✦𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐲✦ ❃ᴘᴛ 1❃

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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: blessingstarss

The snow painted the streets as you walked home. The light snowfall gave you a comforting feeling, it was relaxing walking home in weather like this.

You don't get snow often so you decided to take the long way home. Trying to relish in the moment.

You watched as the snow descended from the sky, dancing in the air before it lands on the ground. You put your hand out infront of you, catching some snowflakes in your hand. You watched as they slowly melted and became water in your palm

Sadly, the peaceful silence was suddenly shattered by the sound of cries.

The abrupt sound made you look around in worry. A surge of anxiety rushed through your body as you saw no one. Who could be making that sound?

You followed the sound of low whimpers and cry’s to a bush. The worry and curiosity inside of you took over and you hesitantly put your hands in the bush and felt something… soft?

As you grabbed it and pulled it out, you saw a cat!? It was badly injured and still whimpering in your arms. Causing you to feel empathy for the feline and put your hand on its head, petting it softly to comfort it.

This was a bad idea however, because the cat immediately started to get defensive and attack you.

You screamed and jumped, trying to get the cat off of you. It was scratching you and clinging on your jacket. Ripping the fabric and even scratching your skin a bit.

You winced at the pain and finally threw the cat off of you. You stepped back and looked down at the cat, still hissing at you. Trying to think of what to do.

Even though you should be scared and angry at the animal. You felt immense pity for it instead. You knew that it was just acting out of instinct. it was probably scared.

It was badly injured and must be cold from this weather. It's obviously stressed and trying to protect itself.

You wondered how it got so injured? The way it beaten up made it look like a person did this!?

“Who would do such a thing!?”

You hesitantly kneeled down infront of the feline, putting your hand out.

“It's okay... I won't hurt you. I can help you..”

The cat seemed to be suspicious as it looked up at you. Though it seemed you were making progress. It stopped hissing at you and just stared instead.

You smiled at this and slowly got closer to it. Putting your hand back on its head, trying to pet it again.

This time, the cat let you. It seemed to be hesitant but stayed still as you pet it.

Causing you to smile brightly, you were happy it trusted you enough to pet it.

You cautiously put your hands around it and picked up the cat. The cat seemed to be surprised but allowed you to pick it up.

“See... I won't hurt you. We need to get you patched up...” you mumbled.

You decided to take the cat back to your place. You didn't know where else to bring it.

When you got to your house you immediately put the cat down on your table and started digging in your cabinets, looking for anything that could help you patch the feline up.

You found some bandages and other items that you needed. You went straight to work and started to try and help the cat the best you could.

The cat stayed mostly still, only giving you trouble when you were trying to bandage larger wounds. You understood why though, the wounds and injuries the cat had looked pretty bad. It's reasonable for it to get defensive when you were trying to patch it up.

After you finally finished. You picked the cat up and brought it to your couch, placing it on a cushion as you say down next to it.

As you sat down. You were finally able to take a deep breath and think. What you were gonna do with the cat? You couldn't just keep it, right?  That would be a big responsibility and the thought of all the money you would have to spend scared you.

As you were stuck in your thoughts. The cat crawled in your lap and curled up into a ball. Starting to fall asleep in your lap. It seemed it finally was able to trust you.

The sudden weight on your lap took you out of your thoughts and you gazed down at the cat, you couldn't help but squeal at the sight. It was so cute!!!  

“It hasn't even been an hour and I'm already starting to grow attached!? This is bad..” you thought to yourself, slightly starting to worry. Are you really going to be able to take care of this cat?

You leaned back in your seat and gently pet the feline. You wondered if the cat had an owner? It doesn't have a collar, prompting you to think it's a stray.

“Well... If it doesn't have an owner... Maybe I can take care of it. It can't be that hard right? I've always wanted a cat..” you thought to yourself. Maybe taking care of a cat won't be that bad after all...

“Well, if I am going to keep you... I might as well name you right?”

You studied the cat as you tried to figure out its exact gender. You didn't know. You'll just have to find out when you bring it to the vet tomorrow.

Most shops are closed due to the snow from the snowstorm. So taking it tomorrow was your only option.

“Im pretty sure you're a boy... If so, I think I'll name you..”


𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now