Finding You Genevieve alternative ending ch 68

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Finding you Genevieve ch 68
On the docks~ Victor and Genevieve came back to town. "Victor, I'm going to buy the land why don't you go talk to Nikolas," Genevieve asked "Genevieve," Victor said "Victor,  You need to do this," Genevieve said "You're right I do," Victor said he kisses Genevieve and left.

At the lakehouse~ Josslyn came in and turned on the lights to find a man there. "Who are you, I will call the cops," Josslyn said as she pulled out her phone. "Josslyn it's me," Jax said as he came by Josslyn. "Daddy"Josslyn said "Yes baby I'm home"Jax said "How"Josslyn ask "It's a long story for a while I didn't remember who I was and I'm sorry I miss a lot with you, My little girl you're all grown up"Jax said "Yes I'm"Josslyn said "Are you happy"Jax ask "Yes, Oh Mother is going to be happy to see you"Josslyn said "How is Carly"Ja ask "Good, Mother is seeing someone"Josslyn said "Who"Jax ask "A married man, Todd Manning, Mother thinks I don't know"Josslyn said "Oh, She hasn't chance, What about you"Jax ask "I'm seeing someone Luis Alcazar his a lovely man"Josslyn said "Luis"Ja said "His not like his father, Luis is opening restaurant today you sure come"Josslyn said "Maybe, How is his mother, Skye"Jax ask "Skye is trying , Lorenzo is in jail"Josslyn said "Really the cops finally got him"Jax ask "Thanks to his own daughter Genevieve who put him away, Daddy are you still in love with Skye"Josslyn ask "I care for you're mother but yes my heart is with Skye, Are you okay"Jax ask "Yes, Daddy if that who you want them go for her. After all, Lorenzo is in jail he not get out" Josslyn said "It's not that easy, I hurt Skye" Jax said "I know, I let Skye keep the company I didn't want it" Josslyn said "Why not" Jax ask "I didn't want to disappoint you" Josslyn said "Never, Baby we are going to make up for all this time we lose" Jax said "I hope so" Josslyn said

At Nikolas/Emily~Emily and Nikolas were having some coffee when Victor came in. "Victor how was the cabin, Did you and Genevieve have a nice time" Emily asked "Mother, I want to thank you for taking care of me and Alexander and loving me," Victor said "You don't have to thank me, I love you" Emily said "I know the truth, Who my real mother is it's Britt Westbourne. Why did you lie" Victor yelled "Victor, How did you find out" Nikolas asked "Enough! Time for the truth" Victor yelled "Fine, You're right it's time" Nikolas said "Yes it is" Emily said "I dated Britt when I thought Emily was dead and Britt ended up pregnant and left town and I found out that she was pregnant so I look for her and I found her holding you and you're brother in her hurts and with a gun, She was going to kill all three of you because of me after I took you and you're brother from her arms I try to stop her and take the gun but it was too late Britt shot herself and after I deal with that  I found out that Emily was alive and I went looking for her. Here I was with two twin boys to raise alone and I found the woman I loved so I asked Emily to help me raise you and you're brother which she loved as her own" Nikolas said "Alexander and I had a right to know the truth about our mother, Emily, I do love you and I just want the truth" Victor said "I get it I do" Emily said "Why did My birth mother fall apart was it because you didn't love her" Victor ask "I think so and Britt isn't very stable either her father is Faison and his very unstable" Nikolas said "I just wish you didn't keep the truth from us father" Victor said "I know I'm sorry" Nikolas said "I have to go and meet the woman I love we our build a house together, I finally have the woman I love and no one is going to take her away from me" Victor said and left. "Nikolas, Are you okay" Emily asked "I know the truth will come out soon," Nikolas said "Yes," Emily said that

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