The protagonist is favored by the light

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White rose leaves fell on his face, and Liers' expression showed no trace of yearning, but only fear and fear.

"No! You not only have to love Herbers, you also have to love Maidman, both of them are your men."

Shen Shu sighed, and then his voice was sharp: "You still don't understand, you still don't understand! "

The young man turned to look at the castle, his delicate features full of confusion. He repeated what the book said, like a puppet: "I love Herbers, and I also love Maidman." "

That's right. There you go, good boy." It praised.

Blinking her eyes, Liers wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, her expression slowly becoming firmer.

The housekeeper standing in the castle stared blankly at the young man bathing in the sunshine. He couldn't help but reach out and touch the window, trying to capture the loneliness in the young man's eyes.

"As long as you hate it, I will help you solve it..."

He touched the window so gently, as if he was afraid of breaking it.

Underground city.

"Wait, Zhou Tang!" Maidman was stunned for two seconds, then grabbed the young man who was crossing his side, pulled off a piece of fabric from his clothes, and tied it to his finger.

He stuttered for a few seconds, then opened his mouth to explain: "You were injured... I didn't mean any harm. If you have a bad life or change your mind, you can always come to me." What are you

doing, poaching? Zhou Tang turned his head and looked at the messy knots on his hands with an expressionless face. He paused and felt that it was necessary to remind this man not to know what is good and what is evil.

His main task is to push forward the plot and completely collapse the world when necessary, so what he does must be contrary to the human thoughts in front of him.

It would be better if he killed Maidman right here. Although he would need to bear some backlash effects, Herbers' life would no longer be in danger.

His eyes flashed, and Zhou Tang moved his fingers.

"Warning! The host's thoughts are too dangerous. Maidman is the protagonist and cannot die!" 1805's voice suddenly appeared in Zhou Tang's mind, and his tone was very urgent.

Looking meaningfully at the man's anxious expression, Zhou Tang mocked: "Tsk, you're so greedy. Doesn't Maidman like Liers? Looking at it this way, I thought he liked me."

Zhou Tang said. Tang knew that the plot was not yet halfway through and this character could not die prematurely, but what he hated most was the too presumptuous looks from others.

Thinking of this, he narrowed his eyes, and the disgust in his eyes flashed away: "Listen, I don't know how you got in, but I know your plans. For your lives, you'd better not hit him. Bosi's idea."

Then take Lils away early.

Automatically blocking the cold words from the young man's mouth, Maidman stared closely at Zhou Tang's black pupils, which did not belong to the vampire clan, and his heart beat rapidly.

He quickly said in Zhou Tang's ear: "Herbers is not a good person. He captures humans at will and kills decisively. He is a tyrant. Even if you are a vampire, he will not always favor you." Zhou Tang kept talking

. Thinking of Herbers, Maidman was a little reluctant to listen.

If he could have arrived at the scene faster, or rescued Zhou Tang from the cross earlier than Herbers...

Then every time after killing the vampire, Zhou Tang's lonely figure would have been intercepted by him, maybe Now he relies on himself.

A wave of hot emotions gathered in his chest, and the man felt a trace of undue jealousy.

Why must it be Herbers, why was Liers snatched away by the demon, and the young man in front of him...

With a smile on his face, Zhou Tang shook his tied hands.

"You're right, he's not a good person. I'm the devil, so I'm a perfect match. But thank you anyway."

So don't let me down.


Under the dim sky was a quiet old castle. The young man opened the door and stepped on the soft carpet on the floor, quietly walking into the man's bedroom.

In the dimly lit room, there was a strong smell of blood that lingered in the air.

Zhou Tang frowned. The smell of blood was full of stench, like a corpse that had been covered in dust for a long time.

The smell of Herbers' blood was not like this, so it could only be someone else's.

After closing his eyes, the boy opened his eyes again and suddenly his eyes changed from black to red.

The young man squinted his eyes and looked at the man sitting lazily on the sofa armchair.

There was a great god sitting on the seat. He was shirtless, showing off his masculine charm, but because he had just killed a living creature, his aura was very frightening.

Shaking the pipe in his hand carelessly, the man exhaled a thick puff of mist to dispel the stench in the air.

Lying at his feet were the corpses of many vampires, men and women, with no mercy at all, their hearts had been crushed.

As if they had ruined his mood, the hand where he smoked the pipe was still stained with blood, and his expression was particularly serious.

He seemed to have just noticed Zhou Tang's gaze. His heart tightened and he instinctively wiped his hands.

He tore these kinsmen to pieces in front of Zhou Tang.

It was as if he was in an ice cellar, as if he had lost everything. He was afraid that Zhou Tang would be afraid of such a terrifying version of himself.

This was the first time Zhou Tang saw Herbers smoking in this world.

