I'm here to pick you up, baby

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Because of the sudden tightening of his arms, the young man was forced to be locked in the man's arms. Glancing upward, he could only see his superior jawline.

After poking the man's waist, Zhou Tang subconsciously nuzzled him coquettishly with a nostalgic gesture.

He chuckled in a low voice: "1805, I made the right bet, he is indeed by my side."

This is his Herbers, his unique love.

The system sighed: "...Congratulations to the host."

The man carefully hugged the young man into his arms with bloody hands, and kept scanning the surroundings with hostile eyes.

The moment the young man fell off the roof, Herbers' heart, which was hiding in the dark, seemed to jump out together, leaving only panic and fear.

Fortunately, he got it.

The man looked down at him, the enthusiasm in his deep emerald eyes undisguised, "I'm here to pick you up, baby."

His eyes noticed the slightly trembling wrist of the man in his arms, and Herbers raised it reverently. The pair of wrists gently and ambiguously licked the wounds there.

That gesture and loving gesture made the hearts of those watching tremble violently.

It turns out that the rumors are true, and the vampire prince Herbers is really obsessed with Zhou Tang.

The heartbeat amplified little by little, and the bulging chest muscles were pressed against Zhou Tang's face. The young man held tightly in Herbers' arms raised his eyes to look at his cold and handsome face, and finally let go of his vigilance. She closed her eyes in peace and smelled the good-smelling hormones on his body.

"I know you will come to pick me up." He curled his lips, as if he knew what Herbers was thinking, "Don't kill them, they are not worthy of dirtying your hands."

According to the system's requirements, Maidman cannot die. It's a shame, but Zhou Tang will give him eternal pain.

I wonder if Maidman Hunter, who hates vampires the most, will be happier after being transformed into a vampire and living a life that only haunts the night?

There was a strange smile on the young man's astonishingly beautiful face.

Herbers originally wanted to kill everyone here, but when he discovered that Zhou Tang relied on and believed in him so much, the anger and mania that was still surging in his chest were all extinguished in an instant because of his few words.

"Okay, I'll do whatever you want." He looked at Zhou Tang, his eyes softening unconsciously.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the mission progress is 50% completed."

At this moment, Herbers lowered his head, willing to give in to his bottom line, just to please Zhou Tang.

Standing at the fence, Maidman's breath was stagnant. At this moment, Zhou Tang was beautiful, gentle, and particularly spiritual. He had never seen him look at him with such eyes.

He looked at the two people who were slowly falling and ran down quickly. Even if he tried his best, he could not let Herbers take the young man away.

He obviously just rescued Zhou Tang, and he must not let him go back again!

He ran faster and faster, took out a silver knife from his pocket, and walked straight towards them without even looking at Liers beside him.

The bodies of the two slowly fell to the ground, and the humans working around them instantly became alert and took out their knives to be very defensive.

Ordinary people living in the slums would never even see the prince living in the bustling imperial district, so when the women suddenly saw Herbers's face, their expressions were very incredible.

The ugly vampire they pictured in their minds with grinning teeth actually had a face that was as beautiful as a god.

The clothes are more exquisite than them, and the steps are more elegant than them. At first glance, he does not look like a debt-collecting devil, but more like a gentleman who behaves like a gentleman at a high-class banquet.

If every vampire is so elegant and noble, wouldn't there be a lot of people who voluntarily become blood slaves?

After all, vampires only drink blood, they don't eat people or kill people.

His eyes signaled the surrounding members to be wary of this dangerous person. The man held the silver knife in his pocket, with a fierce light in his eyes, staring at the two people embracing each other, "You dare to break into my territory alone, look. Come on, you are not afraid of death."

The young man turned his head, the corners of his eyes were slightly curved, and his plump lips raised a slight arc, "You are nothing."

Liers, who was carrying a basket of fruits, looked stunned and turned to look Maidman's figure turned his attention to the familiar figure in the distance, and then his eyes suddenly widened.

It's Herbers! Herbers came to the slums to find Zhou Tang, and Liers suddenly felt a strong sense of loss in her heart.

Why did you find Zhou Tang...but not him?

"What are you waiting for, stupid! You are about to lose Herbers's favor. He is about to take that devil away. Stop him quickly and beg him to take you away with him!" The sacred book in his pocket spoke with hatred

. He said in an iron-clad tone, eager for Lilsi to rush over and let the vampire take her away.

"But... But, Maidman has been very good to me recently. He will also chat with me. Leaving him will make him sad." Liers spoke intermittently, her face was hesitant, and she seemed to be having an intense conversation. Decide.

"Please wake up! Look what Maidman, who you are obsessed with, is doing. He is competing with Herbers for people! He doesn't like you, so wake up!" Shenshu was angry, scolding her mercilessly word for word. Liers looked stupid.

How could it be picked up by such a person in the first place? If all its power hadn't been contained in this book, it wouldn't have asked the stupid and naive boy in front of it to do its mission.

That's right, the Divine Book is not actually a Divine Book. It came to this world as a string of codes that formed the source of the collapse of this world.

As a string of world-setting codes, its ultimate mission is to make all the outstanding men in this world stop following their hearts and fall in love with the same boy.

So it locked onto Lils, and the key person it took care of was Herbers. The moment it saw Lils, it tied itself to him.

Nothing else, he is so beautiful, as beautiful as an angel in the sky. Shen Shu believes that no one can resist such a delicate and delicate flower!

At least before Zhou Tang appeared, it could still firm its mind. After Zhou Tang appeared, it had to admit that this young man named Zhou Tang was also beautiful.

But it is poisonous, who dares to pick it? He is a poisonous rose covered with thorns.

