Successfully Seduced The Business Emperor

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With a trace of murderous intent in his eyes. Just as Zhou Tang was about to raise his hand to chop the man unconscious, the next second the anxious voice of the system came from his mind.

1805: "Be merciful! This is not Du Zhoupei, but Du Yanqi, the mission target."

Zhou Tang immediately relaxed his waist and relaxed his nerves.

The man did not respond to Zhou Tang's question. He silently traced the outline of his body with his long, rough fingers, and then traced the back of his neck with his rough fingertips, pinching the piece of flesh as if he were a pet.

Zhou Tang, who was slightly dizzy, just accepted the touch in silence, and the scorching temperature filled every corner of his body like water vapor.

The wound on the sole of the foot that was originally dripping was gently caressed, and then he gently held Zhou Tang in his arms, as if he were treating some treasure.

There seemed to be a sharp object piercing the skin in the area that had been numbed by pain. Du Yanqi squinted and pulled off the frenulum from his waist. After pulling out the debris one by one, he gently wrapped the frenulum around the wound. In a circle.

Rubbing his temples dully with his hands, Zhou Tang felt a faint aroma and smell of tobacco coming from the tip of his nose, and he also felt that his wound was being bandaged by a man.

Pursing his lips, Zhou Tang pretended to be tired and fell asleep, letting the man's actions continue.

Drowsily, Zhou Tang was pretending to sleep, but fell asleep in the man's arms unknowingly.

Zhou Tang was woken up by the sunlight in the early morning.

The sun shined through the opened bed curtains, shining brightly on the young man. As if he felt something strange, Zhou Tang woke up suddenly, and the gray bed curtains were opened at some point.

The room was very bright, and Zhou Tang turned his head and glanced at the intact door, suspecting that he had an unusually clear dream last night.

1805 yawned: "Last night, after Du Yanqi helped you clean up the debris, he also opened the curtains for you to breathe. He left at dawn."

After hearing the system's answer, Zhou Tang rubbed his bandaged skin . of the affected area, pursed his lips and smiled.

Old men are not only reserved and caring, but also very warm-hearted.

Did he deliberately let himself know that he had come to see him? Or did you have a kind heart, deliberately broke the lock and entered to take care of him, and then improved the door and helped lock it?

1805 was very confident and answered automatically: "Maybe he is fascinated by you."

After stretching with difficulty, Zhou Tang walked to the floor-to-ceiling window. He wanted to take a casual look at the scenery, but unexpectedly he happened to see Du Yan. Kai's figure.

His eyelashes lowered and fluttered slightly, Zhou Tang trimmed his eyebrows and stared at Du Yanqi closely.

The man seemed to be getting ready to go out. He was wearing a luxurious haute couture suit and holding an expensive cane. He was standing in front of a black business car with many people around him.

From a long distance away, the man's handsome and stern face looked a little blurry in Zhou Tang's eyes.

Zhou Tang raised his eyebrows and asked, "Where is he going?"

1805 looked at Du Yanqi who was about to get in the car and set off, and immediately reminded him: "I'm on a business trip. The next mission target will be back in half a month. Host , hurry up!"

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