✦𝐈 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐭 ✦

469 9 3

ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: roninishere

“Y/N, all is well?” Master Ubuyashiki soothing voice asked you as you assisted him on his feet.

Your soft calm eyes concentrated oh being very careful of not allowing him to slip or fall “Yes master, all is well,” getting him carefully on his feet, you kept a hand in the small of his back and allowed him to rest his weight on your other arm. “Shall we join the others?”

“Yes my child.”

Bringing him to behind the doors, you adjusted his haori before his daughters announced his arrival. When the doors slid to the sides, you walked by his side until his wife Amane got on the other side of her husband. After setting him down carefully, you bowed at the family before taking your position.

Normally Muichiro would have his head in the clouds, trying to remember the name of the cloud again. Hearing the Master thank Y/N, the young boy couldn’t take his eyes off of you. You stood tall, around five foot five, however without your heeled boots, Muichiro bet shorter.

There were multiple layers to your Kimono; it appeared to be made by the same fabric of the demon slayer uniform. The baggy sleeves reached to about your mid bicep before a tighter black material covered down to your wrists with gold cuffs from the forehead to your wrist as well. You had two tight fitting golden belts around a little underneath your breasts and one on your belly button. The kimono had three slits in the front from your waist down, just exposing a bit of your thigh before your thigh boots covered the rest of your skin.

You had a sword on one of your belts and on the sides of your thighs, there were holsters for these long sais you had.

That was just what YOU wore. He couldn’t see your eyes from his distance, but your pretty hair was pulled into two pretty braids buns.

Seeing that their young hashira had been distracted most of the meeting; Tengen and Kyojuro looked at one another before following his gaze as everyone began to leave.

With a grin on his face, he had a brilliant idea. Kyojuro smiled before patting the teenager on his shoulder “Muichiro! You should go say hello! Staring isn’t polite!”

“Then what should I say?”

Tengen suggested “how about you ask her train with you? Or to grab some food?”

His blank expression was fixed on Y/N as he said “Yes I suppose she’d make a good training partner.” He walked towards you and once he was just a few feet in front of you, he finally got a good look at your beautiful eyes.

They widen at his current actions, and you felt yourself freak out in the inside ‘oh my, Muichiro Tokito is right in front me.’ 

“Mr. Tokito, is there something I can help you with?” You tilted your head to the side playing it cool; despite his emotionless look, you were well aware of his situation, his mint green eyes were definitely a beauty.

There was a pause before he asked “would you like to be training partners? And perhaps get food with me?”

“I’d be honor too,” You attempted to play off but the blush on your face gave it away.  “I can meet you at the training grounds in an hour once I’m relieved?”

Nodding, he went to turn before he thought, you didn’t tell me your name did you? “What is your name?” 


Y/N… what a pretty name for a pretty girl. 

The two of you became friends; you guys trained, grab or even cook food together, and even looked at clouds together. Although Muichiro was very forgetful, you were was so patient with him, re-telling him who you were and how two of you became of friends.

Every time you retold him the stories, you felt all warm and fuzzy inside, your heart beating a hundred times. Unsure what it met, you couldn’t help to asked Master Ubuyashiki wife for advice.

“Oh dear, you’re in love.”

Love? I’m in love? 

You fell in love with your best friend. Was that even possible?

“It’s safe to say that I believe he feels the same. You should tell him.” Aname then told the story of her and Master Ubuyashiki, it was adorable.

While you asked, Muichiro went to the Flame and Sound Hashiras unsure if he was getting sick or something. The overwhelming feelings he had when they were together, even when he had forgotten meaningful moments.

It was so frustrating at times.

“You are in love with Y/N!” Kyrojuro announced accidentally with other Hashiras who gave each other “I told you so!”

Tengen nodded in agreement encouraging him “Muichiro, admit how you feel! In a very flashy way!”

“But what is the point if I could forget?”

Wouldn’t that be exhausting?

“You may forget memories, but you never forget those feelings you feel.”

During their training session, Y/N misstepped, causing yourself to trip and fall on top of Muichiro who caught you. Instead of having a hard impact, feeling the softness of his chest on your cheek, you immediately pulled away, of sheer embarrassment. “I-I-I’m s-“ “Y/N, I love you.”

“I-I love you too Muichiro.” You stuttered a bit as your cheeks were on fire. Was this really happening? You looked like a deer in headlights at this situation.  Muichiro started caressing your cheek, your skin was so warm yet so soft.

‘When you love someone, you also kiss them!’ He remember what Mitsuri told him when he visited her for help too.

It didn’t help that he wasn’t experienced, but neither were you, you only knew about kissing through books you read. Closing his eyes, he leaned in, pressing his lips to yours. Though it was a little awkward, it gave you guys butterflies in your stomachs.

You for sure thought that Muichiro could hear your heart beating as if it was going to best out of your damn chest. One of your hand on his chest as the other tangled its fingers into his black and mint green hair. Pulling back, you both were blushing messes.

Is this what happiness feels like? 

He combed back thoughtlessly back your loose hairs, clearing them away from your face. He swore that he could get lost in your eyes. The hand that gripped around your waist, he started tapping his fingers out of a nervous tick “um…I liked that a lot.”

“Me too,” immediately responding to him, you realized you both were still on the training grounds, “we can do more of it while we cook?”

Such a bold suggestion, you scowled yourself as you blushed harder.

“I’d like that.” Putting your weapons away, Muichiro grabbed your hand, unlocking your fingers together.

Is this what it means to be alive?

Y/N glanced at your hands, mouth open and eyes widen before giving his hand a little squeeze as you guys were on your way to his estate. Walking out the gates, the two of you teenagers didn’t see the other Hashiras who were on their way to the training grounds when they turned out of facility.

“Oh my god! Is that Muichiro and Y/N?!” Mitsuri cried out in awe and happiness seeing the two of you young lovers, “Obanai! Aren’t they so cute?!”

All the Hashiras had the same thought.

Wow. Muichiro Tokito was growing up.  

𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now