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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: tempura-rolls

Coming back from an extremely brutal and violent mission, Muichiro walks towards the shade near the Ubuyashiki Estate. His pace is slow, body strained as he focuses on placing one foot in front of the other as you support him with your own body.

His eyes are lidded as blood trickles slowing down open wounds on his forehead. He took a blow for you. So, it was easy for you to allow him to lean on you as you did not sustain nearly as much damage.

With every passing second, Muichiro is slumping more and more from exhaustion. You keep his arm thrown over your right shoulder with your left arm wrapped around his torso. You’re sweating, struggling to keep him upright as he continues to slip in your hold.

You pause your steps quickly scanning the area to spot someone to help you carry him. If two people were holding onto him, you could get him help much faster. Where are the Kakushi?

You hear a faint groan in your ear, followed by the sudden feeling of Muichiro dropping every ounce of his body weight in an abrupt loss of consciousness. His arm slips from around your shoulder as he begins to fall to the ground. In an effort to catch him, you tighten your grip around his torso, careful not to create any more damage, and gently rest him to the ground.

You sigh in exhaustion as you keep your hand underneath his head. The Butterfly Mansion was too far of a walk compared to the Ubuyashiki Estate, so you thought you could find help here to move quicker.

“Hold on Muichiro.” You plead to your closest companion who is currently dipping in and out of consciousness before running off into the distance to scream for help.

It only took a few seconds for a Kakushi to spot you and tend to your injured friend. You followed behind as he was carried to the Butterfly Mansion for further examination.

You were escorted away to a separate room upon arrival to stitch a few lacerations and disinfect some slashes. Even though you were told to rest until later, you were worried sick to the point where you couldn’t shut your eyes. Your body was also exhausted, but your mind refused to stop racing with the worst possible thoughts. You always had to reassure yourself with, “Muichiro’s the toughest person I know, he’ll be alright.”

The minute you were allowed to see him, you were at his bedside. He was sound asleep, no longer in pain. You stayed there all night, waiting for the moment he opened his eyes. It wasn’t a long wait, especially since this is a Hashira we’re talking about. It’s just that you were extremely tired to the point where you couldn’t stay awake any longer and ended up falling asleep on the thin mattress placed for you on the floor.

You awakened first thing the following morning in the comfort of a higher and different bed. You were sore, yet your wounds felt at ease. You had trouble waking up, your body still begging for sleep. You rolled over in the bed to sleep on your opposite side as daylight crept through the window, only to be met by something unexpected instead.

You had to bite your tongue not to scream in absolute shock at the sight of Muichiro right beside you sleeping peacefully. A large bandage wrapped around his head as you notice his hair has been tied back into a messy ponytail. On account of that, he’s sleeping on his left arm as his right arm daggers dangerously close to you. In fact, you realize its placed directly where your hair would have rested. Was he messing with your hair?

Hesitantly, you raise your arm to his cheek and begin to caress his jawline. You’ve never done anything of this sort before, nor have you ever slept in the same bed as him. But you thought of how peaceful he looked when deep in sleep, you couldn’t resist.

“Did I sleepwalk?” You whisper to yourself to try and understand why you’ve been placed beside him. Although, you don’t have a sleepwalking habit, you also don’t remember waking up.

“No.” He answers sleepily and instantaneously.

You pulled your hand back so fast that you swear you nearly dislocated elbow and gave yourself whiplash.

“I put you in the bed.” He speaks as he opens his eyes to lock a gaze with your shocked pupils.

You open your mouth to speak but are unable to form any words or sentences. All you can do is stutter as you face heats up rabidly. He takes an amusement to this, smiling lightly as you struggle to comprehend the situation at hand.

“Good morning.” He greets. “You’re easy to carry.”

朝!How is everyone, I just got a new phone and logged back into everything hehThank you for the reads and votes! This was one was honestly so adorable 🩵

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How is everyone, I just got a new phone and logged back into everything heh
Thank you for the reads and votes!
This was one was honestly so adorable 🩵

Love you guys! 🩷

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