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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: maaarshieee

Muichiro has never met an opponent so fierce before. It was agile and smart, almost on par with Muichiro's abilities. Its claws are sharper than any of the demons with claws, and its watchful eyes bore into his soul, analyzing his every move. 

Your cat didn't like him much.

And Muichiro shared that sentiment.

Behind your back, the two glare at each other. Usually, it was your cat that started fights, Muichiro would never hurt an innocent animal yet your cat can be his first exception. It would randomly hiss at him, clawing at his unsuspecting uniform, or even at his face. It would constantly stir up trouble for him, and he's the one who gets scolded.

"Muichiro! Don't provoke it like that!" You lightly scolded your lover, who was on his knees, hands on his lap and his head bowed down. He apologizes each time because he understood the fact that he might be mistaken for a lunatic if he said his nemesis was a freaking cat.

He swears that your cat was looking at him smugly whilst you carried it in your arms, cooing and petting it affectionately. It made Muichiro's blood boil. Fine, if no one would believe him that your cat was the one starting the fight, he'll just play this silly game the cat started.

After those events, you began to notice a pattern. 

Funnily enough, Muichiro was slowly beginning to act like a cat. How so? He's been extra clingy! Nuzzling on your neck, rubbing his cheek against yours, wrapping his arms around you anytime he can, and has been asking you out on lunches more often. It baffled you at first, but you've been really enjoying the attention you're getting from Muichiro.

It's completely the opposite of Muichiro's point of view. He's absolutely overjoyed at the amount of attention you've been giving him lately. It took a bit of effort though! Finishing missions as fast as he could, only to be in your arms afterward, inviting you to almost every meal and basically becoming your shadow. You've voiced your concerns about his behavior, but he could only bury his face on your stomach, saying, words muffled: "I just love you very much."

And it's very much true! He does love you with his entire being, and, surprisingly, he's aware he's not the best boyfriend one could have. Muichiro may come off cold, uncaring, and rude towards other people and he's afraid he's the same with you. 

He's conflicted about whether to hate or thank your cat, because competing against the feisty feline was the push he needed to be much more open to his emotions, and be more affectionate to you.

"You're like a cat, Mui." You mused once. Not just any cat though. Specifically your cat. It never really liked anyone else but you. It was cold, and often ignore others, but when it comes to you? It becomes so affectionate that it's like a whole different cat! And you love your cat for it. 

It just meant it trusts you so much that it willingly shows it's appreciation and true colors to you.

Like Muichiro!

Honestly, he couldn't care less if he acted similarly to your cat. As long as your eyes are focused on him, enjoying his presence, he doesn't mind at all.

Is he being petty? Absolutely. And it always makes his day brighten when he sees your cat obviously frustrated at his advances. It began to do the same thing Muichiro has been doing, and that led it to attack him for no reason. Right in front of you. By accident. Now it's the one getting scolded.

Muichiro may have won for now, but your cat wouldn't give up that easily...

All the while you're completely oblivious of the war inside your home. 

𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now