✦𝐀 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧✦

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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: sleepykye

•You find boys scary until you met Muichiro. You were only comfortable around him and him only. Not that he didn't mind, though.

The bell rang as you watched the students all hurry to the classrooms. You walked slowly as you saw tons of groups of boys all surrounding the classroom. You were nervous as you watched them hit each others back and laugh with them. You couldn't even walk past them until you felt a gentle hand stroke your back gently, when you turned back to see who it was, to your horror, it was a boy.

He noticed you were scared, so he immediately withdrew his hand back and tilted his head, indicating what was wrong or what was bothering you. You bit your lips as you looked at him nervously. You couldn't help but notice how quiet he is and how he never spoke a word at all. Not to mention his eyes were minty green but blue-ish at the same time. His hair was also quite long for a boy, but he had it tied up in a pony tail. After awhile, his hand waved near your face and snapped you out of your thoughts.

" ... Are you okay ? " 

he asked gently as he looked at you with a stoic expression. It was like as if time had stopped itself for that moment as the students' noises of talking and running had all disappeared. You nodded slowly as you observed his every action. He then patted your head slowly so as not to get you afraid of him, it somehow worked as you felt a bit more comfortable being around him though.

You then followed behind him back to class as you safely got back to your seat before class began and was glad that you made it back safely without being bothered by the boys surrounding the class door. During the lesson, you could not focus at all as you kept thinking about how you felt for the boy that had helped you and why you were more comfortable around him compared to other boys.

Class ended as you proceeded to pack your bag, but suddenly, you craved for ice cream. The weather was so perspiring that your uniform was kind of drenched in sweat. You were a bit embarrassed because you were also on your period, and there was a blood stain on your skirt. You sighed as you ravaged your bag to see if you have got any extra clothing to cover it, it was just then when you saw the same boy holding his track jacket for you so that you can cover it.

You thanked him profusely as you accepted it and wrapped it around your waist to cover the stain on your skirt. He also gently took your hand in his as he led you to a store near the school that sells pads. He then asked which one you would want and bought it for you before handing it to you.

When you came out of the toilet, you nervously asked him,

" Uhmm...what's your name..? "

He looked at you for awhile before saying

" Muichiro "

You hesitated for a moment but found the courage to speak

" Thank you, Muichiro, would you like me to buy ice cream for you..? The weather is quite hot.. "

He slowly nodded as he followed you to the ice cream shop and pointed at the flavour he would like to have. You nodded as you went over to order for both of your ice creams. You hesitated as you saw the ice cream vendor was a guy, and you stood there frozen solid as he waited for your order. Muichiro saw this and went to help you, grabbing you by the waist as he pulled you close to his body.

" We would like one strawberry and one vanilla, please. "

You were quite shocked by the suddenness, but you actually didn't mind at all. He was quiet, calm, cool, dashing, he was everything. You found yourself falling for him a little bit as you observed his face. His skin was quite pale, and his face had a tinted red hue on it, but you found it quite adorable and cute of him.

When the ice cream vendor got your orders ready, he handed Muichiro the ice cream as Muichiro then found a bench nearby to sit on. While you were eating your ice cream, some got on the corner of your mouth as you continued to eat. Muichiro saw as he tapped your shoulder and pointed at the corner of his lips.

" You got some ice cream here. "

He said as he watched you wipe the wrong side. He decided to ignore it and thought you would find out eventually after you finished eating. But when you did, you didn't notice at all. So he grabbed your waist gently as he pulled you closer to him as he licked the ice cream off your lips.

" There, now it's clean. "

Muichiro mumbled softly as he walked you home hand in hand. That same night, you couldn't stop thinking about him at all. Why did he do that ? Did you actually enjoy it for a brief moment ? Why did you let him do that ? Were you comfortable around him ? Were you comfortable around boys for the first time ?

A lot of questions ran through your head as you covered your face with the blanket as your face got warmer and warmer. You eventually fell asleep and stopped thinking about the complicated stuff and headed to dreamland.

The next morning, when you woke up, you sat up on the bed as you stretched your body and slowly got up to prepare yourself for the day. You put on your uniform and packed the clean tracksuit that Muichiro had lent you in a paper bag as you headed for school. Unfortunately, you ran into three boys on the way as they surrounded you saying

" Wanna ditch school and hang out with us, cutie ? "

" How about we grab a drink and have some fun somewhere in a deserted place ? "

" Why aren't you speaking ? Cat got your tongue ? "

" Bahahaha, I think she's mesmerised by us. We are just so handsome, aren't we ? "

You froze in place as you were shivering from head to toe, the cat indeed got your tongue as you couldn't speak a word. You had suddenly forgotten how to speak as you looked at them helplessly. One of them grabbed your wrist as they tried to drag you along with them.

" Oi, let her go, you fuckwards. "

You heard a voice that was familiar but was unfamiliar at the same time. You turned to see Muichiro standing behind you as he looked at the three boys with a menacing glare. He successfully scared the boys away as he looked at you with a gentle look of worry.

" Are you okay ? "

He asked you softly as he patted your head gently. You found yourself falling for him more as he was brave enough to stand up against three boys by himself for you. You nodded as you thanked him before handing him the paper bag.

At lunch break, you basically stuck to him like glue as you hid behind his back every time there was a boy near him or you. Not that he didn't mind, though. Occasionally, he would even hold your hand as he guided you back home. You would often think he was a gentleman for doing these for you.

But in his mind, all he had was obsession for you. He wanted you all to himself and was glad you were scared of men. So you didn't have to talk to them. He don't want you near any of them at all.

𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now