✦𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮✦

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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: slayfics

Muichiro was sitting down leaning against a tree, not too far outside his mansion. He knew he had a long night ahead of him patrolling his area, so he took these few peaceful moments of twilight to sip some tea before heading out.

That was when he looked up to see you returning to the mansion. You had been gone out on a mission for a few days. Since you had been training so hard, you were sometimes sent on solo missions without him now.

Muichiro was proud of your improvement but he found himself occasionally worrying about you when you were gone for long periods of time. Seeing you return in one piece caused him to relax more against the tree.

"Hi Tokito!" You greeted the Hashira.

"Welcome back, how was your mission?" He asked, then grazed his eyes across you and noticed some blood on your sleeve.

"It went well I-" You started to say but Muichiro cut you off.

"You're hurt." He stated staring at the blood on your sleeve.

"Oh it's not that bad." You said trying to brush off his statement then hid your arm behind your back.

"Come here." He demanded and set down his tea.

You sat down next to him and he pulled up your sleeve to inspect the injury, but he found it had already been wrapped and tended to.

"Iguro helped me!" You said. Muichiro noticed the smile that spread across your face, and the slightest increase of your heart rate when you spoke the other Hashira's name. He had no explanation for it but he suddenly felt nauseous and hot.

"I ran into him on my mission and he taught me how to dress my wound. He said it wasn't anything big enough to go to the butterfly mansion about."

While you explained, Muichiro still had his hand on your rolled up sleeve and he stared intently at your wrapped wound while he tried to make sense of the overwhelming feeling that was coming over him. He should be grateful Obanai was there to help, but instead he felt like shoving his face in the dirt the next time he crossed paths with him. He noticed the excitement in your voice when you talked about Obanai and he couldn't help but wonder why.

"You like him?" Muichiro asked. A question that surprised you.

"Well I respect him as a Hashira of course." You answered confused by the question.

"Your heart rate increased when you spoke his name. Do you like him?" Muichiro further questioned.

"Tokito... are you... are you jealous that Iguro helped me?" You asked.

Jealous? Is that what this feeling was? Muichiro finally let go of your sleeve and looked off into the distance. What sense did being jealous make? As hard as Muichiro tried he couldn't think of a logical explanation to be jealous...

"No. What sense would being jealous make." Muichiro finally stated and looked at you.

"Hm... well ok then. I guess that means you won’t mind that I was just on my way to write Iguro a letter. I want to thank him again for staying with me through the night while I felt better." You said playfully and got up to walk away. Muichiro reached up quickly, grabbed you around your waist and pulled you down to sit between his legs. You now sat facing away from him, back resting against his chest.

"No." Was all Muichiro managed to say. He felt his body tremble in a way he did not recognize. He still wasn't understanding his own emotions, all he knew was he wanted you far away from Obanai.

"I knew it! You are jealous!" You exclaimed.

"What do you mean he stayed with you? How did he stay with you?" Muichiro asked, arms wrapped around you squeezing you tighter against him. The image in his head of you with Obanai was making him sick. 

"I just meant he waited with me till I was ok to make the journey back here. What did you think I meant??"

Muichiro didn't answer but rested his head on top of yours causing his hair to cascade around you. In this position you could feel how fast his heart was racing.

"I don't like Igruo." You said hoping to help Muichiro relax. You realized now your teasing had gone too far. However, you had never seen Muichiro react this way and you wanted more insight to his true feelings for you.

"Are you still hurt? Do you need me to stay with you?" Muichiro asked.

"I'm feeling much better. I know you have to do your patrol soon, but when you get back... you know you're always welcome to stay with me... and you should know that isn't something I'd offer Iguro to do."

Muichiro was glad you were facing away from him and couldn't see the flushed color his face turned from your invitation.

"Ok. I'll stay with you when I get back, and I will teach you how to redress your wound because you're my Tsuguko."

"Yes, I'm yours Tokito." You smiled, amused by Muichiro’s sudden possessiveness over you.

𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now