✦𝐀 𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥✦

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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: kakajuri-fics

Muichiro was minding his own business as he was sitting down under a tree where the shade was at. He saw you walking up to him.

“Tokito! Me and some others are gonna go to the festival, would you like to go with us?”

He thought about it for a moment and looked back up.

“Sure, at what time tho?”

“Tokito, it’s right now.. we have a few moments until we leave. Would you like to go ahead and get dressed?”

He nodded before he saw you giving him your hand. He took it without question and got up from your help.

You saw that he was muttering something with a small amount of pink on his cheeks, his hair covering half of his face as he looked down.

He fiddled with his hands and uniform before speaking up.

“Can you.. pick my outfit out..?”

He asked. There were some pauses as he spoke but he got through it anyway.

“Y.e.s.” You spoke, a shine of excitement appearing on your face.

“Thank you.”

You hummed an “Mhm!” and grabbed his hand.

“I’m not the best at picking outfits.. maybe Kanroji could help!” You said, walking on a path with him as you continued to hold onto his hand.

“I see, I suppose it would be understandable if we asked her for help.”

Muichiro fiddled with your fingers as you two walked, making you smile.

You knocked on Mitsuri’s Mansion to see her in a kimono that had flower patterns on it.

“Woah, you look great, Kanroji!”

“Really!? Thank you so much! What brings you two here?”

You and Muichiro both looked at each other awkwardly before you decided to speak up.

“Could you help us.. pick something out for Tokito? Oh, I’ll help too!”

“Oh my, a million times yes! Do you not realize how long I’ve been wanting to dress the two of you up!?”

It took a bit to understand what Mitsuri said. You stood there dumbfounded before you took it in.

“Kanroji.. I think I only said Tok-“

You and Muichiro stood there looking at one another. Muichiro wore a blue jinbei and you wore a (color) kimono with a broad obi sash to keep it secure.

“Kayaa! You two look so cute!” Mitsuri said, causing the both of you two turn around and look at her.

You looked at Mitsuri with a flustered face before trying to speak.

“Kanroji, you don’t think this is a bit too much?” Muichiro said.

“Not in my opinion! You two are gonna look great! We all finally get a break from being demon slayers, isn’t that nice?” Mitsuri said, patting the both of your shoulders.

It was true, you all got a break from being demon slayers for at least a moment. But you still had to bring your katana just in case.

Muichiro was there adjusting his clothes, trying to get them into a comfortable position.

The three of you suddenly heard a knock at the door, causing Mitsuri to go and open it.

You saw the flustered look on her face when she realized it was none other then Obanai.

“Obanai! Hey!” Mitsuri giggled. You turned to Muichiro who was already facing you before whispering something into his ear.

“It’s so obvious they both like each other..”

Muichiro nodded in response and looked back at the them.

You and Muichiro walked over to them and you spoke.

“Alright lovebirds, are we going to go ahead and leave?” You said, tilting your head as you continue to look at him

“Love birds?” Obanai said, his cheeks turning a bit pink.

“Kyaa! We are no lovebirds! I- Yeah, let’s just go ahead and leave!” She said trying to change the subject.

“Uh-huh..” Muichiro said. It almost looked like the two of you were their children even tho the both of you were the same rank.

Once the four of you arrived, you saw couples everywhere, holding hands, leaning their heads onto their partners shoulders, and hugging each other.

You and Muichiro stared at each other before you awkwardly smiled.

“Woah, it’s so cool and nice here!” Mitsuri said, looking at Obanai and smiling as she put her hands on her cheeks.

The four of you continued walking as you looked around and began admiring the lights and stands.

As you guys walked, you decided to be bold and slightly brush your hands towards Muichiro’s until you two finally hold hands.

Your hands intertwined and you looked your head away as you were flustered. People were walking everywhere which made you and Muichiro lose Obanai and Mitsuri.

“Oof..why are there so many people!” You whined before looking up, realizing the two of you were beside a small secluded area with a lake and a tree beside it.

“I’m not sure.. Is it alright if we stay here for a few moments?”

“Sure!” You said before getting under the tree, the lake beside the two of you. You realized you were still holding onto his hands.

You turned the other way with your head until you felt something warm on your shoulder.

Muichiro was laying his head onto your shoulder as his eyes were closed.


Muichiro looked at you before having a look of confusion on his face.

“What? Is this not what couples do?”

“Couples? Tokito.. we aren’t a couple.”

He raised an eyebrow and fiddled with your fingers, bringing it up to his face. He couldn’t help but smile.

“I see, I thought we were since we held hands and hugged.. do you want me to stop?”

“No.” You immediately said to his question. You decided to just lean back against the tree and enjoy the moment.

                   “This is nice..” - Muichiro.

𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now