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A gentle wind blows in from the window. Chay's curly hair lightly sways in the breeze.

A class had just ended, and everyone went off to get snacks and meet with friends during our break. I lay my head down and close my eyes sleepily. I haven't had an easy sleep at home these past few days. My brother has been working overtime and started doing his fights again. My uncle does nothing but gamble all our money away. How can a high school student feel this drained? I shouldn't be worried about whether there was enough food in the house or if my brother had enough rest. I shouldn't have to clean beer cans off the floor just cause I had to use the restroom. I wish things would just be better.

"Did you hear? WIK will perform at his Uni during the open house." I hear two girls say out loud, gushing with excitement.

WIK?? Really? I wasn't going to go to the open house, but now I must. Growing up with less money than others, I never had the opportunity to get tickets to a show. The open house is free. This can be the only opportunity I have to see my Idol.

Chay reached over his desk and tapped the friend sitting in front on the shoulder. Getting his attention, Chay motioned for him to get closer. "Come with me to the open house." He says in a low voice in case someone overhears him. He knows he would get made fun of. A guy who likes idols instead of sports. He gets bullied enough by loneshaks. If he can prevent it from happening at school, he will.

"I thought you didn't want to go?" My friend says. "Now I do. So, do you want to go or not?" I ask. " Yeah. I'll meet you at your house. We can get the bus from there." He says, and I nod, returning to my resting. I am so excited to see my Idol.

~Later that night.~

Bang bang bang

"Arthee! Porsche! Open up!"

Arthee opens the door, and Chay stands on the stairs listing. Just out of view so they wouldn't see him... Three thugs come barging in, shoving Arthee to the ground. They sit on the only couch we have left in the house. We had to sell many things to get by throughout the years. It was either sell things or one of us would get hurt. How can people be so cruel?

" Where's the money?" Chay hears one of the thugs say. "Porsche is working on it," Arthee says, voice shaking.


Chay covers his mouth to prevent his screams. If he doesn't stay quiet, they will come after him. He can still feel the bruise on his arm they left last time.

"Not good enough, Arthee. The boss won't like to hear about that." The guy says in a chilling tone. "You don't want that cute little nephew of yours to go missing, would you!" He says, "Go get him."

Chay hears them say, then footsteps approaching the stairs. He ran up them as fast and silently as possible to his bedroom, locking his door before bolting for his hiding spot. Behind the bookshelf. A safe place he made for himself. It wasn't that secure but a space for his comfort. He stared at the wall filled with pictures that brought him comfort.

He waits and waits, listening for them, waiting for them to find him. Chay knows they will drag him to unknown places if they get their hands on him. It's been 20 minutes, but no one came.

Should I go back out? What if they are still here? Are they waiting for me to get out to snatch me? The fear was too great, so he gave it a few more minutes.

Ten, twenty? he lost track. After what felt like hours, he decided to go down. He opened his door slowly- nothing but silence. Chay creeps downstairs, trying his hardest not to make too much noise with the old crickety floorboards. Chay finally makes it back to the spot he was at earlier. He hears no noises. Just the clatter of broken glass getting swept into a pile. It's safe, at least for now.

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