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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: slayfics

You and Muichiro arrived on the scene where some lower ranks were struggling with a demon. It didn’t take you both long to rid the area of demons, now you two were assessing the injuries of the lower ranks.

One lower rank in particular was giving you some difficulty.

“I COULD HAVE TAKEN THAT DEMON DOWN ON MY OWN!” Insouke yelled at you, as you grabbed his arm to assess his wound.

“Oh shut up, let me see your arm!” You yelled back wrestling the demon slayer. “You’re going to make it worse if you keep resisting!”

“THIS AIN’T NOTHING!! HARDLY A SCRATCH!” Inosuke said, continuing to be difficult.

Your raising voice captured Muichiro’s attention as he turned around to see what the commotion was. He glanced at you then back at the lower rank he was helping, not worried about your abilities to handle Inosuke.

“You’re bleeding all over the place, stop moving! Here take this and be still!” You said, offering Inosuke a rice ball while you tended to his injury.

Immediately the demon slayer stopped being so difficult as he pushed his mask up and focused on munching on the rice ball.

“Good job, thank you Inosuke,” you said and began to get to work wrapping his arm. “Did you hit your head at all?”

“I dunno-“ he said in between bites.

You let out a sigh, “Follow my finger.” You demanded as you moved your finger from side to side watching Inosuke’s eyes for a sign of a concussion.

He had no trouble following your movements indicating he was most likely ok. You hadn’t really been this close to the demon slayer with his mask off and it was the first time you noticed the deep emerald green of his eyes.

“I like your eyes,” you said, placing your finger down.

It was at your compliment that Muichiro turned around again. You were still helping Inosuke? Why are you taking so long with him?

“Thanks. Hey, do you have another one of those rice balls?” Inosuke asked, swallowing the last of the one you gave him and placing his mask back on.

You couldn’t help but let out a giggle at the demon slayer's one-track mind.

“Is there a complication here?” Muichiro asked, appearing behind you suddenly causing you to jump.

“Nope, just finished wrapping his injuries,” you said, turning to meet Muichiro’s gaze. You were startled by the look in his eyes. His voice was his normal calm demeanor but his eyes had a hint of something else in them.

Muichiro stared back at you and you stared back at him for what felt like an uncomfortable amount of time.

“Um ok-“ you finally said, breaking the silence. “Is there something wrong?” You asked him.

“No. I’m waiting for you to leave this demon slayer,” Muichiro stated matter of factly. It was then you realized what was going on. Muichiro was jealous.

“Ok, well I think you’re fine Inosuke, but ask Aoi to check on you once you get back. This isn’t my specialty.” You said to Inosuke as you got up. “Oh- and you’re doing amazing by the way. Great job today.” You said patting Inosuke on the top of his mask, flashing Muichiro a glare then walking away.

Muichiro's face froze in shock. Were you purposely antagonizing him?

“Your hair is unkempt and it smells as though you need a bath,” Muichiro said to Inosuke as he left to follow after you.

Inosuke would have been riled up by Muichiro’s words if he wasn’t still frozen from your praise.

You began to make the journey back with Muichiro right behind you.

“You know- if you’re so jealous you could get hurt on a mission every now and then and I’d help you.” You said to Muichiro.

“Jealous?” He scoffed.

“Don’t play dumb with me. You were clearly jealous of me tending to Inosuke,” you said.

“I would never be jealous of you helping out a fellow demon slayer!” He responded back.

“Then what the hell was that about?” You asked, feeling frustrated at his denial of emotions.

Again you both froze and were left in a staring contest. It lasted even longer than the first time until you sighed and rolled your eyes.

“Forget it Tokito, I know you’ll never tell me how you really feel.” You said beginning to continue walking.

“… you always said you liked my eyes," Muichiro mumbled, beginning to follow you again.

You felt your heart sting at his words and sudden understanding. He wasn’t jealous of you helping Inosuke but of your compliment to him.

“Tokito,” you said, turning around to face him once more. “I don’t like your eyes. I love your eyes.”

Muichiro let a slight smile spread across his lips.

𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now