Old Lullabies

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We finished out that leg of the tour just like normal- business as usual and then, in mid- August, only a week after we had gotten back home, the girls flew out West.

Lark was a nervous wreck, she really was, but she felt better leaving Ruth in California with us, just until she could figure out a solution to the situation that she had found herself in, which I really respected.

It takes a lot to be able to do that, especially when you're as devoted to your family as she was... as she is.

And really, I knew how that felt to make those sort of sacrifices, because I had been there, myself. When things felt overwhelming, out of my control, or too much to handle, I always ran to my mom, who was waiting with open arms, a warm cup of tea, and words of wisdom... She always knew how to make me feel better and I was just thankful that I could be a safe place for my two girls, too... That kept my world turning and to know that I was doing something right, made me feel really good.

Anyway, Lark ended up spending a couple of days with us, trying her best to get Ruth situated at my house before she headed back to New York for work.

And at first, it was hard for us. At the airport, on her way out of town, Lark was such a mess, she unintentionally caused Ruth to get incredibly upset... It was sad, but she was doing the right thing, which I was sure to remind her of a thousand times before she left.

She didn't need to feel guilty for making sure her daughter was safe as she navigated being a nurse, being a mom, being a wife and a homeowner... It wasn't easy for her- it didn't come naturally.

So if I could be of help, I wanted to, even if it meant my life was about to get a whole lot crazier.


"Slow down, Ruthie." I was following close behind, both of us sliding down the hallway on our socks as loud laughs echoed through the foyer of my home.

It had been a long time since that place had heard the sound of unapologetic giggles, two little feet tiptoeing across the hardwood floor, bedtime stories, old lullabies and cartoons in the early morning hours... It was pure bliss having my granddaughter there, with me.

"Hi!" She ran right into the kitchen, immediately greeting Karen with a big grin as she clutched her stuffed animal to her chest.

With a soft chuckle, Karen stood at the counter as her eyes followed the little blonde around the room. "A game of tag already this morning?" She teased as she cradled her cup of coffee close to her lips. "Grandma must have had an extra shot of espresso..." she added, which caused me to laugh lightly.

Nodding my head, I let out a light sigh immediately after as that gentle smile lingered. "We made pancakes, if you're hungry." I motioned towards the counter, where a plate sat with saran wrap covering the glass.

It had been a couple of weeks since Ruth had been with us and we had really got into this routine.

She was up by eight every day, so we'd spend sometime watching her favorite shows, then we'd make breakfast, just the two of us as we listened to the radio and colored pictures. It was usually a quiet morning, which was really appreciated.

But by afternoon, Karen was there to take us to Ruth's ballet class, or her swim lessons, or the park, or over to Suzanna's to knit, or out to lunch, or to shop, or literally anywhere else to keep us all occupied.

It was busy, but we were having a lot of fun.

"Are they chocolate chips pancakes?" Karen spoke to her in a soft, yet enthusiastic tone as she bent down to pick her up off the floor.

"Those are my favorite." Lindsey's voice lingered through the foyer a second later, which caused Ruth to slip right back out of Karen's arms to hurry into the other room.

He had been at my house more times in the few weeks leading up to that moment than he had been in years, and to make life a little easier, I gave him back a house key... Just in case. If we were going to be bouncing Ruth back and forth, it was in our best interest to not only get along, but also try to figure out ways to help each other out occasionally.

"Good morning, Lindsey." I smiled softly when he trailed into the kitchen, carrying Ruth back in as well.

"Good morning, ladies." He was all smiles, like always.

He loved being a grandpa more than anything... we had talked about it quite a few times and there was no doubt in my mind that Ruth was his pride and joy.

"Coffee?" I wondered as I moved through the room to grab some cups out of the cabinet.

"Yes, please." He pulled out a barstool with his free hand, taking a seat a second later as he held a very happy baby in his other arm.

She was all smiles, babbling away about something as she motioned to her two pigtails for emphasis. She was a story teller and even though none of us could quite understand what she was talking about yet, we all listened as if we did.

"Where are the kids? I thought you were taking them to the park?" I set his cup of coffee down in front of him, along with a plate with a couple pancakes, some blueberries and syrup on the side... I knew he hadn't eaten breakfast- he never did, because neither of them cooked much at all.

Nodding his head softly, he bit down on the inside of his cheek. "Um..." he shook his head lightly and that was all I needed to know.

"Ruthie?" I didn't take my eyes off him and he didn't look away either. "Why don't you and miss Karen go grab your overnight bag?" I gave them both a sweet smile, finally prying my eyes off of him.

"Come on, Angel baby." Karen held out her hand, tangling her fingers with Ruth's as she held onto her cup with the other hand.

I waited until they had disappeared down the hallway before my focus fell back on Lindsey, who had started nibbling on his fruit. "What's wrong?" I wanted to know and you might think that it wasn't my business, but by then, it felt like it was.

Ruth was now our responsibility and if he had issues at home, I needed to know about it...

"Can we talk about something else?" He cracked a soft grin and I knew, just by the look in his eyes that he was worried, even if he didn't want to admit it.

Pursing my lips to the side, I reached out to take his hand lightly. "I'm sorry." I whispered, well aware of the fact that it had something to do with his wife, who had been in and out of the hospital for months.

I didn't know what was going on, I really didn't and I regret that now... I should have asked, because looking back, he really needed someone.

He nodded his head, obviously a little defeated. "In a few days, I was thinking about taking the kids to Disney..." he lingered, changing the topic of conversation as fast as he could. "Do you want to go with us?" Lindsey asked as another little smirk danced across his face.

I sighed lightly, kind of wishing that he would let me in on what was happening... I trusted him and sometimes I felt like he didn't trust me. "Chasing three kids around Disney does sound exciting."

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