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"Sawadee Khrap, Khun Porscahy. I am bodyguard Art. I was sent here by Khun Kinn and Khun Porsche to watch over you while you are at this house. There are six men, including myself, that had been given the order to protect you." He says. "Why did you barge in my house?" I asked. " I saw you running down the steps. I thought someone had gotten into the house. "Oh.." I felt a little embarrassed. " I can't find my phone. I had a friend here when I got kidnapped. So I came running down to send him a message using the computer." I say, not knowing why I had to tell him. "Do you know what happened to my friend?" I asked.

"Sorry, Khun Porscahy, I didn't hear about anyone else." Pii Art says." Please call me Porscahy." I don't know why he kept using Khun. It's clear that he is much older than I am. He nods. "If there is nothing else, I will be outside. He says. "Pii Art, you said my brother and his boyfriend told you to watch over me, right?" I asked. "Yes, Khun porschay." He says, and I roll my eyes. "Then can you tell my brother I don't have my phone? I don't want to talk to him right now." I said, and he nods. Then Pii Art walked out of my house, and I went to the desk. I logged on to my social media, trying to find WIKs on all of his pages. I sent a message to each one, hoping that he controlled them and not some management team.

*Pii Kim? It's Porscahy. I don't have my phone, but I wanted to tell you. I am alright, and I want to thank you for calling my brother to find me. I am home now. Can we meet tomorrow? I would like to see you. I'll get a phone tomorrow.*

I sent it to all his social media that I could find. It's late. He is probably asleep. I probably won't hear from him until tomorrow. I decided to go through my things, finding out nothing had really changed. There were a few messages from my friends, and I replied, telling them I no longer had a phone with me. I log on to my school website to figure out my schedule. It was announced that the end of the year exams will be in a few weeks. I need to study.

After a few more minutes online, I decided I had enough. I returned to my room, hoping to hear from Kim soon. I slept restlessly and woke up a few times. The nightmare of that guy trying to... The following day, I woke up with a headache, so I went downstairs to get some medicine and water. I went into the living room and turned on the computer. 

It was getting stuffy, so I went to open the windows and the back door. I didn't see the cars. Maybe they had left. "Khun Porschay?" I jumped as I heard Pii Art's voice. I take a moment to regulate my heart. "Sorry, Khun Porschay," PiiArt says. Where are the other guys?" I asked. "Since it is daytime, I and two others will be looking after you. The other two are around the neighborhood," I nod. "Oh..you and the guys don't have to be outside all the time. Please make yourself at home. Have you and the other two eaten anything? I don't have much here, but I can make something for you?" I say.

"Thank you, Khun Porschay. We have already had something to eat." He says, "Please, Pii Art, you don't have to call me like that. Porscahy or Chay will be fine." I say, and he nods. I leave the door open and walk to the computer. I quickly checked all my messages, but there was nothing from Kim. I wonder what he is doing. Does he have a song coming out? Maybe he is still busy. I looked through my social media, but there was no news that Pii WIK would release a new song. I sighed and logged off.

I went upstairs and got dressed for the day. I want to go to Wujus. It's still early. I hope they are open. I can use some company. I picked up the guitar and put it in its case. It has been a while since I played. I went downstairs and grabbed my keys. Then, I headed out the back way. I was prepared for Pii Art this time, so I didn't get startled again. "Khun Porschay? Are you going somewhere?" He asked. "Yes," I say, rolling my eyes. He spoke in his sleeve while I looked at him, confused. "Khun Porscahy. Guard Ming is bringing the car." He says. "A car for what?" I asked, "So we can take you where you want to go." Art says. "What, no need, it's just a few blocks away," I say as I hear a car pull up. "I can walk," I say. "Understood, Khun," He says. Two guards come out. In suits just like Pii Art was wearing. "Pii, please just Chay," I say and start to walk to our gate; they follow me.

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