✦𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐫✦

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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: livelaughlovekny

  His hair flew and splayed across his face for what must have been the fourteenth time in the past hour. The long locks clung onto his face, obscuring his vision, rendering him unable to see his opponent clearly. In this case, it was you.

  Unable to hold it back anymore, you laugh. His exasperated face and frustration towards his hair was too much for you. It was rare for him to express his emotions and thoughts, even then nothing much would change. Muichirou’s eyebrows dipped down ever so slightly and an irritated sigh escaped his lips as he struggled to tame his hair in the wild wind that kept blowing against it.

  “Honestly, how are you even alive, much less a Hashira, when your hair is constantly preventing you from fighting properly?” You laughed as you rummaged through your pockets. Muichirou gives you a flat look as he responds, “I encounter pathetic demons.” Noticing your actions, he asks “What are you doing? We’re training.”

  You fish out a hair tie. “I know but wouldn’t it be more productive if your hair was tied up instead of interrupting our training every other minute?” He stares at the hair tie for a moment before taking it. He pauses again and stares at the object. Muichirou looks back up at you. “How do you use this again?” 

  Used to this, you simply smile and take the hair tie without questioning how one could forget how to use such a simple object. Walking behind him, you’re suddenly struck with the realisation that you’re about to not only touch but also tie the great Mist Hashira’s hair. Oh my, the possibilities are endless. How would he look with pigtails? Surely his baby face would fit that hairstyle perfectly. “Hey, do you have any idea on what hairstyle you want?”

  Muichirou mused a little. “There’s more than one hairstyle…? I have no preference. Do whatever you want but make it quick.” Taking out another hair tie, you started your new mission.

  First, you had to separate his hair into six. You were a little apprehensive that you would have to spend a few minutes combing his hair and much to your surprise, his hair was as smooth as silk. How did this forgetful baby who trained so rigorously and constantly have hair you bet were smoother than Uzui’s? Entertaining the thought of informing the flashy Hashira his hair care was incomparable to Muichirou immediately ended when you thought of how he would most definitely question how you knew and throw a fit. It was not worth it, you would have to find another thing to poke fun at him.

  After making sure Muichirou’s hair was separated evenly into six, you moved onto braiding the first braid. Would a tight and thin braid suit him? Picturing the image in your head, you decided looser and thicker braids would suit him more; though not as thick as the Love Hashira’s. Carefully but efficiently braiding his hair, you did your best not to tug too hard to cause him pain. Though you were quite sure that that pain would only be considered as a fleeting feeling to him.

  Moving onto the next braid, you realise how close you are to seeing Muichirou with pigtails. The sudden rush of anticipation caused you to braid his hair much faster, though of course you ensured that it was as neat and perfect as its twin. After tying up the end of his second braid, you hurriedly took a few steps back to admire your masterpiece before rushing to look at the front view.

  He looked at you blankly yet somewhat expectantly.

  “Well? Are you done?”

  “Oh my gosh, you look adorable! Give me a twirl so I can see my masterpiece in action!” Seeing how unimpressed and slightly disgusted he looked, you corrected your last sentence. “I meant, move around so we know whether or not this hairstyle is functional.” Getting up, Muichirou picked up his sword and performed a forward slash and spun around. He paused and thought a little. “So what do you think? I think it looks cute, I mean, functional.”

  “...It feels heavy. Could we try other styles?” What. Did he just give you permission to (play) tie his hair again? You reigned in your excitement before responding. “Of course.” You fished out a few more hair ties. Muichirou studied your actions. “Why do you have so many…hair ties?”

  “I always lose them but that’s not important. Sit down, let’s get started.”

𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now