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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: slayfics

A flash of lightning lit up your room followed by a loud rumble of thunder. You awoke in a startle. The storm had been going for some time but was now passing straight over the mansion. You tried to pull the covers over your eyes but the pounding of the rain and randomness of the rumbles of thunder made it impossible to get back to sleep.   

You weren’t exactly scared of the noise but since being a demon slayer you learned to be a light sleeper to always be aware of approaching demons. The sounds and smells of the storm made it harder on your senses to recognize anything else that might be approaching and as such didn’t allow you to fall back asleep.  

You decided to give up on sleeping the rest of the night and walked out to the common area of the mansion where there was a big window. You watched the lightning strike along the mountain and the rain cascade down the window. You knew this meant you’d be tired tomorrow at training with Master Tokito and thought maybe he would understand given the storm. But knowing Master Tokito he'd say something like you must be prepared for any type of weather and conditions out on missions, You giggled to yourself at the thought just when you were startled by a voice behind you.

"You look like a cat." Muichiro said. You turned around still taken by surprise by his presence. As a Hashira he was still able to sneak up on you and you hated it.  

“A cat?” You questioned.

“Yes, a cat staring out a window.” He elaborated. “I snuck up on you. You didn’t notice me coming, again.” 

"Give me a break there is a big storm and I'm tired." 

"This storm could strike when you are out hunting a demon on no sleep as well. No excuses. Pay better attention." He said 

"Mhm.." You said rolling your eyes hearing him say the exact words you knew he would. You looked back out the window and Muichiro sat down next to you. 

"Why are you down here then?" You asked. 

"I cannot sleep." He said simply. 

"Oh Mr. Big Hashira can't sleep in a storm either?" You teased, but Muichiro took no notice of the playful tone in your voice. 

"Storms are good times for demons to strike, and they know that. It inhibits our ability to smell and sense all our surroundings, and my Tsuguko is here. What a sad excuse for a Hashira I would be if a demon attacked during a storm and hurt you while you slept. This is why I cannot sleep." He replied. You felt a bit flustered but knew his words were strictly due to following his role as a Hashira and not because he wanted to protect you personally. Even still, thinking of Muichiro not sleeping because he felt the need to protect you made your stomach flutter. 

“Well, I'm awake so you can sleep." You said but yawned right after. 

"Hmm..." Was the only reply he gave as he zoned out watching the rain. 

You watched the rain with him in silence for some time. Due to his presence you no longer felt the fear of a demon catching you off guard and your eyes began to get heavy. You caught yourself taking longer blinks and the weight of her head started to sway. You shook your head a few times to keep awake but the sleep was still winning. 

"Stop fighting your sleep. You need rest for our training tomorrow, go back up to bed." Muichiro said.  

"No. If you are awake I'll stay awake." You said stubbornly. 

"Those are direct orders from me as your higher up." He stated and turned to look at you furiously only to see you had indeed fallen asleep. The weight of your head swayed again until it rested on his shoulder. 

Muichiro’s eyes widened for a second as he wasn't sure how to handle this situation. He let out a sigh and decided you were indeed like a cat, and when a cat falls asleep it is rude to disturb it. Muichiro stayed very still throughout the rest of the night to not disturb you. He watched as your breathing changed through your sleep and found himself proud that even through your dreams you kept up your total concentration breathing.  

Once the sun began to show on the mountain, he felt exhaustion hit him and he fell asleep resting his head on yours. Maybe it would be ok if training started a little later today... but just a little. 

𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now