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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: closetweebsmh

EVERYTHING ached tenderly as you laid pitifully on the hospital bed, an apparent frown upon your face. The multiple bands of medical wraps around your chest and arm made it difficult to move, much less breathe. The injuries you’ve sustained were thanks to running into a former Lower Moon demon in a mission you were out on—its tricky demon art and persistence in redeeming itself to their Demon Lord had left you in shambles and a steady stream of salty curses left your mouth as you laid in the shady woodlands.

However, it wasn’t the dull pain that made your stay at the Butterfly Estate miserable. But rather, it was the resounding boredom you felt as you stared at the wooden ceiling for how long now, the only thing keeping you mildly entertained was the intricate crevices of the ochre wood above you and the faint sweet symphonies of the birds outside the estate.

While shutting yourself from reality, you steadied your breathing, ensuring that you’d maximize each puff with the intent of easing the pain in your body. It was a habit you’ve picked up on from training with Tanjiro and their little squad during their rehabilitation at the Butterfly Estate. 'Huh, maybe all that hard work paid off', you chuckled helplessly.

A sharp clang of metal resounded outside, taking you out of your total concentration. Your curiosity piqued, driving your attention to the commotion outside despite the soothe aches of pain numbing your limbs.

You painfully sat up on your bed and peaked through the window conveniently next to you. Through the worn-out window, you could make out a young demon slayer with bright-ended tips of hair training vigorously, metal ringing as his sword clashed with others.

His moves were concise and elegant, ripping through the air in a flurry yet kept his calm demeanor and his eyes on the target, as if he was the cold blade of steel he held in his hands. His body exuded confidence in each calculated strike and had the strength to make sparks fly at each contact. His hand on his blade never faltered nor wavered, only gripped tighter and struck at his foes with improving precision—you swore you saw trails of mist forming around his figure if you squint enough.

In short, he was amazing.

Unknowingly, your face was dusted in faint red and your eyes shone brilliantly—as if your heart was set ablaze. Either in admiration or something else, you can only agree that this person is beyond ordinary.

“Oh? [Last-Name]-san, what are you looking at?” Shinobu’s soft voice permeates, startling you out of your trance and your face flushes fervently. “A-Ah, nothing, Shinobu-sama. Just curious, that’s all.” You uttered shyly, fiddling with your bandaged hands and straightening up on your bed.

Shinobu could only blink at you owlishly before glancing outside, taking note of the Mist Hashira’s appearance and your flushed cheeks then smiled knowingly.

“If you say so.” Shinobu sang with a bright small smile and proceeded to tend to your dressings for your regular check up as if nothing happened. You could only look away in embarrassment and bright cheeks as your Hashira-Doctor smiled innocently yet knowingly at you.

Shinobu could only blink at you owlishly before glancing outside, taking note of the Mist Hashira’s appearance and your flushed cheeks then smiled knowingly.

“If you say so.” Shinobu sang with a bright small smile and proceeded to tend to your dressings for your regular check up as if nothing happened. You could only look away in embarrassment and bright cheeks as your Hashira-Doctor smiled innocently yet knowingly at you.

You don’t think she’ll ever live it down, now.

𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now