✦𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞'𝐥𝐥 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞✦

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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: akiranzee

Looking up the sky, admiring its beauty, whilst leaning against a big rock, with your boyfriend’s head on your lap. Moments like these with your Mui are the best. Just relaxing, giving no care to the world, as the both of you dizzily talk to each other.

“Y/n-” Muichiro hadn’t even started, but you already shushed him off, knowing exactly what he was gonna say.

“Not again, Mui.” You chuckled, while lifting the finger you used to cover his mouth.

“But there will come a time, Y/n. And I want you to be ready for that.” Muichiro sat up from your lap, slowly getting serious as he locked eyes with you, his dizziness slowly fading away.

You too, slowly started getting serious. This kind of conversation was something you wanted to avoid. Muichiro knows that too, but he also wants you to know that his memories with you will not last forever. You know that too, but you had this smallest, tiniest hope in him that that time will never come. You didn’t want to think that the memories of two years of being together would fade away overnight, as if it all meant nothing.

“I know, but I believe in you, Mui.” You cupped his cheeks, as both your expressions softened.

It was clear to the both of you, that moments like these won't last forever. That it never will.


“S-Shinobu!! I-Is Mui alright? C-Can I see him?” You asked, as you looked at her with desperate pleading eyes.

“I’m sorry, Y/n. Tokito is resting and I think he needs it most right now.” Shinobu looked at you with an apologetic look, as you simply nodded in response and walked away with your head down.

Shinobu felt guilty, because that was not the only reason. She sighed and went back inside Muichiro’s room, as she then was immediately greeted by Muichiro’s question. "Who... was she?”

Shinobu only shakes her head slightly in disappointment but also answered; “someone important to you.” Muichiro then gave her a confused look, trying to recall a memory of you.
But not even a single one did he remember.

As Muichiro finished drinking his medicines, and is all set to sleep, Shinobu left his room and turned off the lights. Meanwhile with you, you waited for Shinobu to do so, then quietly slipped inside his room, lighting up the lantern you brought, and watched as he slept peacefully.

You wanted to hug, kiss, and talk to him, but you stopped yourself as you knew he only receives peaceful nights like this once in a while.

You gently brushed away the hair covering his face, and adored how cute and peaceful he looked.

As time passed by, the sun slowly started to peek in the windows, shining so brightly between the two of you. By then, Muichiro started shifting, then slowly opened his eyes.

And when he did, saying that you were thrilled is an understatement, as you happily hugged him tight, while tears of joy dropped down to your cheeks as you repeatedly thank the gods.

You felt relieved, up until the moment he looked at you with a confused look, saying; “who... are you?”

And then your world stopped. You felt as if everything around you stopped moving or working, as if your heart and breathing also stopped. You had a hard time inhaling air, as tears of sadness now spilled down your cheeks, feeling your heart break to a million pieces, thus feeling your heart tight and heavy.

The only thoughts that filled your mind was running away and forgetting that he ever asked that.

You hesitated, but you still did either way. You couldn’t bear to stand there in pain as he looked at you with eyes full of questions, as if he never met you in the first place.

As you walked away, your pace quickened as you could barely keep it up as you sprinted outside, towards the gardens of butterfly mansion.

As you arrived, the first thing you did was look up at the orange-yellow colored sky, and remembered the day he warned you. He did, and you were aware about it. But you denied that fact, having that simplest, tiniest hope once more, thinking that day would never come.

But then here you are, crying as reality slapped you harshly.


“...She ran away?” Muichiro mumbled, seeming to not have understood the peculiar reaction you gave him, not understanding what made you so upset that tears ran down your cheeks as you ran away from him. But what he didn’t understand most was how the mere sight of you doing so made his heart ache, as if he had always hated seeing you like that.

But also seeing your face after what he thinks to be a long time, made him feel relieved, relieved that he’s finally here with you. But he doesn’t know yet, because in his mind, he doesn’t know you.


The next day, you tried your best to get a hold of yourself from getting emotional while seeing Muichiro’s clueless face as he looks at you.

And when he does, that small fire of hope always ignites within you, thinking that even for a moment, there’d be a memory of the both of you that he’d remember.

Muichiro too, did try. But he only knows that you’re one of the important people of his life, not the person he loves.

But he denied that thought, as he knows damn well just how crazy he feels just by seeing you smile, hearing your voice, and eating the foods you make. All of those felt too familiar to him, that even his heart race and flutters unknowingly.  He knows all too well that there were memories you both made together in the back of his mind.

As time slowly passes painfully, Shinobu gets a small glimpse of what was happening and chuckled softly as she shaked her head.

“The mind may have forgotten, but the heart never does.” She thought, as she walked away thus seeing the both of you sleeping peacefully whilst you leaned against a big rock, with Muichiro’s head against your right shoulder.

There may had came a time where he forgot you, but there will also come a time where he remembers you.

𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now