✦𝐌𝐢𝐱𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬✦

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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: blessingstarss

Muichiro sat in silence as he stared down at a piece of paper. Thinking of how he could write his thoughts down on it. He was having trouble transferring his jumbled thoughts into coherent sentences.

Over the past few weeks, he was hit with a wave of new emotions. Certain emotions when he was around (name). He didn't exactly know what these emotions were and why he was suddenly feeling them, but when he mentioned it to Tanjiro. He suggested talking to Mitsuri.

“I'm sure Miss Kanroji could help you, she's pretty knowledgeable in the emotion department” Tanjiro stated confidently

“Hm… okay, I guess I could send her a letter” Muichiro paused for a moment. “What should I say?”

“Uh… well, you should write your feelings for (name) like… what you feel whenever she's around! That's a good start” tanjiro said smiling

“Okay, I can do that. I'll write to her as soon as I can so I don't forget.”

And that brings Muichiro to the present, sitting alone, having trouble writing a simple letter…

“Fighting demons is easier than this…” Muichiro muttered to himself. He's starting to get a bit frustrated, he shouldn't be having trouble with this.

“I wish I was with (name) right now…”

“Wait…” Muichiro felt himself have a light bulb moment.

Nowadays he always found himself wanting to be around (name), even now. He never understood why, but he always liked (names) presence. They always gave him a comforting warm feeling in his heart.

“This could be a good start…” Muichiro brought his pen up to the paper and started to write.

As he wrote, he remembered more and more about the feelings he felt every time he interacted with you. He felt a light pink dust his cheeks as he kept writing

“I should write that down too…”

By the time Muichiro finished writing, the whole paper was filled from top to bottom.

“I think this might be the longest letter I've ever written…” muichiro mumbled, slightly proud of himself.


In no time, his Crow flew up to him happily. Muichiro smiled slightly and petted Ginkos head. “Deliver this to Mitsuri, it's very important…” he said handing Ginko the sealed letter.

Though sadly, Ginko was too distracted by Muichiros affection to hear what he said.

By the time she realized she didn't know the recipient's name, she was already pretty far from Muichiros's estate…

“It's probably to (name) again..” Ginko grumbled angrily, starting to fly in the direction of your estate.

She was jealous of the attention Muichiro had been giving you. Muichiro and you started to regularly send letters to one another, making Ginko boil more in anger. But also give her a reason to think the letter is to you. When is it not?

The sun was starting to set, meaning night was vastly approaching.

You heard the leaves crunch under you as you got closer to your estate. You had just finished a long mission and finally were able to go back home.

But as you walked up to your doorstep, you saw a letter laying on the ground in front of your door.

“Hm? What's this doing here?” you said, leaning down and picking up the letter.

“Oh? This must be from Muichiro!”

Over the time you and Muichiro had been exchanging letters, you recognized the envelopes he would use. It's like any normal envelope but it's an off-white color. Making it unique.

As you walked inside your home, you excitedly opened the letter.

When you looked at the paper, it was oddly full. Muichito never wrote long letters, it was always a paragraph or two if you were lucky. So this was uncharacteristic of him.

When you began to read it, you already saw an immediate red flag.

“Huh? This is addressed to Miss Kanroji. Did I get this by mistake? I should reseal it and send it to her”

You put the paper on the table and grabbed a different envelope.

As you got ready to reseal the letter, curiosity was eating at you. You were so interested in what Muichiro wrote. He never wrote that much…

Is it something important? Or something minor…

“I can't take this anymore! I have to see what's inside!”

you let your curiosity win and you opened the letter back up… You felt a tinge of guilt as you were about to read what was inside. But you couldn't stop yourself now, you were already too deep.

“I'm sorry Muichiro…” you said subconsciously as you started to finally read the letter.

As you read, your face became a bright red. You realized the whole letter was about you!?

You reread the letter millions of times over, mentally freaking out…

“Does Muichiro really think these things about me!? I should have never read this… I feel terrible! what am I gonna do!?”

You quickly put the letter back into the envelope and sealed it back up, holding it tightly in your shakey hands…

“Maybe I should do what Muichiros doing… go to Mitsuri for help! She'll understand why I read it right? She'll know what to do!”

You quickly ran out of your estate, following your Crow to Mitsuris home.

“I'll deliver this to her in person and tell her what happened, hopefully she'll know what to do…” you thought to yourself, your mind racing. You felt millions of different emotions at once. Your adrenaline was the only thing keeping your legs moving at this point…

You couldn't believe what Muichiro wrote about you… it seemed like you were dreaming! You still weren't sure but after reading the letter, Muichiro might actually like you back!?

“This is too much for me! I should have never read the letter!”

There isn't a part 2, I wish there was though! This is so cute!! 💙

𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now