The Divine Book was very disgusted with the aura exuding from Zhou Tang's body. It was the same heresy as himself that could not be detected by it.

This aura makes it so annoying that it just wants to get rid of this annoying person.

It was obvious that Liers had walked step by step to Hebbs' side according to her own ideas, and was about to enter his heart, but at the critical moment Zhou Tang appeared.

Not only did Liers get hated by the prince, but Hebbs also gave her favor to him, to this devil whose whole body was filled with its hateful aura!

Everything was in vain because of this Zhou Tang. It would be great if he could die.

Liers, who woke up from being scolded by the divine book, was in a daze with a look of disbelief. She turned around and saw the familiar emotion in Maidman's eyes.

He knew it was jealousy, that Maidmann was jealous of Herbers.

His heart felt as if it had been torn open heavily, showing his wounds bloody and embarrassing.

Maidman turned out to be someone other than herself, and a deep despair swept through Lilsi's body.

He was left with Maidman, who had lost the fame and luxurious life that Herbers had given him in the Imperial District.

"What are you doing standing still? Go quickly." The divine book lit up and urged.

"I...can I not go?" Liers squeezed the basket tightly, as if she was frozen in place.

He didn't want to embarrass himself.

"Tsk, indecisive, I really don't know why I misjudged you in the first place." Shenshu said ruthlessly, and a bright light emerged from his pocket, and then rushed into his body.

The next second, Liers felt a warm breath filling her whole body. His body gradually lost control of itself and was driven in the direction of Herbers by a mysterious force.

No, no! Liers shouted in her heart, but her steps became faster and faster, and finally she stood in front of Herbers.

Zhou Tang moved his gaze away and looked at Liers with an amused look on her face begging for caressing.

He really knows how to pretend to be pitiful.

Herbers' figure was elegant and upright. He held the sweetheart in his arms and looked at her without sideways eyes. When he looked at Maidman, there was a trace of disdain in his eyes.

Just when the controlled Lils was about to speak, Maidman was the first to sarcastically say.

"Zhou Tang, don't forget that the handcuffs are still on your hands. You can't take them off without my key. Come back to me quickly!" His expression was proud and arrogant.

Maidman thought to himself that vampires are indeed cold-blooded. He had raised the young man for a few days, but it seemed that he was not mature at all.

Herbers wrapped his wings around the young man, as if he were a guardian, and gently held Zhou Tang's wrist with his hand. An oppressive aura suddenly rose from his body.

Herbers: "Who are you talking to?"

The aura of a superior person was fierce. He seemed unconcerned, but when those green eyes touched Maidman's eyes, their color suddenly darkened, like a storm. advent.

"Is this thing worthy of hurting him?"

As the words fell, Herbers calmly covered the handcuffs with his big palm. Even though the palm of his hand was burned red, swollen and scorched black, he did not let go.

Under Maidman's gaze, Herbers instantly twisted the handcuffs he was proud of into powder, and then fell off the young man's wrists.

Perhaps because of being humiliated, Maidman's resolute face showed a sense of determination. At this moment, he seemed to have completely forgotten what he was supposed to do. The only thing in his mind was to fight against Herbers, kill him and get Zhou Tang back. idea.

"Hand him over, you damn devil!" Maidman took out the special silver knife in his pocket and thrust it into the man in front of him.

As long as he inserts this silver knife soaked in holy water, this man will be reduced to ashes in an instant!

The big palm suddenly sucked Maidman's neck, but his knife was only an inch away from being thrown over the wings and inserted into the heart. Maidman could no longer go any further.

"Maidemann! No!" Liers looked horrified, but she was also afraid of hurting herself if she stepped forward.

His face turned purple and his eyes gradually turned white. Maidman, the hunter who was captured, had a look of hatred on his face. Just when he was about to suffocate to death, Zhou Tang made a sound.

Zhou Tang looked frivolous: "Herbers, don't kill him, he doesn't deserve to die in your hands because of his words."

Suddenly letting go of his hand, Herbers turned his head and kissed him with a smile on his face. Lip: "Okay, it's all up to you."

Liers, who was standing nearby and watching the whole process, was already shocked. Unexpectedly, Herbers didn't even pay attention to him, but turned around suddenly to avoid the other person. Human sneak attack.

"You can't hurt him."

Like Satan crawling out of hell, Herbers's eyes instantly turned red. His left hand instantly attracted a human who was preparing for a sneak attack, and the next second he broke his neck.

The man still held the silver gun in his hand, but he collapsed on the ground the next second.

"!!!" Liers trembled with her legs and hurriedly covered her mouth, unable to believe how easily Herbers could kill someone.

The dead man had spoken to him the day before!

"If I don't kill you, it's not because Hebbs is afraid of you, it's because we let you go." Zhou Tang lay in the man's arms and looked sideways, his eyes as subtle as looking at the garbage on the ground.

Both of us, both of us!

With these three words flashing through his mind over and over again, Maidman fell to the ground dying, but his eyes stubbornly looked at the leaving figures of Zhou Tang and others.

The castle is still quiet and deep, except that all the murals on the outside of the corridor have been replaced by Zhou Tang's paintings of various parts.

Under the dim moonlight, the young man stood naked next to the bed, his whole body stained with a thin layer of red due to shyness.

The man sitting on the sofa behind him had his clothes wide open, showing off his strong muscle lines, and his firm, pale skin was very powerful.

He walked towards Zhou Tang, then carefully touched his body with his hands, feeling the slight trembling under his hands through his skin.

It was an extremely comfortable and exciting feeling.

"Do you miss me?" His voice was low and sexy. When he spoke close to Zhou Tang's ear, it was like a devil's whisper, carrying a seductive magic power.

Seen from a distance, this pair of figures hugging each other has a strange beauty.

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