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"Well, well, well, I see someone interesting," Tay says as he approaches Kim. "So, this is the lovely person who made Kim tell me to close down the mall," he says, eyeing me up and down.

He walked around me, circling me, and I started feeling uncomfortable. I felt like I was about to get swallowed whole by a shark. "Uhh, Hi," I say in a small voice.

"Tay, this is My Chay. My Chay, you've already met this loser," Kim says while rolling his eyes.

"My dear, you are breathtaking, so different from your..." he starts to say but then changes the subject. "Anyway, never mind. I'm Tay," he says and loops his arms through mine. "Welcome to my mall," he adds.

"I thought you owned that restaurant?" I say. I asked but still wondered what he was going to say.

"My dear, I own a little of everything. My family always wanted to have an income. Money-grubbing bastards. But this right here is my paradise." he says, waving his hand around. "This is all mine!" He says. This guy seems like fun. I smiled at him.

"Anyways, I have to do some paperwork. I'll meet up with you all later, little cutie." He says, pinching my cheek and walking to Kim. Tay put his hand on Kim's shoulder. Kim smiled, looking at me, and Tay walked away.

"Okay, let's get some shopping done," I said with a smile as Kim wrapped his arm around my neck.

I gazed at his face and felt complete, but then I remembered I was supposed to be angry with him. I stepped out of his embrace and moved aside.

"My Chay?" I stepped away with my arms crossed. I don't want to be mad at him, but he has to hurt a little for what he did.

"My love!! Come on. Don't be mad at me. What do I have to do." I looked back at him and stuck my tongue out. Kim ran up to me, wrapping his arms around me.

"Chay. I love you," he says, then leans in. I matched his lips to mine and kissed him back with just as much passion and need.

"Ahhum," I hear Mong says. I break the moment of desire to glare at him.

I grabbed Kim's hand and led him to the first store I saw. "Let me start here." I walked through the aisles and picked a few shirts I liked and a pair of pants.

I went to the register and took out the card my brother gave me, and as the price kept going up, my anxiety went up with it. How did three shirts and a pair of pants cost that much? But I still gave them the card and bought them.

I took the bag and went to the next store. Shoes. I looked down at my feet. I need new shoes. I took a look around, and Kim took my bag. I looked at him and smiled. Then continued to look around. I saw a pair of tennis that I absolutely loved. "Excuse me, may I see these in my size?" I said, and they went to the back.

"Kim, what is your size?" I asked,

"You're going to buy me shoes." He asked.

I nodded. Then he gave me his size. And told the people to get his size, too. They grabbed both sizes, and I grabbed Kim's hand and took him to sit with me. I tried on the shoes, and they fit perfectly. Kim tried on him, and he looked at me smiling.

"I'll take these, but I still want to look around. I should get a pair of dress shoes since I'll be starting university after the exams," I noted.

Turning to Kim, I asked, "What type of dress shoes should I get for university?" He stood behind me.

"My Chay, are you excited?" he asked. I nodded.

"It's been my dream to attend that school," I shared. "The best part is I get to attend with you."Selecting a random pair that I thought looked nice, "Are these any good?" I asked while showing them to Kim.

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