He didn't have any expression. He just walked up to Herbers and threw himself into his arms. "I'm back. Do you miss me?" With

a shake of his hand, Herbers threw away the hand in his hand. He didn't dare to touch the young man with his dirty hands, "How are you? You're not injured today, are

you?" He originally thought that Zhou Tang would be afraid of such a cold-blooded and ruthless tyrant. In fact, Zhou Tang still jumped in after seeing such a scene. In his own arms.

Even the subordinates who stayed around the man would be afraid, but Zhou Tang didn't hesitate at all.

"I'm fine. Are they here to kill you? Ask the housekeeper to take care of the body later. You and I can take a shower now." He said it lightly, even calmer than

Hebbs, who had just killed something.

Not hearing the sound, Zhou Tang raised his head to look at him, but unexpectedly caught the gaffe in the man's eyes.

He hugged Zhou Tang quickly, his arms extremely strong, as if he wanted to rub him into his own bones and blood.

"Don't you think I'm scary?" Herbers said hoarsely, with a burst of bitterness spreading in his mouth.

Herbers has been waiting for Zhou Tang for a long time. He has come here alone for thousands of years. He has struggled for too long in the abyss of being attacked from both sides.

I had forgotten my feelings for a long time, but the moment I saw those smart eyes, I started to throb again and gave everything I had.

"You are my man, why should I be afraid?" Zhou Tang raised his head, kissed his chin, and chuckled, "Don't be too suspicious."

As he finished speaking, the man's cold lips fell on the young man's neck, almost crazy. , "You are really my treasure."

The blood clan's lack of emotions burst out, which is enough to drive people crazy.

After taking a long bath, Zhou Tang lay tiredly in the man's arms, thinking about the original plot of this world.

When the protagonist Liers became his favor, the vampires were dissatisfied because they were also eager to get the blood flowing in this young man's body.

Therefore, the biggest breaking point of the original plot conflict was at the song and dance party not long after. At that time, Maidman and his group, disguised as vampires, would be there and rescue him.

Then came the plot cycle of Herbers taking it back and Maidman taking it away again...

Sighing, Zhou Tang pinched the man's chest and said seriously: "The song and dance party will be in a few days, and Liers will go too. "

I'm not taking him, I'm just taking you." Kissing Zhou Tang's forehead reassuringly, Herbers laughed out loud, "Are you jealous now? I'll send him back or kill him in a few days." "

Herbers." Zhou Tang interrupted him, "You can't kill Liers. Keeping him is still useful. We have to bring him to the party."

Zhou Tang continued: "Believe me, I won't let anyone People have the opportunity to hurt you."

A few days later.

The vampire's banquet was held in the most luxurious villa in the Imperial District of Lotei City. It was a grand scene that ordinary people might not see once in their lifetime.

Those monsters wore the most beautiful and handsome human skins, drank red wine and chatted with each other, and all glanced at the lonely blood slave in the corner.

Liers hugged herself tightly and stared at the two figures mingling in the distance with a fearful expression.

Because Herbers has a male companion, the ownerless human beings brought here have obviously become meat and potatoes, a being that every vampire wants to take a bite of.

Hidden in the crowd, Maidman and others held wine glasses with sticky blood in their hands, and their eyes kept exploring.

Maidman is looking for Zhou Tang, but he has not forgotten Liers who volunteered to break into the enemy camp.

In his eyes, Liers was too weak and helpless, and he still owed him a lot.

Because he was afraid that Liers would be "divided" by the vampires, Zhou Tangli decided to leave Hebers and walked towards Liers.

"Host, danger! Get away quickly!" 1805 was horrified.

With his expression condensed, the young man took off his black coat and threw it into the sky. However, he squatted down and flew towards Liers faster and faster.

Maidman moved too fast. He wanted to catch Liers before he was injured.

"Bang, bang, bang—"

The silver bullets suddenly shot into the hearts of the surrounding vampires as if they were free of charge.

In an instant, those men and women who were drinking blood one second became corpses the next.

After hurriedly avoiding it, Zhou Tang looked at the man in the center with a cold expression.

I really underestimated the people in Maidman's group.

"Zhou Tang, please do me a favor." Maidman pointed a gun at his heart and looked down at him.

A trace of anger flashed across the beautiful brows, Zhou Tang pursed his lips, looked at the dark muzzle of the gun, and took the initiative to show weakness.

After catching Zhou Tang, Maidman clasped his waist tightly with his hands and slowly walked from the corner to the center.

He held a gun in his other hand and pressed it hard against his heart, speaking calmly: "Herbers, your blood slave is in my hands."

"Zhou Tang!"

Herbers's eyes were bloodshot, because he was Threatening, emitting red light, looking like a monster about to lose his mind, "Let go of your dirty hands."

He stared straight at the bold human in front of him, his fingers bent into five claws, but when he saw his arms The young man he was holding in his arms hesitated.

It was obvious that his emotions were erupting on the edge of the storm. If he had known this, he would not have let Zhou Tang stay so far away from him, allowing these people to take advantage of him.

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