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It has been challenging to publish my lengthy chapters lately, but I've decided to simplify the process. I will halve their size, planning to speed up the rate at which I can publish them. I hope that this will prove to be a more efficient approach.

Love your VampOfKnight.


I felt tired and a bit dirty, not from doing things but from other things. When I left the music club meeting, I couldn't wait to get out of here. School seemed more chaotic than ever.

I have never noticed how crazy students can get or how much they would invade personal space. They had no regard for personal boundaries. I swear I couldn't use the restroom without some guy coming to me, whether it was unwarranted flirting, unwanted touching, or the occasional threat.

This is all because of an unwelcome rumor shipping me to Kim. It's our fault he did that look, and I did that hair thing. Sigh. I found myself longing for the privacy of undisturbed peace. I would have to wait till I get home for that. It might be a while since my after-school schedule is just as packed as my school one.

That's only in the bathroom. I don't want to find out how it would be when I get famous. Made me wonder if going down this path is what I want.

Yeah, many supporters said that it was written in the stars that Kim had found me not only to be an artist but also his partner. I liked these people.

Then there are the super supporters, starting fights online, threatening the 'haters' to fuck off and die. I hated these people. Yeah, cool. Support people of the same sex, but you don't have to threaten others. Why can't there just be love?

Wrath says we are a big hit in the LGBT+ community. Some have contacted Wrath, asking me to be a part of their product and show up to sing a song at a club. Which sounds like fun, but I have another fight lingering in the air right now. So I can't think about that right now.

The car felt tense as we headed to Wujus. I wasn't sure what awaited me or if I could handle it, but I preferred knowing sooner rather than later. I braced myself for whatever news I was about to find out.

I sat looking out the window. Kim held my hand as we sat in the comfort of my space-shish seats. We made the short ride to the bakery, where we were told to meet with Wuju and RaOn last night.

It still shocked me that RaOn isn't a part of this world. I always knew there was more out there with life, but I never thought I would see a day when they no longer resided in my mind but were walking the streets. It was mind-blowing.

Every person that passed our window as we drove. I wondered if they could be what RaOn is. I wonder how many could be out there and how they stayed among us without notice. I felt like we were in a men in black movie.

Pullin into the side of a road close to the bakery, Mong came around to open my door. I was relieved that, unlike school, people won't pull out their phones to take pictures or videos. I needed a break from school, and I just started.

Kim and I made our way to the door, each step carrying the weight of anticipation and the unknown. I would come to wuju often, Wuju, and RaOn was always simple—just getting a sweet or having conversations like everyone else. The closest I had to a family besides Porsche back when I didn't have Kim or The Mafia.

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