✦𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ✦ ❃ᴘᴛ 3❃

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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: keruimi

✦ᴍᴜɪᴄʜɪʀᴏ ᴘᴏᴠ

I don't know what took over me but I found myself begging everyday to the Master to save her. I keep begging until I can't physically do it anymore.

We can't stand a chance on retrieving her back, not even her body.


"We are doing our best, Muichiro. But for now, take care of yourself" he stated as the older Hashiras held me to prevent myself on begging again.

"But Y/n..." My voice broke as tears never stop falling from my eyes. "We need to save her now, Master. I can't lose her too"

I cried out as the two Hashira just drag me out of the Master's quarters.

"Bring her back to me!" I screamed in anger as I snatched myself away from their grips and let my body fell to the ground.

"I can't lose her" I sobbed out as they let me cry my heart out on the path of stones.

My world turn cold, I lost the right direction. No one was holding my harsh personality back anymore.

No one was comforting me anymore.

I lost my backbone, I lost my lover.

In exchange, I stop caring for others.

I was blinded by anger that I didn't know I was slowly forgetting about her.

Mizuki Y/n

The second person that I didn't manage to save from the demons that ruined my entire life.

"Y/n..." I called her name as I started to recall everything.

How can I forget? The woman I was willing to bend the rules for. Even turn my back against the world.

The woman I would lay my life for...

Turn into the being that I despise the most.

My lover...

I didn't have time to choose my next move when I heard a familiar scream.

"I will slice you to shreds, you damn demon!"

I felt my heart drop as I saw the boar man already behind her. She is not focused.

The only thing she cares about right now... Is to see if I still remember her.

But who cares if she was turned into a demon? Does that make her less loveable?

Muichiro, get your grip together.

She is a demon, who knows what happened to those six years when both of you were apart.


Seeing how she quickly recognizes me, she hasn't completely lost touch with her humanity.

Of her old self...

Without thinking, I ran to her who had her arms open for me for an embrace.

I took a hold of her hands before spinning her around to avoid Inosuke's attack.

And I felt the sharp pain on my back before both of us collapsed on the ground. I heard her gasp below me as she put her hands on my chest.

"I'm sorry Chiro" she apologizes with her glossy eyes but I just shook my head with a small smile on my lips.

"i just want to go back home" she sobbed out as I felt tears formed in my eyes.

"Demon or not, you are still my lover that I would save from the world." I told her as I heard Giyu prevent Inosuke on attacking again as I nuzzle my head on her shoulder.

She was still the same person no matter what.

"Don't worry Y/n. You have me... I'll bring you back home"

"What's with all of you breaking the rules" Tengen-san decided to visit after hearing the news while I decided to stay quiet as I kneel in front of the porch while waiting to meet Kiriya, the new master.

I never bother to care about the other Hashiras around me, because I only need the Master's opinion on my crazy idea about letting Y/n keep living.

Yes, who would agree when the cure is impossible to obtain now that Muzan and the twelve Kizuki's are gone.

It was utterly impossible to cure her now. She would always be a demon, she can't become a human anymore.

"The Master has arrived"

We all bowed in respect to the Master younger than me.

"It's nice to see all of you gather for this" he started as I raised my head from my bow that was lower than usual.

"I've heard your plea, Muichiro. But this request needs more time" he started as I kept my mouth shut.

"Y/n was a former tsuguko of Giyu. She was taken away out of her will during her mission. In this trial, we, the senior Hashiras, hope that you would at least consider that before any grave punishment bestowed to her case" I heard Obanai's words that made my heart warmed at least before I bowed at the young man in front of me.

"I have no complaints while the trial is ongoing. But may I at least request one thing?"

I ask the leader who gave me a nod that made me continue.

"Please let me stay with her throughout the whole trial"

The garden went silent as Mitsuri let out a small huh before Obanai covered her mouth.

"If that's what you want. I'll grant you that"

And I did stay with her the whole time.

I always gazed at her sleeping figure outside her cell.

If she would suffer, I would accompany her on that. I don't want to leave her again.

I love her, its my duty to become her ally, her support on her darkest time, and her lover to make her feel she is still loved and accepted by us.

I would never make her feel abandoned again...

I would never make her feel abandoned again

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