✦𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬✦ ❃ʜᴄ❃

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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: midnightwriter21

✦sᴏᴜʟᴍᴀᴛᴇ ᴀᴜ

✿alright so let’s set the scene

✿you’re already a demon slayer

✿ so obviously you already know who muichiro is

✿i mean how could u not? he’s a hashira duh

✿ even though you know who he is… you’ve never spoken with him


✿ you go to the swordsmith village with tanjiro!

✿ and happen to be taking a nap when muichiro comes to wake tanjiro up to ask some questions

✿ when you wake up you see him sitting in front of the kamado siblings

✿ you don’t say anything you just listen to their conversation

✿ muichiro does glance at you when you first sit up but that’s it

✿ no verbal acknowledgment from him at all

✿ rip

✿ but then a demon pulls up

✿ and with one flap of his lil leaf fan

✿ you all go flying

✿ nezuko grabs onto tanjiro and is able to keep him in the building

✿ but you and muichiro are zooming through the air

✿ when you begin your descent towards the ground you attempt to grab onto a tree branch to stop your fall but you’re unsuccessful

✿ you close ur eyes tightly bracing for impact

✿ when you feel someone catch you…

✿ and then throw u straight onto the ground lmfao

✿ u open your eyes and look up to see muichiro staring at you blankly before he says

✿ “for a demon slayer, you’re very uncoordinated. it’s a wonder you made it past the final selection.”

✿ and then he’s off

✿ running back to the village

✿ not giving you even a second to say anything back

✿ at first when standing up you scoff in half rage half disbelief at his statement

✿ before u freeze and your face turns bright red


✿ immediately ur pulling the hem of your shirt up enough to read the words imprinted on the side of your ribcage

“for a demon slayer, you’re very uncoordinated. it’s a wonder you made it past the final selection.”

✿ after rereading the words on your ribcage for the hundredth time, you fix your shirt and take off in the direction that muichiro went

✿ you don’t find the mist hashira

✿ instead u find a demon!!

✿ yay! isn’t that so fun!

✿ a large slimey 4 legged fish demon with a vase sitting on top of its back

✿ and in front of it is a swordsmith child struggling to fight it off

✿ you of course stop running after muichiro and jump in front of the child

✿ your first attack hits the vase, chipping the top off of it but not breaking it

✿ the fish demon roars in pain

✿ you ignore the pained cry of the demon and with a few flicks of your wrist the demon fish falls

✿ cut into pieces

✿ you turn to check on the masked child

✿ only for the fish demon to regenerate

✿ you turn to block the hit coming towards you but you’re too late

✿ you turn to block the hit coming towards you but you’re too late

✿ the demon picks up the screaming terrified child and begins to squeeze

✿ you stand, ready to fight for the child

✿ when suddenly the arm of the demon is cut off and the kid goes flying into the air

✿ you rush to catch him before he hits the ground

✿ and when you look up after catching him

✿ muichiro is standing in front of you both, sword at the ready

✿ he tells you and the child to run

✿ you stand up saying, “the vase. i hit it before. that’s it’s weak spot.” before pulling the kid behind you

✿ muichiro nods at your words before destroying the vase and the demon

✿ when the demon falls, the kid leaps from behind you, clinging to muichiro and yelling apologies for calling him a “seaweed head”

✿ you giggle at the sight before turning to go back to the village

✿ as you begin running through the forest toward the village

✿ muichiro appears in front of you with the kid thrown over his shoulder

✿ you stop in your tracks looking at him

✿ he sets the kid down and opens the front of his uniform to reveal your words from earlier inked into the side of his ribcage

“the vase. i hit it before. that’s it’s weak spot.”

✿ you smile at the words and then at muichiro who in turn gives you a small, almost unnoticeable smile back

✿ and then you and muichiro speak the same words at the same time,

✿ “be safe.”

✿  and you go your separate ways for the rest of the battle

✿ after the battle, the sun has risen and you find tanjiro, nezuko, and the others

✿ but no sign of muichiro

✿ looking around almost frantically, your heart beat erratic due to your panic

✿ tears welling in your eyes at the thought of losing your soulmate after just finding him hours prior

✿ when a hand gently sets itself on your shoulder

✿ you spin around

✿ and there he is

✿ hair tousled from the fight

✿ small wounds littering his body

✿ uniform ripped open displaying the tattoo of your first words to him

✿ but he's alive

✿ you launch yourself at him crying, “i’m so glad you’re safe”

✿ and he smiles softly patting your head

✿“i’m glad you’re safe too.”

𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now