heart. She held the wooden stake with trembling hands and held it high above the man's heart.

"The divine book..." he said softly.

Seeing that Liers had stopped again, Shenshu was a little impatient: "What are you doing? The opportunity is right in front of you, do you still want to give up?"

"I don't want to kill him, is there any other way..." Suddenly thought of the two of them. When she took her in and was just a servant who didn't have to do hard work, Lilsi's thoughts suddenly became clear.

No, what he did was wrong. There must be other opportunities to save Maidman!

"Now that you've discovered it, it's too late at this point. You can only stab him!"

As the divine book finished speaking viciously, Liers once again felt that her whole body was being controlled, and the divine book was controlling him to move forward. Stab it down.

The dialogue in "One Person, One Book" was too unbelievable and full of malice. Just when Liers was about to stab him, the aura around the man on the bed changed, and Herbers opened his dark green eyes.

"Just because of this, you want to kill me?"

The deep eyes filled with disdain glanced at the wooden pile casually, and the next moment he raised his hand and suddenly sucked it from his hand into his palm.

Crushed into a pile of wood chips.

Liers' little face was pale, and she could only maintain this awkward posture of standing in front of him.

The next second the divine book escaped, and Tulurilsi collapsed on the ground with her limp body looking at the man in front of her with murderous eyes.

"Where are your accomplices?" He put on his clothes and robes, his brows inadvertently showing strength and sharpness.

Herbers promised Zhou Tang not to kill Liers, but he heard clearly just now that there was a third voice in the room.

I originally thought that what Zhou Tang said was just a conjecture, but I didn't expect that it was as he said. This ordinary human wanted to kill him.

"No... you listen to my explanation, God..." Liers opened her mouth, but was speechless when she touched the pile of broken wood on the ground.

He lowered his head and smiled bitterly. The boy's eyes were filled with tears. He gritted his teeth and raised his head and said, "Yes, I just want to kill you."

He shouldn't believe in the divine book. Herbers is not that easy to deal with at all. Even Maidmann couldn't kill him. How could he, a frail boy who couldn't carry him on his shoulders, kill him?

He may have been brainwashed by the divine book, and he deserves to be in the state of death he is now!

The light in his eyes dimmed quickly. He pursed his lips, closed his eyes, and waited for Herbers to kill him.

There was a small step at the door. Zhou Tang leaned against the door, a smile on his red lips, and his beautiful face was full of ridicule: "Guess what I found?"

His eyes stared at her for a moment. Looking at Liers.

Seeing his baby intact at the door, Herbers's expression finally returned to normal.

Walking into the man's chest, Zhou Tang curled his lips slightly: "He really has a purpose."

He turned to look at Liers who had a numb face, stretched out his hand towards him, and motioned for him to hand over the things.

In Lilsi's confused eyes, Zhou Tang knelt down close to him with a smile on his face, but asked the system in his mind: "Did you hear that just now, the divine book?"

Before the system could say anything, he took out his hand towards the young man's hand. In his pocket, he unsurprisingly touched an ordinary book.

"Hey, is this a divine book?" With a smile on his lips, the dark-eyed young man said casually in the young man's frightened eyes.

"It seems that this is the reason why your temperament is so mysterious? Do you like to be used by things of unknown origin?" Zhou Tang shook the book and his eyes became sharper.

"Let me go! You damn human being!" He seemed to be offended, and the book taunted Zhou Tang directly.

1805: "Ah! Host, this is the abnormal data lost by the main system! How can it be in the plane!"

Zhou Tang raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Then can you absorb it?"

Hehehe smiled, 1805 said shyly: "Of course Host, this can increase our strength!"

As he finished speaking, the light from the divine book in Zhou Tang's hand gradually dissipated, and a piece of data was extracted and sucked into the system.

This data has become the energy of the system without even saying the last words.

He seemed quite happy, and the system was acting coquettishly towards him.

Turning to look at the young man's melancholy eyes, Zhou Tang said: "Liers, we will send you back to the slums, so I will accept this book."

"Really? You won't kill me?" His pupils He shrunk suddenly, with a look of disbelief on his face, followed by joy.

"Congratulations to the host, the mission progress is 100%" 1805 said.

Liers already knew her future, and she would definitely not have any attachment to such a terrifying place. Being able to go back to find Maidman alive was the reason why he was happy.

And Herbers doesn't have any feelings for Liers. The plot of the world has been almost destroyed, and Zhou Tang can rest peacefully.

Zhou Tang knew that Lilsi had gone astray because of this data, and relying on his silly and sweet personality, it would be good not to be deceived. Thinking of this, he did not intend to kill him all, but sent him back to the slums.

Anyway, his last source of support was gone, and Liers' life in the slums was entirely up to him.


The surroundings were very dark, and the strong smell of blood and putrid smell lingered in the room. Maidman opened his eyes and found that he was tied to a chair, and all the bones in his body seemed to have fallen apart.

"How do you feel?" Zhou Tang asked, twitching his lips.

Only then did he realize that there was someone sitting opposite him. Zhou Tang was sitting in the arms of a man, looking at himself in such an embarrassing state.

