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I saw Chay drifting to sleep beside me, his breaths even and calm, curled up on my chest. This night had hit him hard. He'd faced two terrible panic attacks, haunted by painful past events. He had to call on his best friends to support him in dealing with the tough Mafia life, not knowing if they would join him. I wished I could take away his troubles. I wanted to protect him from this harsh reality, but fate appeared to have a different idea.

As the last words of the song I made just for Chay lingered in the air, my lips gently brushed his forehead. The song expressed how I saw Chay, but it kept evolving just like us. The song was my comfort when I was alone, and I hoped it would be our shared comfort when we were together.

Tomorrow will be another hectic day for My Chay. I held him close, trying to find sleep myself.

The next morning

"Kim! Wake up!" an annoyed but sweaty voice woke me, disturbing my sleep and dreams of Chay. I reached my arm out in search of his warmth, and a spike of worry shot through me when I found only empty space. I jolt awake and look to see his side of the bed empty. Worry started to settle in. "Chay," I spoke.

"I'm right beside you, dumbass! Wake up, or I'll drag you down to the floor," Chay swears in a very annoyed voice. The sweet sound of his voice had my head whipping around, and I exhaled a relieved sigh. After rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I saw him standing beside the bed with nothing on, just a towel. His hair was wet, hits of a recent shower. I tried not to frown at the fact that he went without me. As the light showed the droplets left on his skin, it sparked my need for him, A need I have wanted since last night.

I reach out, teasingly lifting the corner of the towel for a glimpse of Chay's manhood. He swats my hand away. "Kim!" he protests, but his smile betrays his mock annoyance. I can't help myself. Without thinking, I pull him towards me with a mischievous grin, and he topples over, landing in a huff on top of me. He tries to get up, but I wrap my arms around him, unwilling to break this close moment.

"Morning, My love," I murmur, voice laced with hunger, as my fingers playfully wander beneath the towel to squeeze the curve of his ass. He presses a kiss to my neck and shifts to sit above me. "Morning. Now, get the fuck up. We're going to be late for school," he says, a smirk in his voice as my hands rub his legs, brushing over his thighs, sneaking under the towel to his front this time.

It's been ages since Chay and I have been intimate, and my yearning for him has reached new heights. Perhaps my craving from last night carried to this morning fueled this fire. He is all I can think about right now, and how he will feel against my body. I imagine his warmth against me and his muscles feeling under my touch.

How the warmth of him would feel as I pressed myself inside of him. I massaged his legs, a gentle rub to ease my tension, but my desire continued to build. I'm drawn nearer to his cock. I bit my lips, trying to hold back how badly I wanted him. The closer I got, the more intoxicating he became. I could almost feel his heat parallel to the side of my hand.

"Kim," he says, breathless like he was holding it in. "Mmmm, we have to get ready for school."

"My Chay..." I reach round his neck to pull him down so I can kiss him. It was slow and innocent at first, then turned into a passionate embrace for him to pull away when it was getting heated. He dropped down next to me, lying on his stomach, face in the pillow. I turned to my side, placing my hand along his back and leaning in for another kiss.

"Kim...we need to talk." He says my pulse starts to rise. I try to stay calm, but my worry is too great. He gets closer to me, grabbing my hand and kissing my fingertips. Calming me a bit but adding to my arousal.

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