String of Pearls

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Lindsey snuck out early the next morning, before five to make sure that he went totally unseen... The last thing we wanted to do was upset Lark on the day of her wedding, so I stayed upstairs, quiet as a mouse and watched him leave out the bedroom window.

I was in tears- I do remember that, but I'm not exactly sure why. I think it was because I knew it would be incredibly emotional day... It felt like the end of something very special and the beginning of Larks next chapter in life- the one where she stops needing us.

But it also could have been because I had told Lindsey that it was time to do it right... He had always wanted a family and that was his chance. He had already had the dysfunctional one with me, so why not have the happy one with someone else?

If the option presented itself, I didn't blame him for taking it, even if it broke my heart a little.... 

But anyway, enough of that. It was what it was and to hold a grudge is just silly... So, Lindsey and I talked well into the night about everything and anything, but eventually, close to two, we both fell asleep for a few hours.

I had really missed that. I had missed him and I think, maybe, a little... he had missed me too.

But I don't know... At the time, I hardly ever knew what was running through his mind, which was very rare. For many years, I could almost always tell exactly what he was thinking just by the look in his eyes, but he was really going through something.

Not to fear, I've gotten that ability back since then.

"Oh my gosh..." Karen's eyes were playfully wide when she entered the kitchen, obviously taking note of how loud the house was.

It was only eight, but all the girls had been up for awhile and once Lindsey left, I couldn't go back to sleep, so I made breakfast, they all ate and by then, the ten of them were in the living room- giggling and listening to music...

"Welcome to my sorority house." I teased, a soft smile on my face as I set a plate down on the counter for her to help herself to breakfast.

She tossed her head back, letting out a deep laugh as she began to put down all the things she had picked up on her way over... things like the wedding dress, my clothes from the dry cleaners, and a couple of small flower arrangements that I had ordered.

She is the best, she always has been.

"It's gonna be a good day, Stevie." Karen knew that I was upset over it all and she was trying to be as reassuring as she possible could... I appreciated that, even though I didn't think I would survive that wedding.

Nineteen years really does fly by, and if I could have gone back to 1978 and given myself any piece of advice... I would tell that young woman, who was caught up in the mix of a crazy rock band with a baby in her arms, to soak it all up.

Because that little girl would be gone in a flash.

With tears in my eyes, I nodded my head lightly. "I gotta let her go." I whispered as I felt her wrap her arms around my shoulders to give me the warmest, most genuine hug.


Lark had always had a style of her own. She was always very causal- she never wanted to stand out in a crowd, and that day was no different.

She wore a white spaghetti strap dress that went down to her knees, cream colored heels and one of my gold shawls draped over her shoulders. She didn't want anything huge or glamorous and I think that outfit was her way of reminding everyone of that.

"You are beautiful." I was standing right outside the front door, waiting for her and my mother to travel down the staircase.

And she was beautiful... my girl.

She had her long brown hair in curls that traveled down her back, a string of pearls that my mother had gifted her around her neck, along with a turquoise cuff and the most gorgeous eye makeup.

She looked like a bride, which caused my mama heart to explode.

"So are you." Lark gave me the most sweet smile as she slipped her arm around my waist for a hug.

"Well, look at these lovely ladies." Lindsey had pulled in just a moment earlier, dressed in his finest pair of jeans, a white button up shirt and his leather jacket... classic.

"Hi, handsome man." My mom waved softly, patting his arm as she began to slip into the back seat of Karen's SUV.

"Hi, daddy." Lark was all smiles, greeting him with big hugs and giggles.

She was excited and that was enough to make everyone around her a excited as well, even me and I had been a real stick in the mud for the better half of that morning.

"All grown up." His eyes were glossed over with tears as he watched her hurry towards Karen car... We were running late, already.

I nodded my head in agreement, having already done enough crying in front of my vanity mirror that there just wasn't really any tears left to shed. "Our sweet baby." I whispered, eyes falling down to the ground as I began to run my hands over the fabric of my dress from the built up nerves.

"Ride with me, Steph?" He reached out, taking my hand in his as he spoke to me in a really gentle tone of voice.

"Yeah," I assured as I began to lead the way towards the fountain, giving everyone a wave goodbye with my free hand before I slipped into the passenger seat.

And we spent the entire drive through the city in comfortable silence, fingers laced together and music floating through the speakers... We didn't have to talk, because there just wasn't much to say.

We'd already said it all.

"I love you." I waited until we were pulling into the courthouse before I finally turned my head to look at him.

He didn't hesitate to bring my hand up to his lips, leaving a couple of soft kisses on my knuckles. "I love you more, baby."

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