✦𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐡𝐢𝐦?✦ ❃ᴘᴛ 1❃

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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: slayfics

"I think it's this way!" Mitsuri called as she tried to lead you both to the hot springs. You both stopped mid-tracks when you heard the crying of a young kid. Across the way you both saw Kotetsu appear to be arguing with Muichiro over something.

"W-what do you th-think they are arguing about?" You asked.

"Hmm... It's hard to tell." Mitsuri responded and just then Muichiro hit Kotetsu and grabbed him.

"Should we do something?!?" You asked, turning to your older sister. Mitsuri looked frozen. She wasn't sure what to do either. Muichiro was another Hashira so whatever he was needing from Kotetsu must be important, but Mitsuri didn't agree with his harshness. As Mitsturi thought over what action you two should take Tanjiro came out from the other side and appeared to intervene.

You looked from the scene and back to your sister.

"Maybe it's best if we continue on our way. We don't want to interrupt  their business." Mitsuri finally decided.

"W-what about K-kotetsu?? Do you think he's ok!" You protested.

"Let's find him later and check in on him. How does that sound?"

"Ok..." You weren't fully satisfied with that answer but didn't want to argue with your sister. You followed Mitsuri to the hot springs but had a strong urge to turn around.

"I don't understand why he is so mean." You said to Mitsuri as you climbed into the hot springs.


"T-tokito, it's one thing to have a sharp tongue but hit Kotetsu?? I c-can't stand him."

"Oh he's not that bad. I'm sure there was a reason, we don't really know what was going on." Mitsuri said, sinking into the warm water. "Maybe you could ask him about it later." She suggested.

"A-ask him about it? N-no thanks I'll keep my d-distance." You responded. Mitsuri shrugged and closed her eyes.

"We only have a few more moments here then I have to go check on my sword. I'll catch up with you later for dinner ok?"

"Yeah ok..."

"Meanwhile, maybe you can look for Kotetsu and make sure he's ok." Mitsuri said standing up and beginning to dry off.

"Yeah alright." You agreed getting up as well. You followed Mitsuri back into the village until you two had to split up.

"I'll see you in a bit ok!" She said waving before she turned to run off.

You went on the hunt for Kotetsu looking around the village for him. It was hard to distinguish him since everyone had on similar masks, but you were determined to make sure he was ok. You thought you saw a glimpse of him walking into one of the buildings and kept your eye on him as you hurried a long to catch up when you crashed into something which caused you to fall to the floor.

"You should be more attentive to your surroundings." You heard and looked up to see Muichiro.

You felt paralyzed with his piercing eyes looking at you on the floor. You quickly jumped up and started to brush yourself off.

"W-what i-is the m-m-matter with you!" You said before you were able to think the words through.

"What's the matter with me? I'm not the one being careless and running into people." Muichiro stated.

"N-no not that! I saw you hit K-kotetsu! Do you think that's fair? A H-h-hashira picking on a k-kid!!" You yelled. Muichiro's eyes seemed to look past you and his expression appeared uninterested.

"This doesn't concern me." He said, turning to walk away.

"Are you always this m-m-miserable!" You yelled, but the Hashira continued to walk away.

"WHAT SHE SAID!" You heard yelled beside you. You looked to see Kotetsu next to you.

"Hey I was l-looking for you!" You said excited to finally find him.

"Oh did you need something?"

"I just saw w-what happened earlier with Tokito and wanted to m-make sure you were o-ok."

"Oh... yeah seaweed head sucks, but Tanjiro is training with me to get stronger and teach him a lesson!" Kotetsu said, pumping his fist in the air. You giggled at his eagerness even though you highly doubted Tanjiro was going to lay a hand on a Hashira.

"Well I'm g-glad you're doing o-ok. I'm going to go meet up with my sister now. See you!" You said heading off in the direction of the place you and Mitsuri were staying the night.

"UGH! I can't stand him!" You said sitting down to eat next to your sister.

"Oh... you're still talking about him?" She said amused and began to eat.

"I ran into him while you were g-gone... literally..."

"Oh what did he say?"

"N-nothing nice of course! I just don't get it. I'm used to dealing with rude and egotistical people in the demon slayer corps. After all Iguro likes to hang around you a lot for some reason, but Tokito is another story." You ranted and Mitsuri blushed at the mention of Obanai's name. "I d-don't get it... w-why can't I get him out of my mind, and when I'm around him all the things I really want to say get jumbled and I even s-stutter more. It's so f-f-frustrating." You finished and Mitsuri gave a loud gasp.


"Hu?" You were completely confused.

"MY LITTLE SISTER HAS HER FIRST CRUSH! I'M SO HAPPY!" Mitsuri screamed and pulled you into a hug.

A crush? Is that really it? You were sure you hated Muichiro. His indifference to everything. The way he carried himself as though he was better than everyone else. His eyes that seemed to pierce through your soul, his long hair that was way prettier than yours, his voice that seemed to flow effortlessly from him, and the elegance of his breathing style-... oh... oh crap... maybe Mitsuri was right.

𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now