Finding You Genevieve alternative ending ch 41

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Finding you Genevieve ch 41
At the docks~ Bianca was lying on the docks bleeding when Victor and Genevieve came by. "Oh Bianca please stay with me, I can't lose you," Genevieve said when the ambulance came. "Please save my baby," G Genevieve said "We will try if she alleged to anything," The man asked "I don't know, She's my daughter but I didn't raise her," Genevieve said "Alright we will get her to the hospital," The man said "Just take care of Bianca," Genevieve said Bianca wake up. "Genevieve" Bianca said Genevieve came by her Bianca. "It's going to be okay baby, The ambulance is going to take you to the hospital. Are you alleged to anything" Genevieve asked "No" Bianca said "Good, Do you want me to go with you" Genevieve asked "Yes" Bianca said they went into the ambulance.

At Stateville~The cop that was driving Lorenzo and Luis Jr.'s van stopped and opened the door Lorenzo and Luis Jr came out of it guns went off and the cop was shot at and a man came by with a car. "Let's go," The man said and Lorenzo and Luis Jr went into the car. "The cabin is all set," The man said "Good, We can't go to jail," Lorenzo said "You will not," The cop said "So Father after this what will happen" Luis Jr asked "We will go to the cabin in the city and you're mother will meet us there and soon we will move to another town" Lorenzo said "I hate this" Luis Jr said "I know we can't talk to you're sisters but it's the only way" Lorenzo said "This is all on me this was my idea" Luis Jr said "Don't this isn't on you it's on Genevieve" Lorenzo said

At General Hospital~ The ambulance brought Bianca in she was lying on a starch as Genevieve was by her. "What happened" Alan asked "Bianca was shot at please Grandfather save her," Genevieve said "I will," Alan said as he went to work on Bianca. "Genevieve" Victor said "This is all my father he did this! He shot my daughter! Genevieve yelled as Skye Skylar and Lila Rae came by. "Did Daddy do this? Did he Mother please tell the truth for once in your life" Genevieve said "No your father didn't do this" Skye said "Bianca will be okay" Lila Rae said "You don't care about their my daughter just go" Genevieve said "You're daughter now she you're daughter" Lila Rae said "She will always be my daughter, I don't need you and mother" Genevieve said the mayor came by? "Genevieve I heard about you're daughter and I'm sorry about that and I hope she gets well, Your father and brother space jail today a cop who was driving them to Stateville was shot at," The mayor said "Did you find them" Genevieve ask "Not yet but we will, Mrs. Alcazar do you know anything about this," The mayor asks "No," Skye said "She lying! You know where Daddy is just like you know he did this" Genevieve said "Genevieve let's go for a walk you need to cool down" Victor said as Alan came by. "Grandfather how is my baby," Genevieve asked "Bianca made it out just fine we got the bullet out, "Alan said "Thank god can I see her" Genevieve asked "Yes," Alan said Genevieve and Victor left. "Thank god Bianca is okay," Skye said "Skye did Lorenzo do this to his granddaughter," Alan asked "Daddy, Lorenzo would not do this, I have to go," Skye said "What are you up to now" Alan asked "I 'm doing what I have to do for my family" Skye said "We don't have a family anymore mother" Skylar said "Skylar" Skye said "Skylar is right, It's gone" Lila Rae said "No it's not" Skye said and left.

In Bianca's room, ~ Bianca was sleeping when Genevieve and Victor came in. Genevieve went by her bed and touched her hair. "Oh Bianca I'm glad you're okay, I can't lose you again I lost you once when I gave you up for adoption, I do love you I know I haven't said it yet but I do,  You're the best of both Alexander and me, He would of love you spoiled you like a princess," Genevieve said as Bianca wakes up. "Genevieve" Bianca said "Bianca you're already the doctor who removed the bullet everything is going to be okay now," Genevieve said as she brushed Bianca's hair with her fingers. "We are glad you're okay," Victor said as he came by. "Yes we are, I will make sure he pays for this," Genevieve said "Who" Bianca ask "I think it was my father who shoot you and I'm sorry" Genevieve said "Why would he do that" Bianca ask "To sent me a message but he pick the wrong person to piss off" Genevieve said "Genevieve" Bianca said "I know I haven't say it but I do love you" Genevieve said "I love you too" Bianca said they share a hug. "Do you want me to call you're parents Genevieve asked "No I'm fine I don't want them to worry" Bianca said "Alright, Why don't you rest, We have a cop by your door to make sure you're safe?"Genevieve said "Alright," Bianca said Genevieve and Victor left and went into the hallway. "Ginny," Victor said Genevieve broke down and cried into Victor's arms.  "I could of lose her and it would be on me," Genevieve said "No it's not you're fault," Victor said

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