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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: maarshieee


Muichiro was laid on his back on the ground, his hair and the grass tickling the back of his neck. His eyes gazed up in the skies, skimming through the multiple clouds for any shapes he could voice out. One hand rested on his stomach, while the other was at his side, pinkies intertwined with yours.

You hummed softly, concentrating to make out the shapes forming amongst the clouds. Raising up a hand, you pointed at a cloud and muttered, “Fish,” loud enough for him to hear. His eyes wandered towards the direction you’re pointing at, making a small noise of acknowledgment, then began to search for more.

This was a game the two of you would play in your free time, or before a Hashira meeting started. Laying on the grass, bodies close to each other and staring up at the sky without a care in the world. Other Hashiras would find the two of you adorable. So calm and unbothered, basking in each other’s soothing presence.

Just with your lightest touch, Muichiro felt grounded. His mind drifted less when he was around you and his focus would stay on you. Because of this, he stuck by your side, slowly becoming your friend and eventually your lover. He was glad to have met you. His ever hazy mind became clearer, and his heart began to burn with passion once again, even if it was just the faintest of flames. Little by little, he’s acting like his age, acting like himself, but only around you.

While he didn’t remember his past, only brief flashes that were blurry, he felt a strong sense of familiarity with you. It felt warm and full, safe and loved. Like home? He thought to himself once, staring at you intensely. If you hadn’t known Muichiro for a while now, you would’ve been intimidated. 

You turned your head and were greeted by beautiful mint green eyes, a small twinkle of adoration. Ever since you came into his life, he became a tad livelier, especially his eyes. It made the Hashiras happy. You’d give him the prettiest, sweetest smile he’s ever seen in his life that melted his heart.

Yeah, He confirmed to himself, his lips twitching up to a smile. Home.

“Horse.” He broke the silence, eyes staying in the clouds.

Muichiro never takes moments like these for granted and works harder to spend more time with you. When he sees you after a long mission, his body would instantly relax because he’s finally home. He enjoyed the sense of serenity that would stop the static in his mind when he was with you.

Muichiro waited and waited for your response, spotting multiple shapes that you would have pointed out. A small frown tugged at his lips, wriggling his pinkie against yours, a small action to signal it’s your turn. No response. “Y/n,” He called for you in a hushed tone, expecting you to immediately answer him, because you always did. 

“Y/n?” Muichiro repeated, a little louder this time. His brows furrowed in worry, his frown deepening. He finally turned to look at you, and his expression softened. They fell asleep. He chuckled inwardly, slipping his pinkie away from yours as he scooted closer to you and turned his body to the side. He couldn’t blame you for falling asleep. 

Petals of cherry blossoms danced into the cool breeze, the sun shined brightly, some of the clouds covering its blinding rays. Gentle, soothing sounds of rushing water from a small waterfall pond, not too far away from your spot.

Muichiro carefully wrapped an arm around you, his other laid next to his head, watching your chest rise and fall lightly. You looked so peaceful. Pulling himself closer to you and curling a little, he pressed a soft, lingering kiss on your cheek. 

“I love you,” Muichiro whispered against your cheek, his hot breath tickling you a little in your sleep.

He wanted to stay like this forever with you. 

𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now