Finding You Genevieve Alternative ending ch 16

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Finding you Genevieve ch 16 At the Quartermaine house~ In the hallway~ Tracy was about to go back to the dining room when Skye came in. "Where is my daughter," Skye asked "Genevieve left' Tracy said "Did you say something to Genevieve" Skye asked "We just talk a little that's all," Tracy said "I hate that my daughter respects you," Skye said "No you're just mad that Genevieve doesn't look up to you like Lila Rae does," Tracy said "Genevieve has always been the daughter who likes to stand up to me and Lorenzo" Skye said "You sure be proud of that, Genevieve stands up for what she believe in and doesn't let anyone get in her way, You used to be like that" Tracy said "Yes I was" Skye said as Lorenzo came in. "Is everything okay?"Lorenzo asked, "Was it worth it?" Tracy asked and left. "What was that about" Lorenzo asked "Nothing, I'm going to talk to Genevieve," Skye said "Alright, Do you want me to go with you" Lorenzo asked "No, I think I need some mother and daughter time with Genevieve" Skye said "Alright 'Lorenzo said and Skye left.

Luis Jr came by Lorenzo. "Father we need to talk," Luis Jr said "Let's go to the office," Lorenzo said they left.

"Bianca if you have any questions you can come to me," Constanza said "Are you and Genevieve close" Bianca asked "Grow up we used to be, Genevieve wasn't always like this so close off" Constanza said "Did he do this to her, My birth father" Bianca ask "Alexander did hurt Genevieve, They did love each other" Constanza said "Thank you, I know it's just not hard on me but everyone else" Bianca said "We just want to make it easy on you too" Alan said "Were you all upset that Genevieve give me up" Bianca ask Alan and Monica share a look. "What is it" Bianca asked "Genevieve didn't tell anyone that she was pregnant we all figured it out when she left town after the wedding that almost was," Alan said "Oh," Bianca said "Are you okay" Lila Rae ask "Yes, Let's go shopping," Bianca said they left.

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