✦𝐇𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬✦ ❃ɴsғᴡ❃

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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: theyslaydemons

✦ᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ ᴍᴜɪᴄʜɪʀᴏ

Muichiro had previously chipped his sword badly

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Muichiro had previously chipped his sword badly. Leading you both to be staying in the Swordsmith Village for the past few days while you waited for him to get a new one.

You both quickly fell into a routine of training during the day to pass the time. You were taken by surprise when after training today Muichiro suggested freshening up in the hot springs together.

You tried to sound confident responding to his invitation clearing your throat and suppressing a blush, "Sure that sounds like a good idea."

Muichiro wasted no time stripping down and getting into the warm water. You on the other hand were having some trouble hyping yourself up to undress.

"Is everything alright?" He asked, looking at you quizzically.

"Uh yeah, sorry." You said and started to pull at your own clothes, your hands shaking from nervousness. Muichiro, who felt no discomfort at all being nude in the water, interpreted your shaking hands differently.

"Your hands must be tired from training, here I'll help you." He said getting back out of the water and approaching you.

"Oh ok~" You mumbled taking one look at the Hashira's exposed body and feeling your knees get weak. Muichiro gently undid your clothes and slipped them off your body. Your body responded with chills as his fingers trialed your exposed skin as he took off your clothes.

"Don't worry the water will help your muscles relax," He said smiling and getting back into the water. Muichiro then held out his hand for you to grab. You shakily grabbed his hand and used it for support as you stepped into the water.

The water was comfortably warm and did help your body to relax. However, on the inside, you were still a shaken mess being so exposed in front of Muichiro.

"Hm, you still don't look relaxed- Would you like some help?" Muichiro asked.

You felt the blood drain from your face. What did he mean by help? What exactly did he have in mind? You nodded feeling your body begin to tremble.

Muichiro made his way closer to you until he was only inches away. He pulled your hair back from your neck and placed a gentle kiss on the exposed skin of your neck.

"How is that?" He asked.


You responded feeling as though it was impossible to speak.

"I'll take that as good," he chuckled and sucked lightly on your neck. You felt the shakiness from your limbs begin to settle as you melted into his touches.

Feeling brave you slipped your hand under the water and grabbed Muichiro's excitement wrapping your fingers around him. Your sudden bravery caused Muichiro to quiver and suck on your neck harder.

Muichiro's response to your touch encouraged you to continue further. You gripped him tighter and ran your hands along the length of his shaft.

"Mm- it seems someone is more comfortable now?" He chuckled.

"Is this okay?" You asked, feeling your nervousness reappear at his statement.

"Yes please enjoy yourself," He said with a smile and slipped his hand under the water to find your entrance. Muichiro ran his index finger over your clit and smiled at your body's immediate reaction. At his touch, your whole body quivered.

Muichiro's boldness helped you to gain more courage. You slipped your other hand underwater and gently squeezed one of his balls in your hand while your other hand continued to move up and down his shaft. Your touches caused Muichiro to moan into the crook of your neck. His soft moan echoed through the hot springs.

His moan was all the reassurance you needed to keep going. You quickened the pace at which you moved your hand up and down his shaft and varied the intensity with which you squeezed him. A few more moans escaped his lips as he took more bites of your neck in between.

Muichiro moved his index finger to explore you once more but this time placing a finger inside as he wanted to help prepare you for him.


A moan escaped your own lips as Muichiro slid a second finger inside. His fingers made a curling motion that caused your body to quiver once again.

He continued this motion as you moved up and down his shaft. Suddenly nothing else felt real except the pleasure you both were feeling. All the nervousness you felt before was lost to the intense pleasure of the moment.

Once your moans reached a volume Muichiro felt satisfied with he moved his lips to your ear to whisper, "Turn around."

You gripped his shoulder for support as your body shivered in anticipation at his words. He slipped his fingers out from you and helped you to turn around. He placed your hands to firmly grab the edge of the hot springs.

Muichiro ran a finger down the length of your back and asked, "Ready?"

"Mhm~" You tried to say confidently but instead the consent came out as a pathetic mumble as your whole body trembled.

Muichiro placed himself at your entrance, slowly pushing his tip inside of you then pausing for a moment to give you time to adjust to him.


Escaped from your lips once more, indicating to Muichiro you were ready for more. He slowly pushed the full length of himself inside you while placing both his hands on your waist for better control.

Gently he thrusted inside you watching as his length slid easily in and out. The sight and pleasure of you stretched around him caused a moan to escape his lips.

The feel of the Hashira inside you overwhelmed your senses and hearing his moans caused you to grip tighter to the edge of the hot springs as a moan of your own echoed through the forest again.

Your vocal enthusiasm encouraged Muichiro to quicken his pace. His grip around your waist tightened as he pulled you rougher on to him thrusting harder.

His increase in intensity erupted a scream from you as your toes curled under the water. At his new speed, he was hitting a spot previously untouched.

Muichiro continued at this pace as a moan escaped from him. You held on to the edge of the hot springs with such force that your fingertips were going numb. Your vision began to blur and the sounds of his thrusting echoed throughout the area along with both of your moans.

This continued until Muichiro's moans seemed to reach a new intensity. His thrusts became heavier and his fingers tightened more around your waist.

Until one final moan left the Hashira's lips and suddenly he had removed himself after one final thrust. His fingers slowly loosened their grip on your waist and you released your grip on the edge. Turning to face him he was breathing heavily and eyes wide with fulfillment.

A precious smile spread across his lips as your gaze met his.

"Do you feel relaxed now?" He asked playfully.

"Hmm- I could go again," You teased back.

𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now