Finding You Genevieve Alternative ending ch 15

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Finding you Genevieve ch 15
At Genevieve office~ Genevieve came in with Bianca. "So this is your office" Bianca asked "Yes it's all mine," Genevieve said "You like being a lawyer don't you" Bianca asked "Yes I do, I like to take crime down," Genevieve said "Have you ever had to arrest you're father or brother" Bianca ask "Not yet, But if I have to I will," Genevieve said as her assistant Kim came in. "Ms. Alcazar I have the files you need for your case," Kim said as she handled the file "Thank you, Kim, This is Bianca a family friend, I will be at my family house then I will be back," Genevieve said "Alright," Kim said and left. "I didn't know what you want me to tell anyone outside the family who you are," Genevieve said "It's okay, I'm not ready either," Bianca said "Let's go to my family house, If it's too much for you let me know," Genevieve said, "I think I will be fine" Bianca said "So do I" Genevieve said

At The Quartermaine house  Alan and Monica and Skye and Lorenzo and Lila Rae and Rae and Morgan and Luis Jr and Skylar and Tracy and AJ and Lydia and Abby and Constanza were there. "Now Genevieve's daughter Bianca is in town, But just be nice to her," Skye said "We will, Right Tracy" Alan asked "Yes I will behave, I also thought Genevieve did the right thing in giving up her baby," Tracy said "Don't say that," Skye said "Skye, You have to be proud of who Genevieve is," Tracy said "Of course I'm," Skye said "If you can get to know our daughter," Lorenzo said "There's nothing wrong about being careful who you let in," Tracy said "I wish my daughter wasn't like that" Skye said as Genevieve and Bianca came in. "Bianca it's good to see you," Skylar said "You too," Bianca said "Sis" Skylar said Skylar and Genevieve were close. "Did I miss something?"Genevieve asked "Nothing worth talking about," Skylar said "Bianca this is my grandfather Alan and Step Grandmother Monica and Uncle AJ and Aunt Lydia and my cousin Abby and Constanza, and then their Aunt Tracy" Genevieve said "Nice to meet you all, This is all new to meet to" Bianca said "We're just glad to finally meet you" Alan said "Yes we are welcome to my house" Monica said "This is you're house" Bianca ask "Yes Alan give it to me" Monica said "Yes we know" Tracy said

Genevieve went by the window when Constanza came by they were close cousins. "Genevieve is everything okay," Constanza asked "Yes I'm fine," Genevieve said "You can open up to me, You used to," Constanza said "I'm fine," Genevieve said Alice came in. "Breakfast is ready," Alice said they went into the dining room. "So Genevieve where is Victor" Alan asked "They broke up" Lila asked "No we made up but he's at work," Genevieve said "I'm glad you both worked things out," Skye said, "Thanks Mother," Genevieve said "So what are you and Bianca doing today" Lorenzo ask "I have to go back to the office, I have a big case coming," Genevieve said "Oh," Lorenzo said he didn't like the fact that Genevieve was a criminal lawyer. Luis Jr.'s phone went off and he went to take it. "Yes do it now," Luis Jr said "Well Bianca how long are you staying in town," AJ asked "I'm not sure," Bianca said "Bianca we sure go shopping today," Raelyn said "Sure," Bianca said "I can go with you if you want," Lila Rae said "Lila Rae you don't have anything to do besides shopping," Genevieve said, "Genevieve," Lorenzo said "I do other things I work at the hospital" Lila Rae said "Leave my wife alone" Morgan said "Sorry" Genevieve said "This is a very nice house" Bianca said "Thank you, Do you ride, We have Genevieve horse here" Alan ask "Yes I do, I would like to ride one day" Bianca said "Good" Skylar said she look at her sister who was having a hard time with all this and trying not to show it. "My parents are coming to town," Bianca said "We would love to meet them," Skye said "Yes they can stay here if they want to," Alan said "I don't think my father would like that he a proud man," Bianca said "Well then they can stay at the hotel on us" AJ said "Thank you" Bianca said "I need to go back to the office" Genevieve said "Alright" Bianca said "You have you're key right" Genevieve ask "Yes, I will be fine" Bianca said Genevieve left.

Genevieve was in the hallway looking for her keys when Tracy came by. "Genevieve," Tracy said "What Aunt Tracy, I'm late for work," Genevieve said "Just because you give her up doesn't mean you can't love her, You did what you had to do," Tracy said "Thank you, Aunt Tracy, I always look up to you because you don't let anything get in you're way and you don't wear your heart on you're sleeve, I did that once and it leads me to get hurt," Genevieve said "I did that too," Tracy said "Grow up I always wish my mother would leave Daddy because as much as they love each other he would never leave us to work for her," Genevieve said "No man like that don't change," Tracy said Genevieve left.

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