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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: beautifuldreamandwonderland

     Muichiro strolled through a village that was having a celebration; the full moon shining overhead and the bright lights from the multicolored lanterns brightened the area. Families and groups of friends chatted as some children raced around laughing with their silly kites and stick sparklers. He was assigned here on a mission to track down one of the nearby lower moons that was supposedly lurking nearby. He looked up at the moon as the grey clouds started to cover it like a blanket and at the stars as he strolled, the talks, laughter, and music receding behind him as he approached a darker part of the town.

     Every step he took, he heard the sound of snapping twigs and crunching leaves, entering a small woodsy-like area. He stopped at a certain point, in front of a lake with small fish swimming inside, and lily pads floated. The water showed the reflection of the moon and stars above, and he slowly sat down in front of it, picking up a small stone in his hand that had little white rock splotches, and he tossed it in the water, making a small plop sound.  

     He knew he should’ve been finding the lower rank demon that was hunting human flesh, possibly at that very moment, but he felt so drawn to the water, looking at it like it was a mirror, seeing the tiny white lights in the sky. The memories came flooding back into his head as a spiral of emotions succumbed him. He reached his hand into the water, the cold water drenching the tips of his uniform, pulling out a small white pebble.

      “Where’d you go..” Muichiro mumbled, his empty looking mint-green eyes squinting at the small rock in between his fingers.

     The pebble reminded him of the stars that gleamed above him, and small flashbacks of a person with (Y/E/C) eyes that sparkled like the stars. He felt his eyes begin to water, and a tickle went down his cheek that dropped onto his wrist. He blinked and two more tears fell from his eyes, and the feeling in his stomach, like a brick had dropped inside him, and his chest ached. 

     “Who are you..” He whispered once more, the pebble slipping from his fingers and dropping back into the lake, sinking until it faded from his view. 

     Suddenly, another reflection had appeared above him, covering the light of the moon. He turned behind him quickly, averting his eyes above him, seeing a smirking demon with Lower Six imprinted into his black eyes. It was almost in slow motion as the demon lowered down from the sky to pounce onto the Mist Hashira. Muichiro quickly jumped backwards onto the other side of the lake with a flip, unleashing his sword, looking at the blood-thirsty demon.

Muichiro’s Flashback...

     Muichiro layed in a grassy field filled with dandelions and multicolored daisy’s, in front of a small pond as he stared up at the stars, a meteor shooting past him as quick as a blink of an eye, as his newfound friend was beside him...what was her/his/their name again?...oh yes, (Y/N) (Y/L/N). He met her/him/them towards the end of his final selection,  

     “Muichiro, look!” (Y/N) exclaimed, pointing up at a constellation that looked like a bird. “That’s the aquila constellation. The twenty-second largest in the sky.” She/He/They explained, turning her/his/their head in his direction, beaming with a smile.

     “Interesting..” Muichiro murmured, placing a hand beside him, feeling the strands of grass tickle between his fingers. “How do you know so much of constellations, (Y/N)?” He asked, glancing at (Y/N) in the corner of his eyes.

       “Before my father died, he would tell me all about the stars, and the history. As well as small little stories and myths.” (Y/N) answered, sitting up and plucking up a dandelion, twirling it between her/his/their fingertips, smiling gently. 

     “The Aquila is one of the closest constellations to us, only being approximately 16.7 lightyears away.” She/He/They smirked proudly, chuckling as she/he/they blowed on the dandelion, the tiny white seed heads flying off into the slight wind.

     Muichiro slowly sat up as well, wrapping his arms around his knees, staring down the hill towards the pond. “How many worlds do you think are out there?” He questioned, (Y/N) almost not hearing him on how low his voice was.

     “Many.” (Y/N) answered, plucking the colorful daisy’s from the ground, twisting the stems into knots of each one. “One die when I pass away, I’ll be reborn into one of those worlds myself.”

     Muichiro stared at girl/boy/person who sat beside him, the moonlight illuminating her/his/their features to him. As he looked at her/him/them, he suddenly felt a small plop on his head. (Y/N) giggled as she/he/they admired her/his/their handiwork. A small multicolored daisy crown that had the colors of blues, pinks, greens, reds, oranges, and yellows.

     “It looks almost like a sunset on your head.” (Y/N) smiled, poking Muichiro’s nose with a smirk.

     When (Y/N) turned away to look up at the night sky, Muichiro picked the flower crown off his head gently, holding it in his hands, staring at the vibrant colors that were in a pattern. Behind the two of them, inside a small neighborhood, the sounds of laughter and talks amongst rich folk sounded out, as well as the sounds of music in the festival.

      But even with those loud sounds, he couldn’t hear them, only the thumping of his heart, and the feeling of small butterflies float in his stomach. A tiny tinge of pink spread on his cheeks, that almost matched the pink flowers on the daisy crown. 

      “(Y/N)...” Muichiro whispered, looking at the her/him/them slowly, as she/he/they raised a brow to Muichiro. 

      Muichiro leaned forward, pressing a small chaste kiss to her/his/their cheek. After he pulled away, (Y/N) had gleams in their eyes that Muichiro had remembered, and he tenderly took her/his/their hand in his, placing his head onto her/his/their shoulder. “When we’re reborn one day, will we be just like this?”

     (Y/N) smiled at Muichiro, leaning their cheek against his head, closing her/his/their eyes. “I believe there are people out there that are meant to be in your life forever, in each lifetime. I believe that you are one of them for me, Muichiro..”

End Of Muichiro’s Flashback...

     A few minutes have passed since the duel between Muichiro and Lower Moon Six had started, him dodging every attack sent his way, and right when the demon had pounced his direction with an attack, he swished his sword quickly, the demons head falling off their body, onto the ground as the sun began to rise in the distance beyond the hills covered in flowers. Tears began to fall silently down Muichiro’s cheeks, and he stabbed his sword into the ground as he fell backwards into the shallow river behind him, the sun now shining above the hills.

     As he fell backwards, he remembered how familiar glistening (Y/E/C) eyes looking at him with tears and a smile as they fell down the cliff, fading from view. Coming in a flash, he remembered the scream of his name, and the sudden push of his chest as the rocks came tumbling down from the upper moon five’s power. As he opened his eyes to try and reach for (Y/N), they simply smiled as they fell, the upper moon jumping not too far behind them, and then, it went black, and he woke up in the Hospital Wing of the butterfly estate..

    The splash of water made him snap back into the present, and the feel of water in his hair, the tears still streaming down his cheeks, looking at the now faded baby blue sky disintegrating the darkness of the night. Muichiro looked to the side, and released a small sniffle, squeezing his eyes shut as he whispered softly, “(Y/N)...”

     Why must it be that you own my heart, and then like astronomy, we’re now two worlds apart... 

     Several years later in modern day Tokyo, a boy with long black hair that faded into mint green with matching eyes, laughed as he ran hand in hand with a girl/boy/person with long/short (Y/H/C) hair and shining (Y/E/C) eyes down a daisy field, their bare feet splashing in the water as they continued to run, holding bouquets of daisy’s in their hand under the moonlight. They smiled at each other, as they continued to sprint, fingers interlocked, with no intention of letting each other go...not in this life...

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