✦𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲✦

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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: unofficialmuilover

You flutter your eyes open as soon as you felt someone gently squeeze your nose, blinking a few times you see Muichiro looking at you closely.

"Mui!" you exclaim, sitting up frantically, covering yourself with duvet as a blush creep up to your face.

"It's 4am Mui! How did you manage to get in?!!" you whispered, anxiously yelling at him. This is the first time Muichiro has seen you in such a state - with a slight drool leaking from your lips and your disheveled hair, clearly showing you had a rough night's sleep. You become worried, considering that your family is likely still fast asleep at this hour.

Muichiro smiles and messes up your hair gently. You swat his hand away, annoyed. 'Why are you here?' you ask, remembering how he didn't wish you a happy birthday at yesterday's early celebration.

"Come on," he murmured, grabbing your hand eagerly. "I'm still in my pajamas, Mui!" you exclaimed, trying to pull your hand back as he began to drag you out of bed. He slowly released your hand. "Get ready quickly," he said, smiling brightly. You rushed to take a quick shower and prepare for the day.

Apparently, Muichiro had ask your family's permission to fetch you early in the morning for a morning breakfast and he'll take you to your uni right after.

You were about to reach for your bicycle when Muichiro stops you, "Nuh uh, your gonna ride with me on my back" motioning his bicycle that was park in your lawn.

"But I can ride my own bike, Mui!" You try to protest, shaking your head fervently. However, it's as if he's not even listening to you and forcefully brings you closer to his bike. As you stare at the seat he pats for you to sit on, your heart starts racing. You've always ridden your own bike whenever the two of you hang out, and you've never once ridden on his back. You know from experience how difficult it can be to balance on a bicycle, and it's making you extremely anxious.

"We'll be fine, I promise," he said, lightly tapping your nose after noticing your scared expression. Now fully equipped, he puts matching knee and elbow guards on you.

"I can put them on my own Mui" You lightly tap his hand to grab the knee guard but he shook his head.

"Let me take care of you, today is your special day birthday girl" He cheerfully said as he wink at you, smiling brightly.

"Happy Birthday love"

You smile shyly, "I've been waiting for you to say that since yesterday" You confess, blushing slightly.

"I'm sorry, but I really wanted to wish you a happy birthday on the exact day," he said sweetly before giving you a warm hug and gently kissing the top of your head. You couldn't help but feel your heart melt at this tender gesture. "That's alright, Mui. Thank you so much," you whispered shyly.

He pulled out from the warm embrace, lightly tapping your nose "let's go"

You both reached your destination in about 30 minutes. You felt guilty for making Muichiro ride his bike with the extra weight, assuming he must have been exhausted.

"I'm sorry" you said quietly as you got off.

"what?" he looks at you, eyebrow furrowed in confusion.

"It's a long ride, we could have just took a taxi"

"Shh. No worries! I actually liked it when you hugged me from behind," he teased, amused by your blushing face. "Let's go." With enthusiasm, he quickly spread the blanket on the ground and sat down, pulling you close into his embrace.

You didn't know what he was planning until now. The realization hit you when he tilted your head towards something ahead of both of you, and your eyes widened.


"Woah" you finally got to experience watching the sunrise, and Muichiro made it happen for you! Taking in the incredible sight before you, you couldn't help but be filled with awe. It was absolutely mesmerizing!

You happily rested your head on his shoulder, a beaming smile spreading across your face as you blissfully soak in the beautiful scenery and cherish his comforting presence. You can't help but express your gratitude with a heartfelt 'Thank you'.

You felt him plant a sweet kiss on the top of your head, a gentle smile playing on his lips, and he couldn't help but say, 'You're always welcome, my love.'

You indeed spent the rest of the morning there, enjoying the breakfast that he cooked for you. As promised, he accompanied you to your class and patiently waited until it was over.

The day ended with another surprise, Muichiro standing there in semi formal attire, holding a bouquet for you.

He took you back to his place, where he had meticulously designed the lawn with an abundance of petals, and adorned it with balloons in your favorite color. Additionally, he had strategically placed light strings all around, creating a romantic and enchanting atmosphere. The sight was truly breathtaking.

He asked you softly, 'May I have this dance?'" He handed out his hand for you to accept, and you gladly accepted it, draping your hands over his neck and allowing him to place his hand on your waist. The two of you swayed around, enjoying each other's presence as he hummed quietly.

He truly made your day special.

"Happy Birthday"

"I love you"

This one was  special since today's my birthday 🥳  Happy birthday to me
When's your birthday??

This one was  special since today's my birthday 🥳  Happy birthday to me When's your birthday??

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