✦𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐤✦

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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: blessingstarss

You were a young swordsmith for the demon slayer core. You were never a fighter but you always wanted to help the core in anyway you could. So when the opportunity to become a swordsmith came up, you accepted it with open arms.                                                                           

Your family had been sadly murdered by demons when you were younger. But before you were killed you were saved by a demon slayer. After accepting the offer to become a swordsmith. You were swiftly brought to the hidden village and the swordsmiths there greeted you with open arms and raised you from that day onward.     

You knew many other swordsmiths but one that stood out to you was an old man named mr tetsuido… You saw him as a grandfather and loved him very much.                                                                                      He teached you how to forge swords and gave you a bunch of tips. You especially loved when he would tell you stories about the demon slayers he forged swords for.

As you got older. Mr tetsuido was getting weaker and his life was slowly coming to its end..      
       One thing you remembered was how he continuously brought up one swordsmen repeatedly.. His name was Tokito Muichiro. He was your age and already a hashira.     
                    You didn’t believe Mr tetsuido at first when he said he became a hashira at the age of 12. But here you are now a few weeks after Mr tetsuidos passing, looking at the boy right infront of you..

And this brings you to the present.              Muichiro was sitting infront of you while you brushed his hair softly. You were a little jealous at how straight his hair naturally was.. As you were silently admiring his hair Muichiro was trying his hardest not to fall asleep. The feeling of you brushing his hair was slowly lulling him to a peaceful slumber. You had just finished bandaging him up after he had arrived to the village with some other injured demon slayers. You were known for your knowledge in the health department since you had read many books about it. So it was natural for you to be one of the swordsmiths chosen to take care of Muichiro as some other swordsmiths were with the other demon slayers patching them up. You heard from kotetsu that Muichiro was able to defeat uppermoon 5 all by himself.. “I guess Mr Tetsudio was right.. this boy really is something else..” you said in your head as you finished up brushing his hair. “How are you feeling Tokito? Does anything still hurt?” You asked. Muichiro responded with a hum “hm.. I’m okay thank you..” he said softly.                          “That’s great.. I’ll go get you something to eat and some water..” you said as you stood up and left the room for a moment.

A few minutes later you had returned with some food and water for Muichiro. You sat down next to him and passed him the food. “Here you go tokito” he took the food out of your hands and thanked you...

You stayed by his side the whole day watching over him. While you were sittting by his side you looked over at him and saw him staring off into space seemingly lost in his thoughts.     

You were interested in him because of the stories Mr Tetsuido had told you about him over the years. So you decided to ask him some questions yourself...                                                                     “Mr Tetsuido was your formal swordsmith correct?” You asked out of nowhere. Muichiros eyes widened at the mention of Mr Tetsuidos name. “Yea.. he was” he said looking in your direction. “He told me stories about you before..” you said with a smile not realizing how awkward you sounded right now….   

“Hm..” he paused for a moment. “I remember he always was worrying about me..” Muichiro said looking towards the ground as he was trying to remember all the times him and Mr Tetsuido were together. “He said you were an amazing swordsmen and very talented..” you said with a bright smile. “I’m sure he was right..” you said as you were slightly reminiscing about all your memories with Mr Tetsuido and the times he would tell you silly stories.                                                         Muichiros eyes suddenly widened. Your kind words reminded him of someone.. he couldn’t quite put his finger on who..

𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now