✦𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐡𝐢𝐦?✦❃ᴘᴛ 2❃

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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: slayfics

"I know!" Mitsuri exclaimed enthusiastically. "I'll invite Tokito to eat with us! That way you can get to know him better and spend time with him! I'm the best big sister ever!" Mitsuri sang in her own praise.

"N-n-no no no! I really d-don't want to do that. I w-w-would rather just keep my distance." You pleaded.

"Oh don't worry I'll be there too so there's no reason to be nervous ok?" Mitsuri said bringing out a paper and pen. "I'll write to him now about meeting us for breakfast before we all head out our separate ways!" Mitsuri swiftly wrote a letter then handed it to her crow. You desperately tried to get the letter out of her hand but you were no match for your older sister's strength.

"Get some sleep and don't worry. It's just food ok? We will have fun tomorrow morning!" Mitsuri said, putting her hand on your back to comfort you.

The next morning you dreadfully came out to the common room where you saw Mitsuri and Tokito sitting. You debated on turning around and running back to your room but just then Mitsuri had caught sight of you.

"Goooooood morrrningggg little sister!" She said with the biggest grin you had seen her have since the last time Iguro came over.

"Good m-morning..." You said grumpily sitting down.

Muichiro did not say a word but ate silently.

"Soooooooo how is everyone feeling today?" Mitsuri said, trying to make conversation.

"Fine..." You said.

"Healthy." Muichiro said looking as uninterested as ever. "Did you want to eat together for a reason?" He asked.

"Oh, I just thought it would be fun since we are both Hashira and here at the same time you know? Plus you know my sister is here too."

"Ok." Mucihro said, and turned back to his food. You shot Mitsuri a glance that was supposed to convey how bad of an idea this was and how awful it was going.

"Sooooooo you ran into my sister the other day?" Mitsuri said attempting a conversation again.

"No, she ran into me. You should train her better." He said.

"M-m-mitsuri! I told you this was a m-mistake! H-he is a-aw-awful!" You shouted letting your embarrassment about yesterday's events get the better of you. Muichiro looked between the two sisters in curiosity then went back to his food, deciding he wasn't interested.

"I've finished my meal and have some business to attend to. Goodbye." He said getting up to leave.


You felt all the blood drain from your face. How could she say that to him?? You didn't know what to do. You felt such an overwhelming amount of emotions. Embarrassment, anger, sadness. It was all too much for you to take and you felt like you might explode. You ran out of the room and hurried back to your designated room, closing the door just in time before tears began to fall.

Why was Muichiro so mean? Why him? Why did you have a crush on such a dreadful person? How could Mitsuri out your feelings like that? You put your face in your hands and continued to weep. When you heard a faint knock on your door.

"G-g-go away Mitsuri. I can't b-be-believe you." You spoke with venom in your voice.

"I'm not Mitsuri and I'm coming in." You heard Muichrio respond and your door opened. Why would he come here? To insult you further perhaps. It's not like he ever had anything nice to say.

"You're crying" He said as he sat down next to you.

"Great o-observation." You replied.

"Are you crying because of what Miss Kanroji said?"

"J-j-just forget what she said, it's not true. I think you're a-awful, cruel, and m-mean." You spat.

"I am?" He asked and seemed to daze off.

"Yes! You insult e-everyone even when they are trying to h-help you and you don't seem to care for a-anything."

Muichiro came back from his daze and looked down at his hands... "Hmm... I think I used to know someone just like that..."

"You must have looked in a m-mi-irror recently." You retorted. Muichiro took no notice of your harsh words.

"Hmm... It's too bad you actually despise me... I was quite flattered to hear you had a crush on me."

You froze... he was flattered?? You couldn't wrap your mind around what he was saying. He was so indifferent to everything could he actually be flattered you had a crush on him?

"I n-never said I despise you..." You softened.

"I am too busy as a Hashira to date or even explore those types of human interactions, but you can write me letters if you wish. I will respond as promptly as I can." He said watching you intently now.

Joining the demon slayer corps so young Muichiro never had interactions with someone that liked him, and he never had chances to explore those types of feelings of his own either. As indifferent as he was on the outside, something sparked a deep memory in him of feeling warm, feelings that must have been from a long time ago. He wondered if this meant something.

"O-ok... I'll write you letters Tokito." You said taken aback by his sudden change in demeanor.

Just then Mitsuri burst into the room.

"OH! I'm so dumb I let a boy in my sister's room alone! Tokito you have to get out right now!" She said red in the face.

"W-W-WHAT DID YOU THINK W-WE WERE DOING??" You said mortified. Muichiro stood up and went to exit the room.

"I'll be looking forward to your letter." He said then vanished.

𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now