With a sad smile, he spat out the blood foam in his mouth, "How do you know?"

He had just crossed the castle and wanted to kill Herbers with a silver gun. He felt a dull pain in the back of his head, and then he fell into a coma. Woke up and came here.

Can Zhou Tang say that this is a message from the system? No, so he could only glance at him lightly and smile without saying a word.

Seemingly getting the answer, Maidman laughed at himself, "I was stupid, I was careless. You are vampires, what can escape your eyes? If you want to kill me, just kill me."

His only regret is that He didn't hold Zhou Tang firmly at first.

"Wouldn't it be nice to kill you?" Zhou Tang sneered, kicked the silver gun at his feet, and called the vampire in the corner to come forward, "I told you a long time ago that you want to kill Herb Si, I will make your life worse than death."

As if he did not expect this result, Maidman looked crazy and panicked, and shouted, "Wait, what are you going to do?"

"Of course I'll turn you into a vampire." The young man's ghostly voice reached Maidman's ears, giving him the final blow of pain.

Perhaps ordinary people would expect an unlimited lifespan, but for Maidman, an arrogant man who has held a gun since he was a child and lived in the sun, becoming a vampire living in the dark will only make him unable to hold his head high and extremely humiliating.

"Zhou Tang, you are a devil!" The heartbreaking pain spread from his neck to his whole body.

At this moment, he really realized that the charming young man was truly a devil.

Zhou Tang was not interested in watching the process of a vampire biting a human, bleeding out and embracing him for the first time. He yawned. Amid Maidman's painful scolding, he led Herbers out and walked out.

"Baby, I've had a lot of fun watching it. The other people are also gone, is that okay?" Herbers touched Zhou Tang's neck suggestively and said ambiguously.

Touching the corners of his lips, Zhou Tang smiled softly: "Whatever you want is fine."

He asked 1805 in his heart: "How long can I stay in this world?"

"...The time is unknown."

Suddenly frowned, Zhou Tang's expression He was a little confused. He not only protected the mission target from death, but also allowed the mission to be completed. He could have stayed for a long time. Why did the system tell him that it was unknown?

He felt a little uneasy.

A crow passed through the greenhouse and made a few hoarse sounds, catching his attention.

He looked out the window. It was dark at that time, and the flowers in the flower room downstairs were particularly beautiful under the moonlight.

Did he miss something?

Otherwise, just muddle along, living one day at a time, and when it's time to leave, go to the next world to find your lover.

"What's wrong?" Herbers hugged him from behind and looked at the full moon outside with him.

"No..." There must be someone else he missed.

"Whoops -"

In the blink of an eye, a silver arrow flew towards them quickly along the window. Keeping the mission in mind, Zhou Tang kicked Herbers away, and the silver arrow suddenly pierced Zhou Tang's heart.

In this moment, Zhou Tang felt a hot sharp arrow piercing his chest with sharp force.

He looked down and saw that the arrow had pierced his skin, causing the area around his wound to become scorched black. That was the softest spot.

That is a sacred object that can make vampires disappear into ashes.

It turned out that it was coming towards him... Reluctantly, he stretched out his fingers towards the man who fell aside, and the blood in Zhou Tang's body gradually solidified.

It's a pity that he hasn't been able to say goodbye yet, and I don't know if I can meet him in the next plane.

After coming back to his senses, the man's red eyes opened slightly, and his deep and handsome face was full of grief.

"Zhou Tang!" He wailed. Because of the extra pain, the crow-colored wings on his back suddenly opened. He quickly crawled towards the young man, touched his face with trembling hands, and touched the silver arrow on his chest.

The silver arrow was constantly corroding his chest, and Herbers could smell the smell of the holy water.

At this moment, Herbers felt like his chest had been stabbed countless times. The pain was as if his heart was being dragged out of his chest and poured with holy water. The pain was unbearable.

"Hahaha, he's finally dead!" The person in the corner shouted hysterically and ran out with charred hands.

It was the vampire butler, and he actually wanted to touch the arrow and kill Zhou Tang regardless of himself!

"Master, he is hopeless. You should bring Mr. Lils back!" The housekeeper smiled in a strange way.

"Go to hell." He suddenly sucked the butler's neck into his hand. He looked at the face that disgusted him and crushed it with all his strength. "You really raised a useless thing."

As the blood spattered, Herb Si threw the body away and wiped his hands.

He lowered his eyelids to cover the despair in his bloody eyes, and quickly flew back to the place in his memory with Zhou Tang's body in his arms.

Putting Zhou Tang into the vampire coffin, Herbers pulled out the silver arrow. He opened his wrist and Zhou Tang's heart, and let the blood flow inside.

For the first time, this is the only way to save his muse, his lover.

The man watched Zhou Tang's peaceful sleeping face with tenderness, his pale lips, and he kept feeding blood.

Day after day, year after year, he stayed with Zhou Tang's body for a long time in the room containing his birth coffin.

When he was thirsty, he would drink the blood from Zhou Tang on the ground. When he was sleepy, he would cut his body with a knife.

He can't  make any mistakes, he only has Zhou Tang.

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