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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: livelaughlovekny

✦ᴍᴏᴅᴇʀɴ ᴀᴜ

  “I’m home.” His voice travelled through your home and was met with silence. Odd. Usually, you would have dropped whatever you were doing and rushed to meet him. He loved coming back home and being met with hugs and kisses. He decided you were most likely busy and wouldn’t want to be bothered. Muichirou changed out of his outside clothes to shorter and more comfortable clothes.

  The silence continued and you had yet to appear. He was starting to get fidgety. His usual calm and clear composure was starting to fall apart. What on earth were you doing that was more important than him?

  Deciding that he had enough, he walked over to your room. Settling on the excuse that he had come to check up on you and wanted to ask about dinner, he knocked on your door a few times. Silence. He decided to open your door by just a crack. Peeking in, he sees your sleeping figure, curled around something he couldn’t quite tell.

  Slowly opening the door more, he stepped in and walked silently over to you. Upon a closer look, he feels his heart clench from how adorable you looked hugging this gigantic cat plushie. Your arm was wrapped around it while your leg draped lazily over it.

So cute. He almost couldn’t bear to wake you up. Almost.

  Gently flicking your forehead a few times, he repeated your name over and over again. His elbows perched on the edge of your bed as you slowly stirred awake. Rubbing your eyes, you sat up and looked around before noticing your beloved looking up at you from his squatting position. You giggled at how adorable he looked and gently caressed his cheek with your palm. Leaning down, you kissed his forehead. “Hey babe, did you just get home? Why don’t you wash up and I’ll heat up yesterday’s leftovers.”

  Blushing slightly, Muichirou stood up and pulled you up to stand near him. “Yeah. Thank you.” You smiled at the stark difference between his plain response and the bright pink on the tip of his ears. Adorable. Your arm still looped around your plushie, you followed your lover out your bedroom, internally smiling about how soft he was.

  Turning back to look at you, Muichirou notices the cat plushie still attached to you. He frowned slightly. Your attention was divided between him and some object? Unacceptable. But you seemed happy about that thing. He stared unhappily at it. You noticed him staring at the plushie within your arm. You beamed, let go of his hand to hold up your plushie in front of your face and closer to him. “Look! Isn’t it cute? It’s so soft and comfortable to hug!” Muichirou’s lips thinned as it formed a straight unimpressed line on his face. “If you like it, I suppose I do too.”

  Despite his words, he continued glaring at the foul object within your hands. How dare that newbie steal your affection and attention from him? He was rather upset about how you had let go of his hand. He missed the warmth your hand provided already. Grumpily trailing behind you, he continued to glare at the cat that was not hanging over your shoulders slightly. 

  Your back was facing him and he was too focused on your plushie to notice how hard you were trying to control the shaking of your shoulders. You could sense his animosity and it was hilarious. You decided to feign ignorance and hugged your plushie even tighter.

  Deciding that he had enough, Muichirou spun you around so that you were facing him and snatched your plushie away. His countenance remained expressionless though there was a glint of satisfaction in his eyes. “I am merely concerned that this thing will affect your movements.” This was it. Your laughter burst out and you doubled over.

  Straightening, you squeezed his cheeks gently. “Look at you pouting over a plushie! Gosh, you’re the cutest!” His cheeks turned bright red. Embarrassed over the fact that he had been caught, he tried to brush off your hands. He did so half-heartedly. Your hands were always so warm and you called him the cutest. That meant he was much better than that dumb cat plushie of yours that you should stop being so attached to.

𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now