Finding You part 8 ch 36

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Finding you part 8 ch 36~

Carly was on the docks when she ran into Zack and Kendall. "Thanks to you not saving my hotel Skye stole it," Carly said "Carly it's not my husband's fault that you embezzled money from you're own hotel," Kendall said "It's on you, You sure just be happy you're not going to jail," Zack said "Are you staying in town" Carly ask "It's none of you're business," Kendal said and they left.

At Todd/Blair~Todd was looking out the window when Blair came in."Blair why did you want to come back to this town, Was it to see Lorenzo" Todd asked "No, You're letting Skye work you, I'm not in love with Lorenzo or Tomas I love you Todd Manning" Blair said Todd turned around and Blair touch his face. "I'm sorry," Todd said "I know, I love you and we both want to come to this town for a new start," Blair said "Yes we did," Todd said "Are you going to try the newspaper again," Blair said "I'm not sure" Todd said

Skye's office was working when Lila Rae came in. "Mother, I want to start my fashion line," Lila Rae said "That's great, I will support you," Skye said "Thanks, I'm thinking baby clothes," Lila Rae said "That's great, Baby do need cute outfits," Skye said "Yes they do," Lila Rae said

At New Haven~Genevieve finally around to her place and went outside where the driver took her bags out of the car. "Thank you, You can bring them inside then go," Genevieve said the driver went into the house with Genevieve who went into her purse and pulled out some money to tip the driver. "Thank you," Genevieve said "You're welcome," The driver said and took off his hat. "Alexander" Genevieve said "Yes," Alexander said "Why are you here" Genevieve asked "Because you're going to listen to me, I'm sorry that wasn't there for you this weekend, Please Goddess let's talk about this" Alexander said he touch Genevieve arm. "No, Please go," Genevieve said "Genevieve, I still love you and I know you love me too," Alexander said" If you don't leave I will call the guards, My father still has them here," Genevieve said "Please we can make it work," Alexander said "Let me go" Genevieve said as the guard came by. "Ms. Genevieve is everything okay," The man asked "No, Take him away," Genevieve said "Genevieve I'm not giving up on us, It's not over," Alexander said "Please Alexander you're scaring me," Genevieve said the guards took Alexander away.

"Stay away Cassadine," The guard said Alexander went away and into the car as the guard called Lorenzo and told him about Alexander. "Thank you I will take care of it, Keep an eye on my daughter Lorenzo said as he hang up the phone.

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