A Ring

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I called him that night and we went out for the lunch the next day. I could be hard on him and her, too, but at the time, it was mainly him. Over the years, we moved on, but that is still a really strange time for me...

Anyway, only two weeks later, Austin came to me with really big, really exciting news of his own. He had been offered to work out East.

His family was originally from New York. He had never lived there, but his parents had moved to California when they were just starting out in life. So, he still had a lot of family in the city and his grandfather owned a business right in Manhattan that was perfect for what he was going to school for... And he had called him one night, asked him if he wanted a position that had just opened up and who could turn it down?

He was nervous to tell me, and I was slightly heartbroken... I thought he was going to leave me.

But that wasn't the case. We started making different plans.

"You're getting married?" My dad was there- I'd asked him to swing by Stevie's on his way home from work and he did... of course, he did.

He was always there, which I'm really thankful for, because I know that there were times when I wasn't always easy on them.

"Oh, Lark..." my mom had also started to really dread those family conversations... they just seemed to be getting more awkward and difficult to sit through.

They were sitting at the kitchen island, three seats between them, but still civil enough to be in the same room, which was super appreciated... We hadn't all been together since the last big news that had been shared.

"I know it sounds crazy, but..." I was scared- of course, I was. "But we are in love and this is what we want." I was only nineteen and looking back, it was definitely crazy of us.

But Austin reminded me, before I had told my parents, that long lasting love does exist... It is real and just because I didn't grow up seeing it first hand, didn't mean it was a myth.

Austin's parents had been married for like thirty years at that point in time. They were eighteen when they got engaged and they had remained very much in love ever since... They just celebrated their 50th a few months ago, actually.

So it is out there.

My dad let out a sigh, not one that was mean or harsh, but one that meant he was sort of at a loss for words. "And you're going to move to New York?" He recounted, running his hand from his forehead to his chin.

"Yeah," I had tears lingering in my eyes as I nodded my head in agreement.

It was the scariest decision I had ever made... It still is. I had never really been away from home, not like that... Not without them. I had gone on long weekend trips and things like that, but to move across the country is totally different.

I had no idea just how different though.

"I want to finish my nursing program out there and get a job." I was promising them that I wasn't going to give up on any of my dreams...

I wasn't chasing a man- I wasn't like that. If I had thought, for even one second that Austin wasn't worth it, I never would have agreed.

I was independent. I had taken that role and title incredibly serious. I wasn't relying on him to make my life happen... I would do it myself, wherever I was in the this world.

She bit down on her bottom lip, and I will never forget how sad her eyes looked that evening... It breaks my heart just thinking about it. "Whatever you want to do, I'll support you." Stevie was like that- she had always been like that, even if she didn't agree...

And I know, deep down, she didn't want me to get married and move away... I was too young and now, many moons later, I realize that.

"Yeah, we'll be here every step of the way." He  was just as upset as she was and I feel like, maybe if they had been on the same page in life, the discussion we had that afternoon probably would have been a little bit different.

I probably wouldn't have moved away, but don't tell them that I said that...

"We want to get married at the courthouse in the next few weeks, before we leave." I wanted them there... of course, I did.

They were the two most important people in my life. I couldn't have even imagined doing something so huge without their blessing and without them there.

They both grew quiet for a second, they were both probably thinking about what they were supposed to say next. "Looks like we have a wedding dress to find." Stevie let out a chuckle, bringing her cup of coffee up to her lips to take a sip as her free hand reached out to push my dads arm playfully.

He nodded lightly, finally cracking a little smile.

He was in love with her, I know he was, but... mistakes are mistakes.


That same night, well after Lindsey had gone back to his house and I had cried to my mother on the phone, I trailed back down the staircase.

She used to stay up really late too. She'd be in the living room, watching a movie and finishing up her homework far after midnight had come and gone. And that was exactly what she was doing that night.

She was on the living room floor, already in her pajamas with her textbook in hand, her glasses on her nose and some old film rolling on the screen... And I mean old, she used to watch It's a Wonderful Life and Meet Me in St. Louis on repeat.

"So?" I made my presence known immediately as I slipped into the room. "Does Austin have a ring for you?" I wondered... I had been thinking about it since she'd announced it.

They were so young... I wasn't sure he had any money for much of anything, especially not a ring that Lark would have deserved.

She looked up, showing me her deep blue eyes. "I'll probably just wear my class ring until we can afford something later on." She shrugged a shoulder and that caused my heart to sink into the very pit of my stomach.

"Oh..." I don't know why I was so sad, but I was.

I was super emotional over all of it.

"Well, I have something that I think would be really perfect." I smiled lightly, tears already lingering as I began to sink down to floor with her. "Your grandma gave it to me a few years ago..." I held out the little blue velvet box.

"Mom..." she whispered, looking down and slowly opening it up to reveal the antique diamond ring...

"We both think that you should have it."

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