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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: slayfics

It was a hot day and you were doing your usual training with Tokito just outside his estate. Every time you trained with him it seemed he used more and more of his real strength. It was challenging to keep up, but brought you joy knowing your skills were increasing.

Today he was coming at you particularly hard. Muichiro had noticed your drastic increase in skill and he wanted to push you even farther still. He swiftly dodged your attack and then lunged at you almost full speed.

It was a speed you had only seen him use against demons before, never with you in training. You barely dodged him but not out of the way enough. Your foot tangled against his and you went crashing into the floor. Your arm outstretched to catch your fall but slid on the slick dirt causing your cheek to slam into the floor.

Before you could process what happened Muichiro was at your side lifting you up into an embrace, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed, panicking.

"It's alright Tokito," you uttered, still seeing stars. The Hashria gently brushed his hand against your face to wipe off dirt and tiny rocks embedded in your cheek. Sprinkles of blood escaped from your cheek.

“Let's go inside I'll tend to you," he proposed.

"It's fine Tokito, I can keep going," you protested.

"No! I hurt you, let me care for you!" He demanded bringing you up into a standing position.

He placed your arm around his neck for support, causing you to let out a giggle, "Tokito, I can walk just fine. It's just a scratch."

"No, you hit your head pretty hard! You might be dizzy," he said, shaking his head feverishly back and forth.

He wasn't wrong, you were still recovering your balance. You let the Hashira lead you inside where he gently helped you sit down. He then frantically began to look around the estate for supplies.

"Ok, here is this," he said, handing you some water. Then proceeded to dip some medicine in a towel. He placed the towel against your cheek to clean your wound. The sting of the medicine made you flinch.

"I'm sorry!" He exclaimed again, this time you noticed the dampness in his eyes.

"Tokito stop, I am ok. There is no reason to be so upset-"

"YES! I'm supposed to be helping you get stronger, not giving you injuries!" He yelled in response.

"That just comes with the nature of training. Sometimes you fall down. This wasn't serious at all. I've had plenty of worse injuries." You tried to reason with the Hashira.

As if you hadn't spoken at all Muichiro continued to mull over your wounded face, "This is probably going to swell and bruise," he said, lips in a full pout and a tear finally escaping him.

You let out an exasperated sigh, "You're exhausting you know that."

"I'll get something cold to place on it right away," he said, starting to stand up but you grabbed his hand, halting him.

"Tokito stop. That's enough," you said harshly.

"No! I c-" he started to object when you pulled his hand closer until he was within reach to kiss. You pressed your lips against his trying to relax the Hashria.

"There now you've calmed down," you said, pulling away with a playful smile on your face.

"Don't kiss me, I don't deserve it." He said squabbling with more tears falling.

"You're relentless aren't you," you said before moving closer to plant kisses all over the Hashira's face. After the sixth or so kiss his lips parted and an amused laugh escaped his lips.

"Stop~" He tried to object, but your kisses persisted until he was breaking out in full laughter.

"There, that's better," you said and laid your head in his lap. "Now shhh, I forgive you Tokito and I'm not in any pain. Please stop being so hard on yourself."

He placed his hand on your head, "I know you're tough... but I should have been fast enough to catch you."

"Shhh, or else I'll attack you with kisses again," you responded and Muichiro laughed.

"Don't threaten me with a good time," he smirked.

𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now